Debate, and discuss, just dont Bore me.

I just noticed something kind of weird (but not really since we have been fighting this fight for almost a month now).

If you comment in the forums, the time stamps goes in as EDT.  Well, except for 2 states, all the US is on Daylight savings time.  And on most computers, time is set by an offset from an absolute - UTC (Coordinated Universal time).  So 3pm EDT is actually the same as 2pm EST.  It just looks different.

Now when commenting (and I gather posting) from JoeUser, the time goes in as EST.  And it shows up in the forums as just 2pm (or 3pm or whatever).  So I just responded to a post in the forum, it showed up as a little before 3.  But then a minute later (or so), I responded on JU to another article, and it showed up at 2pm!

Confusing, but at least now it explains why when I go to recent forum posts, I dont usually see recent articles - they are an hour behind!

Stardock, you have my sympathy on getting all the servers to talk one time!  Oy Vey!

on Apr 01, 2007

It is getting weirder!  Now, JU seems to be on time, and the forums are an hour ahead!  This just today.  I replied to adnauseum 1 hour before he wrote his post!

on Apr 01, 2007

Reply  •  Quote (Citizen)adnauseamApril 1, 2007 13:19:30Reply #5
That "Nuck" power plant sounds good Doc!



 (Citizen)Dr GuyApril 1, 2007 12:22:39Reply #6
That "Nuck" power plant sounds good Doc!

I heard laughter was the best medicine, now it is the best energy as well!

The other one did not show both times.