Recently, I bought my son an iPod for helping me in the yard. He earned it! but when it came, it would not work! No matter what we tried, it would not work. I spent an hour on the phone with their tech support - no luck. They told me to return it to the Apple store. Well, I am not a technoneophyte. So it was not like I was a rube about it. I know how to follow instructions and the tech lady was very polite. So after work (I am working half days ...
Ah yes, that old cliché - the Road to hell is paved with good intentions. It may be old, and it may be a cliché, but like other natural laws, it is also true. And it is about to be proven again by the Evil big box store Wal-Mart and the City of Chicago. Chicago has decided to gig big companies. Requiring that they pay their employees a 'living' wage of at least $10/hour with another $3/hour kicked in for benefits (probably mostly health, but also Vacation and sick time).&nbs...
I do love the Beatles. HOw do the brits say them? No matter, Maso will translate into Aussie for us Colonials! And now for your reading pleasure, The Best Beatles song ever! Koo-Koo-Ka Cho! "I Am the Walrus" I am he as you are he as you are me and we are all together. See how they run like pigs from a gun, see how they fly. I'm crying. Sitting on a cornflake, waiting for the van to come. Corporation tee-shirt, stupid bloody Tuesday. Man, you...
Well, the king os boring books is at it again. Saying that: "The only difference between Bush and Hitler is that Hitler was elected." And driveling on with such assinine statements like: Vonnegut then reportedly told the Ohio State audience: "You all know, of course, that the election was stolen. Right here.” But I guess his stupidest statement shows his complete lack and grasp of reality: "I’m lucky enough to have known a great president, one who really cared about A...
I give blood. I have O-, so they REALLY like me! And it costs me nothing usually. I estimate I have given about 150 pints between here and Dayton since I was 18. And every 8 weeks, like clockwork, they call me and ask for another pint. I hate needles with a passion! I cannot look at it when they stick me, nor at the needle hanging in my arm. And as I told Bluedev, I hate blood too! I come from a family of doctors, and I was a failure at it! C...
For those of us a certain age, we grew up with the Munsters, and loved the series, especially Fred Gwynn. Al Lewis played grandpa Munster, and was an integral part of the series. Always coming up with potions and weird inventions. I guess all of our favorite characters (and I am not talking about the roles people play) are passing away. A sign of age I guess. Thanks Grandpa! For a lot of great memories!
What is "reverse Discrimination"? With Kudos for Dharma ( ) for allowing me to opine on the subject, how can you reverse it? From the pertinent entry on, the meaning of discrimination is: Treatment or consideration based on class or category rather than individual merit; partiality or prejudice: While her intent was to castigate a racist and bigot, it got me thinking. What really is reverse discriminatio...
Seriously, when does a homo sapien get a soul. If you believe in souls, then at what point in the life cycle - conception to death - do they acquire a soul. And how is it determined? I know we (all here at JU) probably would like to argue that some never do (Gacy, Dahmer, Hitler, etc). But according to your belief system, when does a homo sapien - the vessel - get a soul?
Just after posting this article: JoeUser... I come before you on a matter of grave import. I come to speak to an issue that threatens the very fabric of our little Universe, our sacred corner of the great Information Superhighway. This is a disease of the mind, one that is highly contagous and is slowly eating away at the moral and intellectual fiber of this great place. JU went dark for days! While the Team of Wonder Karma, Cordelia Underdog, and her faithful companion Kator...
3 gideon's trumpet (23350) Knew you were that good! So peace and happiness! You are back where you belong! And back in form too!
Ah, thank you Arabella III (nice name too!). Arabella wrote an article on High school pranks. I guess she is in High school, and I so wish her the best of times. But the prank she talked about was streaking! Some guys (were there any girls) struck her school! that took me back! yes, 31 years ago, I was in her position (I am male so I dont care if you know my age!), and streaking was a fad! And we had our share! And I was one of them! Yup! I stru...
Something that Mason said (and a blog that Gideon did) got me to thinking of this subject. As the obligatory disclaimer, I will say up front that just because these are the nicest people in america does not mean I am ranking anyone, or even saying any others are the nastiest (I may save that one for another day). But having visited 42 of the 50 states, I think I am at least qualified to say where the nicest people live (once I get to the other 8, that may change, but I doubt it). ...
I just passed 300 articles! Which means I am half way to you and your 600! So be prepared! As you rest in the luxury of your D's arms after your (sorry for the pain) surgery, I will be creeping up on you! You see, I am a worse points whore than Gid, Mano or Modman! I am the ultimate PW! I am the Doctor of the House! Muwhaahahahaaha! You feel threatened, I can feel it! Quake and tremble! I am gunning for you! I am up to 302 now! And y...
The Gestapo have taken over my place of employment. For those like Little Whip that think I am cheating my employer, I merely point you to the simple fact that Windows, Linux and Mac OSX are multi-tasking, so I can do my job (and get excellant reviews) and still read other articles when the latest service packs or talks with the moron techs on the phone are going on. But in their fervant zealousy, they have shut down JU. They think! Such stupid fools! I have outwitted the...
Hey Karma and Brad, I am now initiating a campaign to get Danny Bassette at least an honorary moderator status. A couple of months ago, I had a question, just a curious one. And while Karma answered it, it was not before Danny Nailed it! Switch to the present. Moderateman had some questions, and the man of the Hour? Danny again! I horned in on the article with another question of my own (more serious this time), and the man of the Hour? Danny! You got a gem...