While it is clear that the attempt at subterfuge with mentioning Mary Cheney's daughter backfired on him. As did Elizabeth Edwards equally crass remark about Lynn Cheney, and John Edwards all too stupid boast that the dead would walk once Kerry was elected, this latest form of stupidity apparently is not the Kerry/Edwards campaign's fault! But it does go to show what happens when snooty foreigners, who think they are better than Americans by virtue of their birth, get caught with their pa...
2008 Presedential Candidate Qualification Test Time Limit: 3 Years 1. What language is spoken in France? 2. Give a dissertation on the ancient Babylonian Empire with particular reference to architecture, literature, law and social conditions -OR- Give the first name of Michael Moore . 3. Would you ask William Shakespeare to ____ (a) build a bridge ____ ( sail the ocean ____ (c) lead an army or ____ (d) WRITE A PLAY 4. What religion is the Pope? (check only o...
The race for 2008 is already on. On the Democrat side, the key players have been known for quite some time. However on the republican side, the race is wide open. Fox has posed several likely candidates: That leaves a potentially crowded field — including Sens. Frist of Tennessee, John McCain of Arizona, George Allen of Virginia, Rick Santorum of Pennsylvania and Chuck Hagel of Nebraska, former New York Mayor Rudolph Giuliani, New York Gov. George Pataki and Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney...
Now that the election is over, and Kerry has made the best speech in his life, time to examine the 'internals' as they say in the polling world. And I am pleased to report that with the Help of Little_Whip, the grand Old Dominion set an all time record for turnout! Yes! Little old "Carry me Back" did it. Just listen to these accolades: At least six states - Alabama, Florida, Georgia, South Carolina, Tennessee and Virginia - and the District of Columbia set voter-tu...
Kerry does something right for a change. My opinion of him just went up a bit. A little bit! LOL
Recently, Little_Whip posted an article about a conversatjon she had with a Kerry Surporter. She did not solicit the conversation, it just kind of happened. Well, Sunday something similar happened to me. I had gone to Hardee's to grab some lunch for my wife and I, and was just waiting for the order to come. My Wife was working on the computer, and I was waiting for my beloved Raiders (sob!) to come on. The lady taking my order had taken my money, and was just waitin gto the burgers to c...
It has been alleged that if your are a republican, you are a racist, and the proof of that is that the south is now republican. The left tries to do this every election to keep the blacks safely in their voting fold, and for the past several elections, it has worked. Which is a pity since the best friend the blacks have are the republicans. The democrats that are racists, with few exceptions, remained in the democrat party and either retired or died. While some may point to Strom Thurmond as an ...
In response to blogic's post of sooo many republicans defecting, here are a few Democrats that are not senile and have seen the way! Ed Koch, Former mayor of NYC Zell Miller, Senator from Ga, Retired Cong. Sonny Montgomery of Mississippi (and a lot of his other democrats - http://www.wtok.com/home/headlines/1054536.html) This is just plain silly and stupid. Blogic, next time, quote republicans, not independants! And you can match democrat for republican, as we can match republican...
Well, where was the denizens of truth and justice when Dan Rather did that hack job, fraught with fraud and forgery, on George Bush? Where were the keepers of the flame when Author Kitty Kelley prmoted her book on 3 days on NBC. A book so fraught with lies and half truths that even the purported source of her most scandalous item retracted her support? Where was the outrage when the lie-amentary from Michael Moore (proven to contain at least 59 falacies and so many half truths as the ca...
Just recently I responded to an article that said why the democrats just dont get it. I basically said I use to look at both parties and even (shock!) vote for democrats. And I suggested a way for them to 'get it' and regain the white house. I hate a one party system. So what do I get? A liberal that trashes his own party member! Talk about eating your own! They just dont get it. They would rather commit hari Kiri than get some of their agenda! And you ...
It really is getting kind of monotonous and boring. The party of minorities is that in name only. If Minorities try to better themselves, the first ones to try to slam them back into their place are the Liberals. Last week we saw it with Condi Rice, and this week with Alberto Gonzalez. That they are conservative is a given, along with over half the country. But since they were conservative AND minority, the Liberals had to try to stop them from attaining heights none o...
Well, the presidents SOTU speech seemed to be well received by all who had an open mind, or were Republican cheerleaders. Which leaves out the loony loopy luddite left and the democrat leadership. Before the sound had even died in the airwaves from the speech, the Democrats were already declaring all of it DOBA. There have been several blogs here of late that have said "work together", and many liberals have said it takes 2 to tango. in that they are right, yet instead of admo...
President Bush has not even made his State of the Union Speech yet, and Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi are already telling him 'Dont go there'. And this is supposed to be working with him? How? This is not even partisan as he has yet to tell them exactly what he wants, yet they have already decided they are NOT going to work with him. And liberals call him a divider? It seems the only dividers are the buffoons on the left that still dont get it....They LOST the election! I a...
Ok, So I coined the phrase, and have used it only once or twice here at JU to describe the left. However, I think a great example of just who is the Loony Loopy Luddite Left can be found on a blog DRMILLER created, and the responses! Check out the responses by mythgarr and renidrag. And if any of you on the left can support their statements (not you Dabe, we know you do), go ahead. but dont trash me when I call them Loony Loopy Luddite liberals.
The Left really needs to muzzle Teddy. He is either hitting the sauce too hard, or has just left his caboose on the siding. Now he wants to give all the terrorists insurgents a time table for us leaving. I got a better idea. Why dont we even give them the routes,times and air lanes they will be taking! What an ultimate ignoramus! I know I have many differences with liberals, but I honestly cannot see how anyone can support this clowns current actions. A...