Debate, and discuss, just dont Bore me.
A question for all to Ponder
Published on October 7, 2005 By Dr Guy In Politics

Moderateman (, in a defense of Harriet Miers, just made an interesting statement:

put the lefts precious abortion rights at risk and there is nothing that gets the left foaming at the mouth faster than a perception that someone might overturn Roe V Wade.

Taken at face value, the statement seems to be one of those "well Duh" ones.  And if that were indeed the case, no more would need to be said.

But I have a question for everyone here.  How would overturning Roe versus Wade affect abortion rights?  So many yell that over turning it would make abortions illegal.  Would it?

There is no reputable legal scholar around today that thinks that Roe is a good ruling.  It basically sucks and shows that you don't have to be smart to be on the Supreme Court.  Bakerstreet showed that the so called 'right to privacy' is no such right at all, and that the only thing that Roe did was make abortion a right.  Note, I did not say found the right to abortion.  For Roe found nothing.  Roe created a right.  By 7 unelected people.  In one ruling, they disenfranchised 200+ million people in the United States.

So why not over rule it?  Would not that be better so we could have a better ruling for the future?

And if it is over ruled, what will happen to abortion?

Anyone want to take a stab at answering that?

Comments (Page 2)
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on Oct 07, 2005

See doc with the left it always comes down to abortion, just like I said.

It should not.  Over turning Row V Wade would not outlaw abortion.  Some states may, but then they would do so by the will of a majority of their citizens.  i.e. Giving rights back to the people, taking nothing away.

on Oct 07, 2005

Gah. I was thinking NOT present

I know.  I figured you were not doing a 180 in mid response.

on Oct 07, 2005
I know. I figured you were not doing a 180 in mid response.

I have been know to do that (especially when talking to my wife). Not in this case, however.

What is it about the women in our lives that confuse us? My wife does it all the time and my daughter must be taking lessons from her mom 'cause she's getting good at it, too.
on Oct 07, 2005

If your argument held water, we could then COMPELL every doctor to offer abortion, or even take it so far as to demand that every grocery store sell alcohol and Penthouse magazines. After all, they're legal, right?

Which would usurp Virginia law, not to mention several other states' laws.

on Oct 07, 2005

I have been know to do that (especially when talking to my wife).

They have a term for that. It is called "Ensuring Domestic Tranquility".  And I do it as well.

on Oct 07, 2005
how is recognizing a person's right to choose medical procedures and guaranteeing that right totalitarianism?

which totalitarian state is known for that?
on Oct 07, 2005
Many of the State abortion Laws date back nearly one hundred years and have not been touched since the R vs. W. Most State legislators just left the laws on the book in order to avoid the hot button issue. If RvW is overturned, how many State Laws would be revised or removed?

Remember, people today are much more liberal in their thinking, then when most of these laws were made. IMO, after each States reevaluation period, there will be less restrictive abortion laws then before.

That will really produce a fire storm in the Republican party on most local levels, because it will pit the Pro-life and the Pro-choice candidates against each other for money and power within the party. Something that will make the Democrats jump for joy. Then after that civil war is over, and if the Pro-life (IMO mostly Religious) wing beats out the Pro-choice (IMO mostly libertarian) wing, the Republicans may just be a shell of what they are now.

But that is My Two Cents (i.e. opinion)
on Oct 07, 2005
As much fun as this is--I'm really tired of this argument. I never say anything new (my own fault), but neither does anyone else. We aren't going to convince each other of much...and sometimes I feel like I am intentionally misread (for example, Dr. Guy, did you see the part where I said, abortion "as it stands today" -- yea, making it illegal after the first trimester is a different, in fact it does change the law).

I've also had the reproductive rights argument time and time again, and don't feel like getting it to it--especially when you are being completely disingenuine with your response. No, I don't think there are laws outlawing birth--let's not be patently ridiculous. But I do feel that once you start legislating over women's reproductive health is it not a far jump to think that legilation regarding birth control, maternity leave...and the whatnot are that far away.
on Oct 07, 2005

how is recognizing a person's right to choose medical procedures and guaranteeing that right totalitarianism?

I cant answer you since you took everything out of context.  Now if you want to show me where I stated that, I can respond to it.

on Oct 07, 2005

That will really produce a fire storm in the Republican party on most local levels, because it will pit the Pro-life and the Pro-choice candidates against each other for money and power within the party.

I agree with that assessment.  Right now, the Republicans have the high road, and the democrats are forced to argue for death and murder.  If Roe is over turned, the democrats will have the high road and the republicans will be forced to fight among themselves on what now is a non issue.

on Oct 07, 2005

(for example, Dr. Guy, did you see the part where I said, abortion "as it stands today" -- yea, making it illegal after the first trimester is a different, in fact it does change the law).

That was not in your original post, where I pulled my figures from (thank you for the homework).  I dont see how I could be accused of misreading something when it is not there.

on Oct 07, 2005
Seems to me that everyone would have access to it, just not very conveniently for some.

and in there lies the rub. You are infringing on the holy trinity of our culture, Comfort, Convenience and Sex. If abortion laws cause the least bit of discomfort or is at all inconvenient, of course the "right" has been destroyed completely.
on Oct 07, 2005
Dr. Guy--refer to comment #8
on Oct 07, 2005

You are infringing on the holy trinity of our culture, Comfort, Convenience and Sex. If abortion laws cause the least bit of discomfort or is at all inconvenient, of course the "right" has been destroyed completely.

So pass a law!  There is nothing stopping any state, and the citizens there of, from making Abortion as easily accessible as it is today.  But instead of having a gang of 7 dictating laws, you would have a population deciding how it wants to live.

on Oct 07, 2005

Dr. Guy--refer to comment #8

It still would not be eliminated.  Changed, yes.  Not eliminated.

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