Debate, and discuss, just dont Bore me.
Dr Guy's Articles In Blogging » Page 4
June 22, 2007 by Dr Guy
Dick Gozinya
May 24, 2007 by Dr Guy
Almost 2 months after Granny took out my vehicle, I found my almost perfect car (thanks to Karma it only has 2 faults - not black and does not run on Water).  For those of you not reading me often, a nice granny in a Lincoln Continental decided to make a left hand turn into a parking lot just as I was passing the entrance.  Needless to say, a toyota truck is no match for a tank, and my truck lost.  After a month of fighting with her insurance company, I got the settlement, and...
May 13, 2007 by Dr Guy
Big Fat Daddy got me thinking.  On a blog of little note, he said: some days an open road and any hard drivin' ZZ Top tune and we'll be doing 90 before you know it. And that is so true.  Music is not about the group of the day, or year, or whatever.  It is about the situation.  And the timing. I was talking about one song, yet he reminded me that there are a lot of songs.  Each one reminds us of a different memory.  Sure smell may be the most ...
May 10, 2007 by Dr Guy
As I mentioned on another blog, I have been blessed.  In being able to see several religions from the inside.  And JU has given me an opportunity to see different sects of my religion.  I was raised Catholic.  I strayed,  Back in the days of the Tridentine Masses and all.  But I came back, once I understood the real meaning.  In my straying days, I tested/tasted some Protestant faiths.  Even when I came back, I tasted/tested them again as my parish was...
April 11, 2007 by Dr Guy
I got sent this quiz by a friend.  It is not as easy as it sounds.  Test your skills and see if you are smart enough to graduate (grad-ye-ate as Jethro would say) the fifth grade. For all you trivia players, here is a chance to get a 10!
April 2, 2007 by Dr Guy
A week ago, I had an accident.  A lady cut across 2 lanes of a 4 lane road (trying to turn left into a parking lot) and I hit her.  The police came, looked over the scene and promptly wrote her a ticket for failure to yield right of way.  OK no biggee.  IN the last 5 years, I have had 6 accidents.  The only one I paid for was when I hit the deer.  My wife says my car has a bulls eye on it.  I believe her. So I called her insurance company, gave them the info...
March 29, 2007 by Dr Guy
I just noticed something kind of weird (but not really since we have been fighting this fight for almost a month now). If you comment in the forums, the time stamps goes in as EDT.  Well, except for 2 states, all the US is on Daylight savings time.  And on most computers, time is set by an offset from an absolute - UTC (Coordinated Universal time).  So 3pm EDT is actually the same as 2pm EST.  It just looks different. Now when commenting (and I gather posting) from JoeU...
March 28, 2007 by Dr Guy
Cathy Seipp, a conservative journalist and blogger, died a week ago after a long battle with Cancer.  She left behind a loving daughter, Maia.  She was a conservative to the core, and had no problems with her political viewpoints. But someone did.  Someone, who decided that she - and her daughter - had slighted him, hounded her not only in her life, but even to her death bed.  With a hate and vitriol that defies logic, but is too often seen in the political arena.  Wi...
March 16, 2007 by Dr Guy
I use to pull all nighters with regularity back in the day.  My first was in high school for a lock in, and then many during college.  Once I put away my irresponsible days, I put away all nighters as well.....NOT. For several reasons, I have done all nighters from the time I graduated from College, to but a handful of years ago (the former being BC - before personal Computers - the latter being APP - After Prom Parties).  But in all cases, either due to lack of access or the f...
March 10, 2007 by Dr Guy
I know a man.  Man.  Kind of funny to refer to a person whose diapers I changed, but then he is a man.  Now almost 36.  A father - a good father to a wonderful little girl.  Whose name, like so many in his family, bears the surname of his grandfather.  Who had no sons.  So his name could not be brought forward under his lineage.  Yet of his grandchildren, and children, at least 5 bear his surname now.  Girls and boys.  It is like Chris.  In ...
March 5, 2007 by Dr Guy
For the 4th year now, I had the privilege of working on a worthy fund raiser.  For those not aware, or new to JU, my wife's nephew was killed in an Auto Accident 14 years ago.  It really devastated her sister and brother-in-law.  But instead of letting it ruin their life, and that of their other children, they made something positive about it.  R was about to go to college on a scholarship.  But died before be could attend.  So in his memory, each year on the last S...
March 4, 2007 by Dr Guy
I joined JU because of the debates. I stayed because of the community. It was fun getting to know certain people, and then interacting with them. I read the ToU and understood that as long as I did not get nasty with my fellow citizens, I could post anything to my blog that I wanted. JU being wonky, sometimes things that I did not want to share were shared briefly, and somethings I did not want to go into the forums did. Brad and Zoomba have as much admitted that there are problems there. As...
March 4, 2007 by Dr Guy
Well, I have been back almost a week now, and other than some humorous articles, I have not had time to post anything. Why?  Is it because I am abandoning JU?  Is it because I am so mellow from 75-80 degree temps (and smirking as my in-laws shivered in the 'cold')?  Is it because I am bereft of ideas? Well, the latter might be true.  But the real reason is those damn clowns in DC!  "Oh Let's save some money and change DST!".  Yea right!  My mother always use...
February 15, 2007 by Dr Guy
In a day, I am going to leave this freezer, for climates more suitable for living.  Southern California.  Where the highs this time of year are in the 60s and 70s (mostly the latter), and the lows a balmy 50 or so.  And the sun always shines!  Yes, paradise in Ferbruary! Once there, I shed my long sleeves, long pants and shoes!  And spend 10 days in shorts, short sleeves and bare feet!  As this has been happening about 4 years now, my wife's family has created a ...
January 29, 2007 by Dr Guy
Can I make a suggestion?  I know this constant logging in is a pain, and you are working on the Super Secret Squirrell formula for JU. But in the interim, when we have to log in after clicking a link, can you throw us back to the page we were linking to instead of the home page? I KNOW Zoomba can do that in his sleep!  Just a suggestion for you guys in the pits from us that are out on the peripheral, still trying to find "The Second Foundation".