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Il Duce is Nelson Mandela
Published on October 12, 2005 By Dr Guy In Politics

THe BBC, that bastion of right wing conservatism, had a poll where people were asked to pick 11 (out of 100) people to 'rule the world'.  The Winner?  Nelson Mandela.  Say what?  Ok, Mandela is not a thug or tyrant, just a stupid fool that gets duped by the likes of Castro and Hussein.

But check out number 2: Slick Willie Clinton!  Say good bye to women's rights!

But it gets better! Here is the top 11:

1 - Nelson Mandela
2 - Bill Clinton
3 - Dalai Lama
4 - Noam Chomsky
5 - Alan Greenspan
6 - Bill Gates
7 - Steve Jobs
8 - Archbishop Desmond Tutu
9 - Richard Branson
10 - George Soros
11 - Kofi Annan

Naom Chomsky?  George Soros? Kofi Anan?  What a bunch of bozos!  I can see the others possibily, but combined with Clinton and Mandela, that makes almost half the list a bunch of buffoons and clowns!

But it still gets better:

Fidel Castro - 36th - and Hugo Chavez, 33rd.

Simon, tell me that this was a put on piece!  Oh, and Hillary was number 16! And Michael Moron was 15! Osama Bin Laden at 70? What, they could not resurrect Adolph Hitler for the poll?  Such a shame.

The really scary thing about this poll?  Half the votes came from the US! is alive and well and now packing polls!


Comments (Page 4)
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on Nov 06, 2005

they should turn their historical arsenal on those beloved LIBERAL causes and leaders.

Nice sentiment, but it will never happen.

on Nov 06, 2005

You forgot to mention the presidential pardons afterwards.

That may be a get out of jail free card, but it does not eliminate the crime or conviction.

on Nov 06, 2005

Do you think Bush will get a pass if Rove is found guilty of criminal intent

He is not getting a pass even tho no one has been found gulity of criminal intent!

on Nov 06, 2005

If they care so much about the Iraqi people why don't they demand for his resignation? Hypocrits.

Because he is one of the left's darlings, and therefore immune from denunciation.

on Nov 06, 2005

Dude...."leadership" is "faaaaar" more than just being first!

Those who dont, wont, or cant lead will never undrestand.

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