A recent article by one of our esteemed members of JU (he will remain nameless unless he chooses to identify himself) got me to thinking. He was thinking of having the "V Word"! Vasectomy for the less skittish. It is really a simple procedure, yet it so traumatizes some men (since we are talking about a vasectomy, you know it is a man who brought up the subject) that they cringe in fear! I think the fear has nothing to do with the procedure, as it literally is a snip snip, c...
Seems our friends in California have discovered a cure for obesity through impotence! This is a great discovery as they are actually taking care of 2 problems with one procedure! Over population AND soaring health insurance costs! From the Article in the Pacific Northwest Medical Journal: Beginning last November, the city of San Francisco began a program whereupon clinically obese men between the ages of 18 and 55 could undergo a procedure whereupon approximately 1/...
Well, today was the day. Actually yesterday was. For the few of us over the half century that know, no more explanation is necessary. For the others, well, the medical term is a colonoscopy. The procedure is not bad, and I was out in 90 minutes. But the preparation is some nasty crap! 4 years ago, they gave you a bottle of fleet to drink. This is a powerful diuretic, and tastes like slug slime! OK, I have never tasted slug slime, but if I had, I would...
Or I should say his nurse did. This call made me wonder if he even looked at my history! Know what He (she) said? My HDL is fine (it was before), my Calcium is high, and my LDL is a leeetle high! ARRRRGGGGGGRRRRRGGRGRGRGRGRGGR! Excuse me while I rant: WTF*)(#)#&*&I)#&(UD)(UD(&(D*&(&D*&D*(*&D*(UD*&*&(D&*( Of course my Calcium is high! I upped my veggie intake, ESPECIALLY my green leafy kinds, and reduced my protein! ...