Debate, and discuss, just dont Bore me.
By Dr. Guy And HC
Published on October 9, 2005 By Dr Guy In Current Events

icon posted an article.  The Jist of which was to slam a politician who dared say that he listens to his god and heart.  He did not condemn or spew hate.  he said he listened to his heart and that God spoke to him there.  here is what he said:

"It's according to what your heart is saying. If your heart is humble and you have the lord using a message to send along to America we need to wake up. Your heart will respond in humility saying, "Lord, whatever it takes, begin with me to do what's right. If your heart is hard, you'll turn away. I can't define what men do, I can only say what God would be honored with."

You know what?  I do the same thing.  In fact, let me say what I said on Icon's blog:

According to ones heart. - You dont listen to your hunches?  Interesting

If your heart is humble - i.e. listen to your hunches, but you have already discounted that.

You have the lord sending a message - Your little voice is talking to you. for him the lord, for others, their hunches. 

We need to wake up. - We need to be more aware of the suffering around us?  Guess that is really radical.

Your heart will respond with humility - You will see that you need to do the right thing.  Now that is extreme!  Yea, burn the bastard at the stake!

"Lord, whatever it takes, begin with me to do what's right. - lead me to do the right thing.  Ok, if his god is a nasty one, then we get Hitler. If his god is a nice one, then we get Ghandi.  So you have prejudged him?

If your heart is hard, you'll turn away - If you dont listen, you will not hear the message.  so dont talk to your hunches,  Harden your heart and only work from logic.

I can't define what men do, I can only say what God would be honored with." - I only know what I will do , not others (especially the ones that are using this to condemn someone for a belief not violent or condemning)

Sounds like we just uncovered another Al Qaeda cell.  Right here at JU.  Death to the Christians for daring to have faith and profess it!  Death because they allow their faith to giude them in Law making!  Death to the Christians!  thus spake All bin ACLU.

Comments (Page 4)
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on Oct 11, 2005
You are always welcome on my blog. I have found you to be deeply religious, but not preachy. And with a very level head on your shoulders!

Thanks, doc. Now I'm feeling all warm and fuzzy. Have a hug... ((((((((((((((((((Doc)))))))))))))))))))))))
on Oct 12, 2005

Have a hug

I got a fan!

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