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Il Duce is Nelson Mandela
Published on October 12, 2005 By Dr Guy In Politics

THe BBC, that bastion of right wing conservatism, had a poll where people were asked to pick 11 (out of 100) people to 'rule the world'.  The Winner?  Nelson Mandela.  Say what?  Ok, Mandela is not a thug or tyrant, just a stupid fool that gets duped by the likes of Castro and Hussein.

But check out number 2: Slick Willie Clinton!  Say good bye to women's rights!

But it gets better! Here is the top 11:

1 - Nelson Mandela
2 - Bill Clinton
3 - Dalai Lama
4 - Noam Chomsky
5 - Alan Greenspan
6 - Bill Gates
7 - Steve Jobs
8 - Archbishop Desmond Tutu
9 - Richard Branson
10 - George Soros
11 - Kofi Annan

Naom Chomsky?  George Soros? Kofi Anan?  What a bunch of bozos!  I can see the others possibily, but combined with Clinton and Mandela, that makes almost half the list a bunch of buffoons and clowns!

But it still gets better:

Fidel Castro - 36th - and Hugo Chavez, 33rd.

Simon, tell me that this was a put on piece!  Oh, and Hillary was number 16! And Michael Moron was 15! Osama Bin Laden at 70? What, they could not resurrect Adolph Hitler for the poll?  Such a shame.

The really scary thing about this poll?  Half the votes came from the US! is alive and well and now packing polls!


Comments (Page 2)
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on Oct 12, 2005
I don't think for a moment that the sins of Mandela's wife were something apart from the man himself. Chavez is a thug with no regard for freedom or Democratic rule. JK Rowling? LMAO... would be better than half the top ten, sad as that fact is...

This list goes a long way toward showing how pig ignorant the average person is in terms of history and politics.
on Oct 12, 2005

Just in case, you do realize I was not serious? I should be the last person to decide who should rule. I'm not to good at telling when people are being serious with me or not.

Thank you.

But I was.  just think of the implications.  My children grew up in the 90s. I dont like the legacy of what is basically a sexual pedophile.

on Oct 12, 2005

The problem is that you don't know what it is that we have issues with. You presume that it is entirely to do with power, i.e., whomever has the power has the same issues. You fail to realize that we are much different culturally and that there are tensions because of this.

Your thematic opening says it all.  Until you can be the big brother you plain just dont know.  You are a small player that hides behind the big brother.  Until you can step out and decide what is not best for you, but for your little brother, you really dont have a clue.  You hide behind your anonimty, knowing that BB will protect you and knowing you can be holier than thou.  That is such a noble position.  And an easy one.  And a false one.

When you lead, then you can talk.  Until then, sorry, you have no clue.

on Oct 12, 2005

You would never entertain a hypothetical question about a situation you disagree with? Or do you think the results of the poll are binding on the world ... ?

Neither.  I take a third choice (that you did not give).  I think the poll is flawed and only indicates the shallow and self centered aspects of the protected.

on Oct 12, 2005

This list goes a long way toward showing how pig ignorant the average person is in terms of history and politics.

This man gets a cookie!  he cut through it and saw the reality.  But then I give a lot of cookies to Bakerstreet!

on Oct 12, 2005
I don't think for a moment that the sins of Mandela's wife were something apart from the man himself.

And your proof is ... ?
This list goes a long way toward showing how pig ignorant the average person is in terms of history and politics.

on Oct 12, 2005
You hide behind your anonimty, knowing that BB will protect you and knowing you can be holier than thou. That is such a noble position. And an easy one. And a false one.
When you lead, then you can talk. Until then, sorry, you have no clue.

Let's try again: what are you leading/being Big Brother about such that gay marriage is an anathema? On this specific issue, I believe it's Canada leading you. Leadership is not only about economic and military power!
on Oct 12, 2005
I think the poll is flawed and only indicates the shallow and self centered aspects of the protected.

Frankly, this looks like a response to the result rather than the question.

The actual survey is here: Link
on Oct 12, 2005
I think you'd better look over your shoulder, dear, we aren't following.

So your answer implicit in your brief response is that the USA is showing leadership by opposing gay marriage? Well, that again shows the huge cultural divide between us.
on Oct 12, 2005
Kofi Annan. Had to be a poll of euros.
on Oct 13, 2005

I don't think for a moment that the sins of Mandela's wife were something apart from the man himself.

And your proof is ... ?

While I respect Klingons, I have to agree that the sins of one should not be visited upon another.

on Oct 13, 2005

Let's try again: what are you leading/being Big Brother about such that gay marriage is an anathema?

Wrong topic.  That was not mentioned.  And being a Big Brother has nothing to do with what you do with your internal culture.  It has everything to do with the fact you can afford to do what ever you want, because you are under a protective umbrella that you can afford to scream and rant and rave about, and play the holier than thou card when ever you want.  Yet you do not have to take the responsibility for the tough decisions and can hide behind your feigned piousness.

If you should decide to take a leadership position, and in substantive matters not trivial pursuits, then you can preach.  Until then, you can only squawk like the chicken being protected by the farmer.

on Oct 13, 2005

I think you'd better look over your shoulder, dear, we aren't following.

And they are not leading.  The Netherlands are.  Just another false claim that is way off topic.

on Oct 13, 2005

Frankly, this looks like a response to the result rather than the question.

The actual survey is here: Link

Or perhaps as mentioned earlier, it is just indicative of the shallowness of most of the developed worlds population today.

on Oct 13, 2005

So your answer implicit in your brief response is that the USA is showing leadership by opposing gay marriage? Well, that again shows the huge cultural divide between us.

When you can demonstrate leadership, which you are not since some states beat you to the punch on this issue (we are the United STATES - not United directorates), then you will have a leg to stand on.

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