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Many in this forum have talked about how there should be a 'living wage', or an increase in the minimum wage. They expound on the noble virtues that would accompany such a government mandated porgram. (Government mandated since none who promote it seem to own businesses, and therefore cannot implement it themselves).
For those who still fail to grasp economics 101, I have a 3 part test.
#1: 2 boys come by your house and offer to cut your yard. One wants $10, the other one wants $20. Who do you hire?
#2: The government has decided that lawn cutting is worth $50. Do you:
A: pay a boy in the neighborhood to cut it and pay him $50
B: Hire the son of your housekeeper, an illegal alien who cannot complain to the government, to do it for $20
C: Cut it yourself.
#3: The government has decreed a minimum wage of $10/hr so that everyone has a living wage. Store #1 has work gloves made in the USA for $75, made by someone earning a living wage. Store #2 has the same gloves, the same quality for $25 because they were made in Mexico. Which pair do you buy?
Now before flippantly answering these questions, I suggest you check your history.
Answer truthfully. And then compare your answers to your rhetoric. Maybe you like to preach "do as I say, not as I do". I have yet to find anyone who can pass this test who supports a living wage or a radical increase in the minimum wage.