For a change, the Academy Awards were not another Political side show with actors and actress barely able to articulate their names without queue cards bashing everyone who did not believe that their every utterance was an epiphany. Or so it seemed at the time.
But there was another battle going on. That of Brokeback Mountain. And while some raved about it and said how ground breaking and deep it was, most people yawned and went about their lives. And on Oscars night, many gays, in anticipation of a 'Gay' film winning an academy award (it actually won 3, just not Best Picture), had Brokeback parties. But alas like Philadelphia before it (that was actually nominated for more Awards than Brokeback), it did not take home the top banana, so some were disappointed.
I can understand that. Hey, we all make sporting events out of our favorite contests, no matter what it is. And there is no question that Crash (which was called a Race movie, but that is like calling Gone With the Wind a southern movie) is an outstanding movie that is actually entertaining and does teach you a valuable lesson to boot. It just plain was a great movie. There is no shame is losing to a great movie.
Until now apparently. The writer of the short story (not even a novel), Annie Proulx, has decided that Hollywood must be filled with a bunch of Homophobes and gay bashers for that movie to have lost. She actually goes on to write:
Academy members who vote for the year's best film are "out of touch not only with the shifting larger culture and the yeasty ferment that is America these days, but also out of touch with their own segregated city,"
Out of touch? While Gay bashing and homophobia may be a problem, it is in no way the whole of society's problems, nor should it be the sole focus of our attempts to make society better! This tin plated pip squeak has a lot of nerve, and not a lot of talent! She could have accepted the fact that her pitiful little story got as much play as it did and been proud of that, but instead she has to go and slam the entire movie industry (I never thought I would be defending them!), and by extension, all of American society.
I have a message for you Ms. Proulx. Take your short story and shove it where the sun dont shine! And then go put on a burka, because your beloved enlightened France is going to be Muslim soon enough, and then they will burn that story. And probably you with it.