Debate, and discuss, just dont Bore me.
By Dr. Guy And HC
Published on October 9, 2005 By Dr Guy In Current Events

icon posted an article.  The Jist of which was to slam a politician who dared say that he listens to his god and heart.  He did not condemn or spew hate.  he said he listened to his heart and that God spoke to him there.  here is what he said:

"It's according to what your heart is saying. If your heart is humble and you have the lord using a message to send along to America we need to wake up. Your heart will respond in humility saying, "Lord, whatever it takes, begin with me to do what's right. If your heart is hard, you'll turn away. I can't define what men do, I can only say what God would be honored with."

You know what?  I do the same thing.  In fact, let me say what I said on Icon's blog:

According to ones heart. - You dont listen to your hunches?  Interesting

If your heart is humble - i.e. listen to your hunches, but you have already discounted that.

You have the lord sending a message - Your little voice is talking to you. for him the lord, for others, their hunches. 

We need to wake up. - We need to be more aware of the suffering around us?  Guess that is really radical.

Your heart will respond with humility - You will see that you need to do the right thing.  Now that is extreme!  Yea, burn the bastard at the stake!

"Lord, whatever it takes, begin with me to do what's right. - lead me to do the right thing.  Ok, if his god is a nasty one, then we get Hitler. If his god is a nice one, then we get Ghandi.  So you have prejudged him?

If your heart is hard, you'll turn away - If you dont listen, you will not hear the message.  so dont talk to your hunches,  Harden your heart and only work from logic.

I can't define what men do, I can only say what God would be honored with." - I only know what I will do , not others (especially the ones that are using this to condemn someone for a belief not violent or condemning)

Sounds like we just uncovered another Al Qaeda cell.  Right here at JU.  Death to the Christians for daring to have faith and profess it!  Death because they allow their faith to giude them in Law making!  Death to the Christians!  thus spake All bin ACLU.

Comments (Page 1)
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on Oct 09, 2005
I am ashamed at the intolerance voiced in the article linked.  Very ashamed that a mere christian, with no hate in his speech, or words, gets branded as a hate monger and dangerous zealot. You on the left have gone over the edge.  If we, even in political life, cannot express our faith, then you have no tolerance for us at all.  None.  period. and your words are hollow and meaningless. You are the new master race, and we are just the ignorant sheep you have yet to convert to your bleating.
on Oct 09, 2005
Hmm... kinda expresses what I was feeling when I realized my comments to said article had been deleted and I was no longer afforded the option of posting. Sad... very sad.

I echo your sentiments, Doc.
on Oct 09, 2005

Hmm... kinda expresses what I was feeling when I realized my comments to said article had been deleted and I was no longer afforded the option of posting. Sad... very sad.

I guess I am next.  Sorry I did not see yours, or I would have given you a co-host by line.

on Oct 09, 2005
A what? Huh? I don't know what that is, and so it's probably not something I'm gonna lose sleep over.

No harm, no foul, no problem.
on Oct 09, 2005
The statement:

"He actually believes he can read God's mind.

He and anyone who agrees with him should do the world a favor and kill themselves.

No wonder the Ancient Romans threw Christians to the lions."

pretty much says all that needs to be said. This is someone taking a morally superior position while being MORE hateful and more intolerant than the people they are whining about.
on Oct 09, 2005

A what? Huh?

Attribution.  I have done so.  And dont leave sleep over it.  But, I doff my chapeau (french, sorry) to you.

on Oct 09, 2005

pretty much says all that needs to be said. This is someone taking a morally superior position while being MORE hateful and more intolerant than the people they are whining about.

I did not copy all the hate over, but you are right.  let the hate stay on that blog.  let us debate what they perceive is the hate on this one.

on Oct 09, 2005
I didn't bash anyone here at JU, but now you have. Good going. Keep it up.
on Oct 09, 2005
He did not condemn or spew hate

claiming that god destroyed new orleans and the mississippi gulf coast to punish sinners is pretty damn close to condemnation.

is that the part you didn't wanna carry over cuz it was so hate-filled? or did you decide ervin's full statement wasn't germane for some reason?
on Oct 09, 2005
On the contrary, Icon, what you said was:

"He actually believes he can read God's mind.

He and anyone who agrees with him should do the world a favor and kill themselves.

No wonder the Ancient Romans threw Christians to the lions."

I don't know, but saying the world would be better off without someone might be considered "bashing", frankly...

By saying he is dangerous because he is a legislator, you imply that no one who shares his beliefs should be allowed to be a legislator. They'd be "dangerous" wouldn't they? I think you need to crawl out of that hole you're in and realize just how many people you are writing off as folks the world would be glad to do without.
on Oct 09, 2005
" did you decide ervin's full statement wasn't germane for some reason?"

It isn't germane, imho. There's a difference between expressing a belief that people have been punished for doing wrong, and stating the world would be a better place without a whole class of people. I don't believe that, personally, but I don't consider people who believe it to be "dangerous," either.

I tend to think it is dangerous to think that slaughterhouses are equal in moral crime to the holocaust, but I don't consider the nutjobs to be invalid as legislators or human beings. There are Senators who actively court PETA. Do I think the world would be better off if they just killed themselves? Nope.

If Ervin had said "I wish they'd all drowned" or something, it would rise to the level of nastiness that Iconoclast esteems to...
on Oct 10, 2005
It isn't germane, imho

i was addressing drguy's decision to quote only the 'listen to your heart' part of ervin's statement as if the 'what i think god was telling me' segment had no relevance.

obviously it does. it's equally obvious to me why drguy neglected to include it.
on Oct 10, 2005

I find these remarks to be particularly disgusting, and I'm not even a Christian myself.

Radical atheists tend to piss off Christians (the target of their anger) as well as non-Christians with equal vigor.

on Oct 10, 2005

hmm, looks like I confused his article with the one about Bush claiming God told him to go into Iraq or whatever.

Actually, that is a non issue as he has denied it. So it is a he said he said, and I would tend to beleive he that has the stronger case.

on Oct 10, 2005

I didn't bash anyone here at JU, but now you have. Good going. Keep it up.

If calling you intolerant for being intolerant is bashing, then all I can say to you is "4 legs are good, 2 legs are better....bleat after me".

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