Debate, and discuss, just dont Bore me.

In an message of peace, to all the right thinking people of the world, the President of Iran called for the eradication of Israel.  This is not some tin pot crackpot, this is the leader of a {sovereign} nation calling for a Pyrrhic annihilation of another country, for no other reason than they do not believe as he does.  He goes further to call for a war against any country that recognizes Israel, which means I guess they are going to target their Muslim brothers in Countries Like Turkey, Indonesia and Egypt.

While reading this zealots statements, I was struck with something that has been brought up in the past about Christianity.  Many apologists for these 'bacteria' (Nods to Ted for the term) compare their Jihad with the mid-evil crusades of the Christians (Catholics back then since the reformation had not occurred).   And some even point to Northern Ireland as another example of religion gone insane.

Both are terrible examples of zealotry in the pursuit of purity (another might also add the Spanish Inquisition).  But the primary difference between those catastrophes and the new Muslim hatred, is that none of them intentionally targeted their brothers in belief.  But as we see in Iraq, Afghanistan and now Iran, these zealots don't care if you share their beliefs, if you are tainted, they you are a target.

Right now, most Muslim nations are marginalized to their own cesspools, so the only real target of their hatred is their fellow believers.  And guess what?  They are killing them by the scores!

The western world has a cliché.  Almost a truism one would say. "Don't cut off your nose to spite your face."  It basically means don't lash out in anger randomly when you are in the path of your kill zone.  Except for a few crazies, most people on earth realize this to be a very wise cliché. 

Not so the zealots of Islam.  And as sad as it is that so many people die, they are only sabotaging their own racist agenda.  They are killing their future converts.

I don't see a need to bomb Iran back into the stone age for 2 reasons.  The first is that they are progressing back to it all on their own, with no help for anyone else.  The other is that with a few well placed lies, and framing of evidence, we can get them to kill themselves.  Just indicate that Mahmoud Ahmadinejad  donated and supported a few Jewish Institutions, and let his 'followers' rip his heart out.

We will supply the pigs blood to ensure he knows where he is going when he dies.

Comments (Page 4)
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on Oct 27, 2005

Cause there is no super power backing Palestine with billions in weapons and aid.

I assume you didn't know that the Soviet Union did back the Arab attackers for 40 years?

The US have backed Israel only since the late 60s. Before that Israel was on its own, holding out against the Arab attackers with Soviet backing (until France and Britain started helping Israel).

I take it such ignorance of history is normal among your side of the issue?
on Oct 27, 2005

I take it such ignorance of history is normal among your side of the issue?

Not all, just the most rabid ignore history.

on Oct 27, 2005
This is a disgusting act! But I'm not surprise. Why else do you think they do nothing about the extremists in their country? They don't really care. They're hoping these killers will do their dirty jobs while they pretend to look the other way. They pay lip service to the Western World and pretend they have no clue as to what or why. Sicko! Now if Israel were to reiterate his request what do you think would happen? They now have every reason to protect themselves at all cost!
on Oct 27, 2005

Now if Israel were to reiterate his request what do you think would happen?

I still remember Israel taking out a Nuclear plant in Iraq about 20 years ago.  They did not ask permission, they just did it and then ignored the out cries.  Makes you wonder, dont it.

on Oct 27, 2005
I still remember Israel taking out a Nuclear plant in Iraq about 20 years ago. They did not ask permission, they just did it and then ignored the out cries. Makes you wonder, dont it.

HA. I love when Israel surprises us. It's always SO GOOD you can't help but stand up, clap and yell BRAVO!!
on Oct 27, 2005

HA. I love when Israel surprises us. It's always SO GOOD you can't help but stand up, clap and yell BRAVO!!

Well, not like Iran has not declared war this time, even if it was not "We are are war".  Someone says "We will wipe you from the face of the earth", and it may take more words, but the meaning is still there.

on Oct 27, 2005
" I think "Wanderlust" (German for "the joy of travelling") is one of the believers in the Jewish minority doctrine: Jews must not have their own country (but Arabs needs dozens of them) and Jews must always be minorities (or, in Arab countries, simply killed)."

I think it is telling that an anti-Israel poster on a blog like this would take a German name, and be as ignorant or revisionist about the real facts of Palestinian history. The fact being there is no Palestinian history, since there never was really a "Palestine," only a patch of land handed back and forth between empires. Probably a skinhead in disguise.

Who lives in fear of Israel? People who tolerate Hamas. People who share their neighborhood with bomb factories. People who silently allow their familiy members and neighbors to murder Israelis. Hell, if I lived next door to a bomb factory, and winked at it as a necessary evil, should I be surprised when I am lumped into the retribution?

