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Dr Guy's Articles In Politics » Page 5
February 4, 2005 by Dr Guy
Just recently I responded to an article that said why the democrats just dont get it.  I basically said I use to look at both parties and even (shock!) vote for democrats. And I suggested a way for them to 'get it' and regain the white house.  I hate a one party system. So what do I get?  A liberal that trashes his own party member!  Talk about eating your own! They just dont get it.  They would rather commit hari Kiri than get some of their agenda! And you ...
February 4, 2005 by Dr Guy
It really is getting kind of monotonous and boring.  The party of minorities is that in name only.  If Minorities try to better themselves, the first ones to try to slam them back into their place are the Liberals. Last week we saw it with Condi Rice, and this week with Alberto Gonzalez.  That they are conservative is a given, along with over half the country.  But since they were conservative AND minority, the Liberals had to try to stop them from attaining heights none o...
February 3, 2005 by Dr Guy
Well, the presidents SOTU speech seemed to be well received by all who had an open mind, or were Republican cheerleaders. Which leaves out the loony loopy luddite left and the democrat leadership.  Before the sound had even died in the airwaves from the speech, the Democrats were already declaring all of it DOBA.  There have been several blogs here of late that have said "work together", and many liberals have said it takes 2 to tango. in that they are right, yet instead of admo...
January 31, 2005 by Dr Guy
President Bush has not even made his State of the Union Speech yet, and Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi are already telling him 'Dont go there'.  And this is supposed to be working with him? How? This is not even partisan as he has yet to tell them exactly what he wants, yet they have already decided they are NOT going to work with him.  And liberals call him a divider?  It seems the only dividers are the buffoons on the left that still dont get it....They LOST the election! I a...
January 29, 2005 by Dr Guy
Ok, So I coined the phrase, and have used it only once or twice here at JU to describe the left.  However, I think a great example of just who is the Loony Loopy Luddite Left can be found on a blog DRMILLER created, and the responses! Check out the responses by mythgarr and  renidrag.  And if any of you on the left can support their statements (not you Dabe, we know you do), go ahead.  but dont trash me when I call them Loony Loopy Luddite liberals.
January 28, 2005 by Dr Guy
The Left really needs to muzzle Teddy.  He is either hitting the sauce too hard, or has just left his caboose on the siding.  Now he wants to give all the terrorists insurgents a time table for us leaving.  I got a better idea.  Why dont we even give them the routes,times and air lanes they will be taking!  What an ultimate ignoramus! I know I have many differences with liberals, but I honestly cannot see how anyone can support this clowns current actions.  A...
January 27, 2005 by Dr Guy
In response to a blog on why Clinton was a hero to some of the younger generation, I posted some of Clinton's sexcapades. (To the credit of the blogger she has been a very nice person willing to learn, and not to flame). Anyone left of gengis Khan knows that while many many women have alledged improper sexual advances, or rape against Clinton, he has never been convicted.  And I never contended that.  I was just trying to show that Clinton was and is no saint.  And while there ...
January 27, 2005 by Dr Guy
So many young people and other liberals look at Clinton as the Icon, the Big daddy.  Mr, can do no wrong (forgetting he is the only elected president to ever get impeached for lying under oath).  But lest we forget, his finer moments on the stage of criminal or at least predatory behaviour: Juanita Broaddrick (AR)- rape Eileen Wellstone (Oxford) - rape Elizabeth Ward Gracen - rape - quid pro quo, post incident intimidation Regina Hopper Blakely - "forced himself on her, biting...
January 25, 2005 by Dr Guy
Seems Hillary Clinton is blaming Bush for the rise in Abortions.  Now does not that sound strange in light of the numerous affairs that Bill has had? But I guess cigars are non-impregnating! If there was ever a reason to support abortion, it was in the case of Mrs. Rodham, about 55 years ago!
January 25, 2005 by Dr Guy
When I first read this story, I could not believe it.  Yet there it is in black and white.  The Democrats want to repeal the 22nd amendment so that Slick Willy can run again! What is it that causes these idiots to want to self destruct?  During Clintons 8 years (he never did get over 50% of the vote, BTW), they lost the house, they lost the senate.  They also lost a majority of Governorships and saw the Republicans draw even in state legislators!  And due to his 'the ...
March 24, 2005 by Dr Guy
Harry Reid went to Iraq and was {Shock} surprised to learn there were so many guns around!  WOW!  What a revelation!  We should have had a think tank delve into that issue for years, at a cost of millions of dollars for come up with that revelation. And dear old harry did it with just one visit to a war zone! Democrats, this is one of the leaders of your party, and you want people to take you seriously when they call others stupid and yet make moronic statements like this? ...
March 24, 2005 by Dr Guy
Howard Dean was in Tennessee trying to drum up support for the democrats recently and trying to sound all religiousy.  The problem is he came off sounding stupid and hypocritical. In one sentence he said: ....Jesus' directive to ''love thy neighbor'' didn't mean one could choose which ones to love. Sounds nice. Until you remember his statement from the Iowa Caucuses when an Audience member asked him to " tone down the garbage, the mean-mouthing, of tearing down your neighbo...
March 23, 2005 by Dr Guy
A lot has been made of the Jeff Gannon brouhaha, but now comes a book by Humberto Fontova (Fidel: Hollywood's Favorite Tyrant) that not only says Rather Took his marching orders from Clinton confidant Gregory Craig, but also took his words from him! In September 2004, many people rallied to Rather's side as a victim of a hoax over ForgeryGate, when in fact the evidence was clear that Rather was no more than a democrat mouthpiece posing as a MSM anchor.  But the truth would eventually com...
March 23, 2005 by Dr Guy
We all know by now Robert "Klegle" Byrd's infamous comparison of the Republicans to the Nazis.  Now one of his little toady sycophants at the LA Times is comparing them to Joseeph Stalin. Conservatives are the historical defenders of states' rights, and the supposed proponents of keeping big government out of people's lives, but this case once again shows that some social conservatives are happy to see the federal government acquire Stalinist proportions when imposing their morality on...
March 22, 2005 by Dr Guy
Disclaimer for Liberals:  The source for this article is the Drudge Report. That being said, it seems very amusing that Liberals embrace Larry Flynt, probably the raunchiest of the raunchy when it comes to porn, and now have tried to silence Michele Zipp, the editor of Playgirl. Her crime (well for them at least)?  She voted Republican! Tsk, Tsk, Liberals!  Pull up your pantaloons, your slip is showing again! [Qualifier] The term liberals refers to those described in t...