Moderateman (, in a defense of Harriet Miers, just made an interesting statement:
put the lefts precious abortion rights at risk and there is nothing that gets the left foaming at the mouth faster than a perception that someone might overturn Roe V Wade.
Taken at face value, the statement seems to be one of those "well Duh" ones. And if that were indeed the case, no more would need to be said.
But I have a question for everyone here. How would overturning Roe versus Wade affect abortion rights? So many yell that over turning it would make abortions illegal. Would it?
There is no reputable legal scholar around today that thinks that Roe is a good ruling. It basically sucks and shows that you don't have to be smart to be on the Supreme Court. Bakerstreet showed that the so called 'right to privacy' is no such right at all, and that the only thing that Roe did was make abortion a right. Note, I did not say found the right to abortion. For Roe found nothing. Roe created a right. By 7 unelected people. In one ruling, they disenfranchised 200+ million people in the United States.
So why not over rule it? Would not that be better so we could have a better ruling for the future?
And if it is over ruled, what will happen to abortion?
Anyone want to take a stab at answering that?