If idiots like wanderlust want to portray Israel as evil, and then side themselves with terrorists and nations who actually supported Hitler during WW2, who called the Nazi pet The Grand Mufti a "hero of the Palestinian people", and nations who frankly hate the Palestinian people and would kill them rather than suffer their presence, whatever. There's no concept of history there, and no understanding of the situation deep enough to merit discussion.

When I see an idiot, though, I'm going to call it an idiot.
on Oct 27, 2005

When I see an idiot, though, I'm going to call it an idiot.

Succint, and not as diplomatic, but accurate.

on Oct 29, 2005
Well i'm actually an American currently working in Afghanistan, I am a admin for a security contractor here in the city, so much for your psychic abilities. So if their really wasnt a Palestine just a piece of land that that was handed back and forth right, so what does that make Israel? Go ahead get a history book that gets down to the early, knitty gritty. I did not portray Israel as evil I'm just saying what goes around comes around, the Israeli government doesnt exactly have a halo floating above its head, for example - The Sabra and Shatila massacres comes to mind, Israeli government says 700, but its more like 2,500 men,women,children massacred by Israeli forces. On that Thursday September 16, 1982, at the very least 700 murdered, what a beacon of democracy. Bakerstreet: you say their is no Palestinian history? lol read some books man.
on Oct 29, 2005
Before we go insane about the Iranian Presidents words lets remember some
of what we have heard from the OTHER side

"We must use terror, assassination, intimidation, land confiscation, and the cutting of all social services to rid the Galilee of its Arab population." Israel Koenig, "The Koenig Memorandum"

"We have to kill all the Palestinians unless they are resigned to live here as slaves." Chairman Heilbrun of the Committee for the Re-election of General Shlomo Lahat, the mayor of Tel Aviv, October 1983.

"We should prepare to go over to the offensive. Our aim is to smash Lebanon, Trans-Jordan, and Syria. The weak point is Lebanon, for the Moslem regime is artificial and easy for us to undermine. We shall establish a Christian state there, and then we will smash the Arab Legion, eliminate Trans-Jordan; Syria will fall to us. We then bomb and move on and take Port Said, Alexandria and Sinai." David Ben-Gurion, May 1948, to the General Staff. From Ben-Gurion, A Biography, by Michael Ben-Zohar, Delacorte, New York 1978.

"We Jews, we are the destroyers and will remain the destroyers. Nothing you can do will meet our demands and needs. We will forever destroy because we want a world of our own." (You Gentiles, by Jewish Author Maurice Samuels, p. 155).
on Oct 29, 2005

The Sabra and Shatila massacres comes to mind, Israeli government says 700, but its more like 2,500 men,women,children massacred by Israeli forces. On that Thursday September 16, 1982, at the very least 700 murdered, what a beacon of democracy

You would do well to document your claims.  Otherwise, they are just anti-semitism since it is only you that is privy to those secret papers.

on Oct 29, 2005
I tip my hat to yee Wanderlust!
on Oct 29, 2005
Dr Guy once more showing your true colors.

Any criticism of the Jewish State is anti-semitism. This is one of the most
USED tactics to end/sideline honest debate on Middle East issues.

Look, both sides have lost innocents lets accept that and move on. I dont
claim to know much about what happens in that part of the world but:

If I were Jewish leader (obviously in a position of power relative to the
Palestinians) I would immediately do the following

1) restore the 1967 borders immediately
2) allocate funds from the massive amounts we spend on defense and 3+ billions
a year from the U.S (its actually more than that since tech transfer and
defense weaponry arent included) into building
for Palestinians
3) begin massive relocation program (PEACEFUL) for Palestinians who have
lost homes due to IDF actions

This will win over
moderates ... the vast majority and can start a process of dialogue. You
cant win them all but you can win the majority to your side. And thats all
you need to stem the tide.

Whats the damn big deal.
Just give them a land already thats not bordered by Israel and be done with
it. That nonsense of building walls that cut into their lands was a stupid
idea to begin with ...

for the love of Christ you are both "related" for goodness sakes.
on Oct 29, 2005
Haven't you guys learned not to allow anonymous comments yet? After a while it becomes pretty obvious the sort of folks who can't figure out how to register. lol, read some books, he says. Um, yeah...
on Oct 29, 2005
Doc... looks like the Iranian government has been following this thread... here is a 'softened' interpretation.
And.... BTW... I agree with Baker on Anonymous users... they are just a royal pain!
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