Debate, and discuss, just dont Bore me.

In an message of peace, to all the right thinking people of the world, the President of Iran called for the eradication of Israel.  This is not some tin pot crackpot, this is the leader of a {sovereign} nation calling for a Pyrrhic annihilation of another country, for no other reason than they do not believe as he does.  He goes further to call for a war against any country that recognizes Israel, which means I guess they are going to target their Muslim brothers in Countries Like Turkey, Indonesia and Egypt.

While reading this zealots statements, I was struck with something that has been brought up in the past about Christianity.  Many apologists for these 'bacteria' (Nods to Ted for the term) compare their Jihad with the mid-evil crusades of the Christians (Catholics back then since the reformation had not occurred).   And some even point to Northern Ireland as another example of religion gone insane.

Both are terrible examples of zealotry in the pursuit of purity (another might also add the Spanish Inquisition).  But the primary difference between those catastrophes and the new Muslim hatred, is that none of them intentionally targeted their brothers in belief.  But as we see in Iraq, Afghanistan and now Iran, these zealots don't care if you share their beliefs, if you are tainted, they you are a target.

Right now, most Muslim nations are marginalized to their own cesspools, so the only real target of their hatred is their fellow believers.  And guess what?  They are killing them by the scores!

The western world has a cliché.  Almost a truism one would say. "Don't cut off your nose to spite your face."  It basically means don't lash out in anger randomly when you are in the path of your kill zone.  Except for a few crazies, most people on earth realize this to be a very wise cliché. 

Not so the zealots of Islam.  And as sad as it is that so many people die, they are only sabotaging their own racist agenda.  They are killing their future converts.

I don't see a need to bomb Iran back into the stone age for 2 reasons.  The first is that they are progressing back to it all on their own, with no help for anyone else.  The other is that with a few well placed lies, and framing of evidence, we can get them to kill themselves.  Just indicate that Mahmoud Ahmadinejad  donated and supported a few Jewish Institutions, and let his 'followers' rip his heart out.

We will supply the pigs blood to ensure he knows where he is going when he dies.

Comments (Page 2)
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on Oct 26, 2005

If, OTOH, the KKK would start killing Muslims in the name of Christianity and there is not a single Christian authority denouncing what the KKK does and not a single demonstration for the rights of the victims of KKK terror, I would find myself agreeing with the statement that Christianity is full of hateful people. And I would be right.

The Funny thing about your comparison, is that the Christians would be the ones hunting down the KKK, not the Muslims. (They could, but would have to stand in line)

on Oct 26, 2005

The Funny thing about your comparison, is that the Christians would be the ones hunting down the KKK

Very likely. My comparison was, of course, purely hypothetical. I did not intend to offend Christians. And while I do not share Christian beliefs, I have the greatest respect for Christianity and Christians.

I wish I could have the same respect for our fellow monotheists in the Muslim world!
on Oct 26, 2005

I have the greatest respect for Christianity and Christians.

We got our kooks, but then we dont follow them blindly either.

on Oct 26, 2005
It would seem that Iran is on the war towards war now with Israel. There is no other interpitation to the words he is using. Looks like another war in the Middle East is brewing.
on Oct 26, 2005
Hmm, First of all everyone from Osama Bin Laden to prez of Iran only has one problem, Israel, in turn they have a problem with the U.S cause we give billions in aid and weapons to Israel to finance their invasion of Palestine. First some facts that we dont always remember Israel: Targeted killings, shooting missiles at vehicles in crowded marketplaces brings new meaning to the phrase collateral damage, destroying thousands of homes, destroying hundreds of acres of orchards and olive trees. Illegal occupation of a sovereign people, A wall built that reminds one of the Berlin Wall, 70% of Palestinian civilians killed by Israeli forces under the age of 18, collective punishment, open-air "prisons" you cant move around freely in your own country, destruction of Palestinian infrastructure, over 2400 incidents of Israeli forces shooting ambulance and emergency vehicles, many times killing the paramedics inside (ICRC). So put yourself in a Palestinians shoes, your community is dying, everyday u see or hear about death and destruction, all the children in the community have suffered devestating emotional trauma from events that happen daily, you are being controlled in your own land, and we wonder how they can be so barbaric, and why other extremists cryout against Israel.
on Oct 26, 2005
Opps sorry, internet got wacky so I hit the back button, guess it posted twice.
on Oct 27, 2005
I would also think that the "Peaceful" sect of the muslim culture should denounce these statements loudly.

For godsake, if every peaceful Muslim had to comment every time some loony made a comment like this, they'd never get to do anything. And thern we'd say that Muslims never do anything but sit around criticisng each other when they should get themselves a job. Peaceful Muslims have made many many comments denouncing violence already. It's a blanket statement, we know where they stand.

Dr Guy, it's a good article, but what's with the title? It makes it sound like you think all Muslims are that way. And I know you don't think that, so why try to create that impression?

