THe BBC, that bastion of right wing conservatism, had a poll where people were asked to pick 11 (out of 100) people to 'rule the world'. The Winner? Nelson Mandela. Say what? Ok, Mandela is not a thug or tyrant, just a stupid fool that gets duped by the likes of Castro and Hussein.
But check out number 2: Slick Willie Clinton! Say good bye to women's rights!
But it gets better! Here is the top 11:
1 - Nelson Mandela
2 - Bill Clinton
3 - Dalai Lama
4 - Noam Chomsky
5 - Alan Greenspan
6 - Bill Gates
7 - Steve Jobs
8 - Archbishop Desmond Tutu
9 - Richard Branson
10 - George Soros
11 - Kofi Annan
Naom Chomsky? George Soros? Kofi Anan? What a bunch of bozos! I can see the others possibily, but combined with Clinton and Mandela, that makes almost half the list a bunch of buffoons and clowns!
But it still gets better:
Fidel Castro - 36th - and Hugo Chavez, 33rd.
Simon, tell me that this was a put on piece! Oh, and Hillary was number 16! And Michael Moron was 15! Osama Bin Laden at 70? What, they could not resurrect Adolph Hitler for the poll? Such a shame.
The really scary thing about this poll? Half the votes came from the US! is alive and well and now packing polls!