Debate, and discuss, just dont Bore me.

Dave Silverman, a coming out of the closet Atheist (if I was gay, I would bitch slap the jerk) has decided that atheists cant be atheists because of persecution from the "religious right".  Well, before I get into the meat of this article let me offer him a boo hoo!  hey jerk!  I am a Catholic!  You think they like me any better?

But perhaps the reason that you feel so ostracized is because you are doing the persecution?  ya think?  maybe just a little?

Oh!  So what do we have now.  Well anyone who reads the news knows about Michael Newdow and his quest to banish mention of God (why?  If you don't believe in Him, why be afraid of his name?  You don't sound like an Atheist, more like a BC idol worshiper or a pagan). 

Now we have a bunch of needle nose atheist objecting to honoring fallen Utah State Troopers!  And how are they honored?  SHOCK!  GASP! "I am coming to you Elizabeth!"

They are erecting crosses, most on private property, along the highways of Utah!  No message of "Jesus is going to get you!" or "Burn in hell Infidel" (I kind of like that one, it rhymes).  Just simple, plain crosses.

I have seen many along the highways here in Va! And SHOCK! GASP! On the public right of way along the highways.  Honoring those that have died at or near those spots.

yet the Atheists are up in arms over this!  They are melting!  Melting!

So Mr. Silverman, if you want to "Come out of the closet", by all means do so!  But don't blame those YOU are persecuting for putting you there.  You are just another sniveling coward that likes to dish it out, but cant take it.


Comments (Page 1)
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on Dec 06, 2005

Oh, and Mr. Silverman, I will say a prayer for you.  Cant hurt right?  Just a waste of my time right?

Dont call me, I wont call you.

on Dec 06, 2005

The thing that a lot of people seem to forget is that the constitution guarantees a person freedom OF religion, not freedom FROM religion.

I get a free newsletter from the Freedom From Religion people, and the lengths that they go to to make people remove public indications or symbols of faith is really...well, scary.  To me, a person who is rabidly ANTI religion is just as bad as someone who is rabidly PRO.  It seems sometimes that these people go after Christians just because they can.  It's almost a sport...they delight in it. 

I don't have a problem with people expressing their faith in long as it's voluntary.  It's when people try and make it mandatory that I get pissed off and start to want to dig my heels in.  I'm all for living and letting live.

Christians have rights too.  Constitutional rights regarding religion are for EVERYONE, not just athiests.

on Dec 06, 2005
me, a person who is rabidly ANTI religion is just as bad as someone who is rabidly PRO

That gets you the quote of the year! Seems that the Atheist have their own version of Pat Robertson!
on Dec 06, 2005
I was wondering something...

What would happen to the Arlington National Cemetary... aren't those all *gasp* crosses?
on Dec 06, 2005

I was wondering something...

What would happen to the Arlington National Cemetary... aren't those all *gasp* crosses?

And even some *Gasp* Stars of David!  yea, we all wonder when they are going to get around to Arlington.

Miss you S&JT!

on Dec 06, 2005
I've always been puzzled about so called atheists. An atheist says..."there is no God."

How can they know? Do they know everything? I usually just ask them..."What if you're wrong?" Have you ever been wrong before?

Boy does that tick them off!!!

I have a bumper sticker on my car that says..


Me thinks they should go by the term agnostic says "I don't believe there is a God."

on Dec 06, 2005
This is typical of the PC crowd these days. They aren't so much about defending their own rights as they are about trying to have other's rights denied.
on Dec 06, 2005

Me thinks they should go by the term agnostic says "I don't believe there is a God."

Actually, I think they say "there is a god, I just dont know which one it is".

on Dec 06, 2005

This is typical of the PC crowd these days. They aren't so much about defending their own rights as they are about trying to have other's rights denied.

Yes, and it is sad really.  let them be themselves.  But no, they have to make us in their image, and that is where they will fail.  courts or no.

on Dec 06, 2005
Me thinks they should go by the term agnostic says "I don't believe there is a God."