It wouldn't be fair because the VAST majority of Christianity do not support the KKK

The vast majority of Muslims are non-violent too. Given the size of the world's Muslim population, it's just as well or else we'd all be dead by now!

on Oct 27, 2005
" Illegal occupation of a sovereign people"

LOL, liar. There has never been a Palestinian state. They have never been a "people" or been considered a sovereign nation, and if there ever really ends up being one it will be because Israel, in the face of constant terrorist attacks, allows there to be. If Israel hadn't set up housekeeping there, they'd be bitching and ignorantly sacrificing their teenagers fighting Turkey, or Syria, or one of the other nations who would be occupying it.

Think for a moment whether the "poor palestinians" would have ever gotten a state if it had been handed to Turkey, or worse, one of the local terrorist states that border them. Go see how Palestinians are treated in Lebanon, see what rights they have there. Ask yourself how the fascist governments of the middle east would deal with neighborhoods with bomb making factories in them. If there had been a mass migration of Palestinians into a nearby Arab state when Israel was created they'd have just machine gunned them and find some other reason to hate Israel.

I can't stand these pukes who pretend they know about "palestine".
on Oct 27, 2005
Champas, your comment is PERFECT. I was lookng for words to put here but you did it for both of us. Thank you.
on Oct 27, 2005

The vast majority of Muslims are non-violent too.

You are addressing the wrong point. Non-violent they may be, but support doesn't have to be violent.

Targeted killings

Perfect. Targeted killings are the best way to reduce innocents from being affected.

As for the "illegal invasion", there was nothing illegal about it. Israel was attacked, Israel defended itself, Israel won some territory. I guess they could have expelled everybody living in it, like other countries did in such a case?

Fact is that since western Jordan and eastern Egypt were occupied the situation has calmed down and the Arabs have launched fewer attacks on Israel. If you like peace, you'll support the occupation. I wouldn't want the world to go back to the time before the late 60s. Would you?

And if the wall stops terrorists from crossing into Israel as well as the Berlin wall stopped east Germans from fleeing their country, I support the wall. Great endeavour, particularly for Jewish kindergarden children (i.e. the victims of targeted killings Palestinian style)!

This war will end when either side has accomplished their goals. Israel will either have killed every single Palestinian terrorist or the Palestinians will have killed every single Jewish kid.

It's amazing how many problems of so many people can be solved simply by killing Jews, isn't it?

on Oct 27, 2005
Bakerstreet. The Jewish invasion of Palestine began in 1881. Before the first large wave of immigrants started arriving, Palestine had a population of half a million; most of the population was either Moslem or Christian, and only 20,000 were Jewish.

When our government sends billions in aid and weapons to Israel this is only for one reason, to continue the oppresion and collective punishment, so u still wonder why weapons are being smuggled in and bomb making factories are being erected? And people are giving up their lives, literally blowing up, for their country? Cause there is no super power backing Palestine with billions in weapons and aid. Israel doesnt fight fair, thus Palestine doesnt fight fair. And so the spiral continues and death and destruction reign in the holy land.

Read over your article and realize why the Palestinians are blowing up Israeli's and Israeli's are blowing up Palestinians... Ignorance
on Oct 27, 2005

Bakerstreet. The Jewish invasion of Palestine began in 1881. Before the first large wave of immigrants started arriving, Palestine had a population of half a million; most of the population was either Moslem or Christian, and only 20,000 were Jewish.

Ah, the old immigration-is-invasion thingy. Are you also against immigrants in general or just against Jewish immigrants?

Turkey (which Israel was then a part of) didn't mind Jewish immigrants. In fact the sultan invited them (your exile is over).

When the League of Nations divided the lands conquered in World War 1, Palestine was divided into a Jewish part and an Arab part. That was a good thing. I wouldn't want Jews to have suffered like other minorities in the Arab world who did not have western sponsors and didn't get their own country to defend against Arab nationalism (the Kurds and Sudanese Christians come to mind).

I am sure you will argue that Arab attacks trying to kill all Jews were retaliation for the "expelling" of "Palestinians". Go on.
on Oct 27, 2005
I think "Wanderlust" (German for "the joy of travelling") is one of the believers in the Jewish minority doctrine: Jews must not have their own country (but Arabs needs dozens of them) and Jews must always be minorities (or, in Arab countries, simply killed).

This doctrine is way too popular.
on Oct 27, 2005

It would seem that Iran is on the war towards war now with Israel. There is no other interpitation to the words he is using. Looks like another war in the Middle East is brewing.

After their pathetic showing against Saddam in the 8 year war, I would think they would not try anything stupid.  But fanatacism is not rational either.

on Oct 27, 2005

Opps sorry, internet got wacky so I hit the back button, guess it posted twice.

I took care of the duplicate.

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