Debate, and discuss, just dont Bore me.

In an message of peace, to all the right thinking people of the world, the President of Iran called for the eradication of Israel.  This is not some tin pot crackpot, this is the leader of a {sovereign} nation calling for a Pyrrhic annihilation of another country, for no other reason than they do not believe as he does.  He goes further to call for a war against any country that recognizes Israel, which means I guess they are going to target their Muslim brothers in Countries Like Turkey, Indonesia and Egypt.

While reading this zealots statements, I was struck with something that has been brought up in the past about Christianity.  Many apologists for these 'bacteria' (Nods to Ted for the term) compare their Jihad with the mid-evil crusades of the Christians (Catholics back then since the reformation had not occurred).   And some even point to Northern Ireland as another example of religion gone insane.

Both are terrible examples of zealotry in the pursuit of purity (another might also add the Spanish Inquisition).  But the primary difference between those catastrophes and the new Muslim hatred, is that none of them intentionally targeted their brothers in belief.  But as we see in Iraq, Afghanistan and now Iran, these zealots don't care if you share their beliefs, if you are tainted, they you are a target.

Right now, most Muslim nations are marginalized to their own cesspools, so the only real target of their hatred is their fellow believers.  And guess what?  They are killing them by the scores!

The western world has a cliché.  Almost a truism one would say. "Don't cut off your nose to spite your face."  It basically means don't lash out in anger randomly when you are in the path of your kill zone.  Except for a few crazies, most people on earth realize this to be a very wise cliché. 

Not so the zealots of Islam.  And as sad as it is that so many people die, they are only sabotaging their own racist agenda.  They are killing their future converts.

I don't see a need to bomb Iran back into the stone age for 2 reasons.  The first is that they are progressing back to it all on their own, with no help for anyone else.  The other is that with a few well placed lies, and framing of evidence, we can get them to kill themselves.  Just indicate that Mahmoud Ahmadinejad  donated and supported a few Jewish Institutions, and let his 'followers' rip his heart out.

We will supply the pigs blood to ensure he knows where he is going when he dies.

Comments (Page 6)
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on Oct 30, 2005

You cant equate the two. Pat Robertson is not in the "decision making" group ... Generals are.

Only in a country like Iraq.  In a democracy, they are not.  you are wrong again.  Pat Robertson has as much influence as does Wes Clark.  You really dont understand squat do you?

on Oct 30, 2005

My primary point is that neither side can claim the "high moral ground"
argument anymore

No one said they did.  But I dont see israel calling for the erradication of any Muslim Nation.

on Oct 30, 2005

Hey, I never claimed to be a MidEast expert. I just think that common sense
should prevail in most matters.

Common Sense with an understanding of the underlying reasons for it helps.  That is the slam against you.  Trying to apply American situations to the Mid-east.

on Oct 30, 2005

Other than the fact that one side wants the utter destruction of the other,

I need to read all comments before posting my own!

What Bakerstreet said.

on Oct 30, 2005

Apparently you havent read the quotes Anubis put up ... but hey its always
"selective reasoning" with you isnt it Bakerstreet.

And as we have already pointed out, those were the fringes and not the leaders.

on Oct 30, 2005

Look buddy the only nation to have EVER used Nuclear Weapons in a convention
al war is the U.S.
The next one to attempt it will usher in Armegeddon.

Besides the fallout will wipe our Israel proper ... get real.

They wont because they CANT!

And I am sure we are the bad guys for doing that?  Hindsight is 20/20.  If we knew then what we know now.  But then you judge us for knowing now, and doing then!

on Nov 01, 2005
Thanks for changing the title Dr Guy, it is an improvement. I would still point out there a darned lot of peaceful Iranian Muslims, even if they might be in the minority, but anyway.

I'm not sure if any Muslims have condemned this specific attack, but most violence by Muslims is condemned by some Australian Muslim group at least. Yet only SBS News usually reports it. Are you sure no one condemned this one Dr Guy? Most Muslims do not support it, violently, or non-violently.
on Nov 01, 2005

I'm not sure if any Muslims have condemned this specific attack

Actually, I did a follow up.  The only Arab nation(s) that did condemn it was the Palestinians!  There is hope!  And I was wondering how to post a followup where most of the Iranian Government is running away from the President after all the international Criticism, but someone else beat me to that one.  Or maybe that was on another board. 

In any event, for the first time since 1948, the non-arab world was united in its condemnation of something about the conflict in the Mid-east, and that is hopeful as well.

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