Not exactly. Agnosticism is more about 'prove to me that a deity does/does not exist'. They basically say 'show me'.
on Dec 06, 2005
The thing that a lot of people seem to forget is that the constitution guarantees a person freedom OF religion, not freedom FROM religion.

"Atheists seek to remove religion from society, and to force all people to be atheists" - Absolutely wrong. We seek only the freedom for people to make their choice on their own, free of intervention from the government or public school system. We seek the freedom not to support religion through taxes, forced participation, or special privileges of any kind. That being said, your thoughts are your rights, and none of our business. Wear your jewelry, celebrate your holidays, and pray in your house, church, or in public if you like. Just don't force your religion on other people. That's what we're all about. From the website.

How can they know? Do they know everything? I usually just ask them..."What if you're wrong?" Have you ever been wrong before?

"Atheists cannot know there is no God, since you cannot prove he doesn't exist" - Again, this is a two sided coin, but the theists are loathe to admit the other side. Atheists don't need to prove the non-existence of God, any more we need to prove the nonexistence of Zeus or Santa Claus. Can theists prove God over any alternatives? Of course not. Nobody can prove God exists, yet they will stand on their heads saying they're sure. Well, if they can be sure despite evidence to the contrary, we can be sure in light of evidence in support of atheism. From the website.

What would happen to the Arlington National Cemetery... aren't those all *gasp* crosses?

Confirmed Atheist have the standard inverted U shaped stone. But it takes a member of the family to state this fact, because the military issues the standard cross to everybody who places "No preference" on the Religion Block. Since Atheist does not appear as a separate category on Religions, most Atheists check the No Pref. block. Wouldn’t you be a little offended if someone placed the Crescent on you tomb stone, just because no block appeared for your choice?

Seems that the Atheist have their own version of Pat Robertson!

Agreed, Newdow is just as much the average Atheist, as Robertson would be considered an average Christian.

I am a Catholic! You think they like me any better?

Yes. I was a Catholic myself, before I was an Atheist. From personnel experience I've taken more crap now (when I don't generally advertise my beliefs) then when I was a practicing Catholic (with bumper stickers and all).

As dharmagrl stated above, the same is the general feeling of most Atheist I know too:
I don't have a problem with people expressing their faith in long as it's voluntary. It's when people try and make it mandatory that I get pissed off and start to want to dig my heels in. I'm all for living and letting live.

If you want to now call me a WHINER, go on ahead. Because you’re doing just as much whining about those mean old Atheist.
on Dec 06, 2005
Someday we will know for sure...if there is a God or not!! I absolutely know there is a God. Without a doubt. There are many evidences to prove this. You just don't want to believe. It's a choice you make. One day you will be held accountable for that choice like I will mine. We all will.

Go with me here.....if you are right and I am wrong....what did I lose? I lived a good life, lived my life like there was a God and had joy and contentment while doing so, and much more peace and then settle down for a long dirt nap. End of story,.

Now...if I'm right and you're've lost all of eternity. Separated forever from a God that loves like we have no idea. He says (only if you believe it) that what he has in store for us no eye has ever seen or ear heard.

I choose to believe it. What do I lose? It's a win-win for me. It's a lose-lose for you. Are you willing to bet that high?

on Dec 07, 2005
what he has in store for us no eye has ever seen or ear heard.

you can get people to do all kinda stuff using that line even if you ain't god.

you can. but you shouldn't.

it's just wrong.
on Dec 07, 2005
Atheists are the only people who don’t think atheism is a religion so let them preach. Considering the long and continuing history of religions hating non-believers I think doth protest too much.
on Dec 07, 2005
Ah the anti-dogma is just as bad as the pro-dogma. The way I see it, if you believe in God or Mohammad or Buddha, fine. If you don't, well that is fine too. The only thing I don't want is for people to get in my face about their beliefs.
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