I was shocked (and still not sure I read it right), but CBS actually came out and started questioning Rep. Weiner on his story that his account had been "hacked". Since changed to merely a "prank" (less legal weight behind that), the facts are that so far he has told his constituents he has not done it, told the media he has not done it, and told anyone who would listen that he has not done it. What he has not done is tell the LAW he has not done it. As CBS puts it: "If I'...
The latest idiocy of the left comes from Debbie Wasserman "I know nothing!" Schultz. Her gem? denounced Republicans last week for believing illegal immigration “should in fact be a crime.” I know some want to change what they are called - euphamize the wording and so forth. But the reality is they are not legal immigrants. They got here ILLEGALLY. Which means they broke a law, Which makes it a crime. Does she have TGIF painted on the top of her ...
The latest example of the "enlightened" liberal? Ed Schultze (Sergeant Shultze to most since he "knows nothing!"). Apparently if you do not agree with him, you are......well let's let him speak for himself. "like this right-wing slut, what's her name? Laura Ingraham? Yeah, she's a talk slut." Of course they are going to accuse others of their sins. Misery loves company after all.
And they said Reagan was suffering from Alzheimer's? Just goes to show that senility can strike at any age (they do not make teleprompters for signing guest books).
I heard about Obama's Israel speech, but had not listened to it (do not worry, I rarely listen to speeches by either party). But one thing bugged me when I heard the sound bites. I heard the word "contiguous". But no one was talking about it (right or left). I finally read an article quoting that part of the speech: The Palestinian people must have the right to govern themselves, and reach their full potential, in a sovereign and contiguous state. For the uninfo...
Inflammatory? Yes. Untrue? We will never know. For while Hitler is a figure of the past, Common (Lonnie Rashid Lynn, Jr) is a figure of the present. And Common likes to burn ex-presidents, and sings the praise of cop killers. I guess that is a good role model for children as well. Situational ethics is a very slippery slope. Barack and Michelle just slipped into the slime pit.
The Mainstream Media has been lapping up the latest "euphemism" from the Obama Administration on the war on Libya. Due to their never ending actions of covering up the incompetence and malfeasance and outright illegalities of the regime, they have yet to catch on to the joke the regime is playing on them. For in reality, they have been doing it from day one. Doing what? KMA - if looked at from Obama's perspective. Literally, Obama is telling the US to "Kiss My Ass", so...
"The Bushies went to war with their chicken hawks, the Obamas go with their hawkish chicks." -Michael Goodwin
The AG in Illinois wants to make you a target. If you do not own a gun! In a scary ruling on her part, the AG has told the Illinois State Police to release all the names of legal gun owners. Which by default will also show who does not own a gun (or at least a legal one, and that would be the vast majority of the owners). Her rationale is that it "may" reveal some who should not have a gun due to a complication. But it will also make all who do not own a gun ripe ta...
Obama has proposed a budget and deficit reduction plan that would save $1.1 trillion over 10 years. The senate, run by a democrat has proposed one that would save $00 billion over 10 years. Both are just an example of newspeak as neither saves anything. They spend out the wazoo. To put it in perspective, we are running a $1.5 trillion dollar deficit PER Year. So these grandiose (/sarc) plans are basically cutting less than 10% on a budget that is bloated beyond control...
The House, by a large margin (not only Republicans) just voted to repeal Obamacare. Reid of the Senate promises to block the repeal, even though his state is one of now 27 states that have sued to block the law (or the worst parts of it). The most interesting aspect of the list is who is not there. First, the states not there are those that are running the biggest Deficits - California, New York, Illinois. Second, with the exception of Maine and Washington, no New England...
Well, the truth is out - violence is only violence if it comes from anywhere to the left. If the left initiates it, it is not violence - just desires to live in peace. Or Pieces. Such non-violent people!
Since the Arizona shooting, America has been subjected to hateful and divisive blame storming from the lunatics on the left. These range from the "me first" Krugman, to the "what job?" Dubnik. All have one meme and one talking point - the right is to blame. No evidence, just talking points. But a funny thing happened on the way to popular opinion this time. America is not buying it. Possibly because the meme is getting old and tired. Possibly because the...
Recently I posted an article where the stupidity of liberals was aired for all the world to see. Some wondered if they were really just stupid or not thinking. I really do not know which one it is - but tend to think the 2 go hand in hand. But now the liberals themselves are demonstrating why they are stupid - they cant think for themselves! Recently a mock poll was done (they did it seriously, but then when you look at the poll you realize they did not know what they were d...
With apologies to Joan Baez, I wonder if there are any journalists left? Well, perhaps one or two like Bill Sammon. He is chief of apparently the last news organization in the country (could be the world, my experience does not stretch that far). And he is being pilloried for being a GOOD journalist. Now if you are a liberal, you might as well stop reading right here. Because you sure will not understand the rest of this. It seems that Media Matters is outraged, SHO...