Debate, and discuss, just dont Bore me.
A question for all to Ponder
Published on October 7, 2005 By Dr Guy In Politics

Moderateman (, in a defense of Harriet Miers, just made an interesting statement:

put the lefts precious abortion rights at risk and there is nothing that gets the left foaming at the mouth faster than a perception that someone might overturn Roe V Wade.

Taken at face value, the statement seems to be one of those "well Duh" ones.  And if that were indeed the case, no more would need to be said.

But I have a question for everyone here.  How would overturning Roe versus Wade affect abortion rights?  So many yell that over turning it would make abortions illegal.  Would it?

There is no reputable legal scholar around today that thinks that Roe is a good ruling.  It basically sucks and shows that you don't have to be smart to be on the Supreme Court.  Bakerstreet showed that the so called 'right to privacy' is no such right at all, and that the only thing that Roe did was make abortion a right.  Note, I did not say found the right to abortion.  For Roe found nothing.  Roe created a right.  By 7 unelected people.  In one ruling, they disenfranchised 200+ million people in the United States.

So why not over rule it?  Would not that be better so we could have a better ruling for the future?

And if it is over ruled, what will happen to abortion?

Anyone want to take a stab at answering that?

Comments (Page 7)
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on Oct 09, 2005

ummm no. I have yet to see where most people in the US don't want abortion.

Umm yes.  How many of the 200 million got to vote on it?  Just because your horse wins, if you dont get to vote, you are still being disenfranchised.

on Oct 09, 2005
if you beleive it is murder, as I do, then it is not forcing my beleifs on you

unless i don't believe it is murder, as you do, in which case you most certainly are are forcing your beliefs on me.
on Oct 09, 2005

Sooo... I wait... abortion banned through-out the land?

And I disagree, altho I am very pro-life.  I dont see it completely banned, and indeed, I see it mostly legal (with some regulations) in most states.  But as it has not happened (the overturning) we can only opine about what will happen, and in the end, no one is right or wrong, just have different opinions.

on Oct 09, 2005

I don't like abortion at all, but I don't see anyone stepping up to the plate and saying we will support and finance social services when we end abortion.

You have not been listening then.

on Oct 09, 2005

unless i don't believe it is murder, as you do, in which case you most certainly are are forcing your beliefs on me.

How am I forcing my beliefs on you when I did not say I would ban it?  Only if I banned it, would I be forcing my beliefs on you.  However, I would try to get it banned, the right way. Through the ballot box.  And then it would not be a force as it would be a democratic process, one which we all AGREED to abide by.

As it stands today, 7 people forced their beliefs upon a whole nation.

on Oct 09, 2005
Reply By: Dr. GuyPosted: Sunday, October 09, 2005

As it stands today, 7 people forced their beliefs upon a whole nation

ya see doc, when scotus makes law that the left approves of it's just and fair, when scotus makes law that supports tyhe right, it's forcing views on us.

get it now my friend?
on Oct 09, 2005

ya see doc, when scotus makes law that the left approves of it's just and fair, when scotus makes law that supports tyhe right, it's forcing views on us.

get it now my friend?

I know how the left sees it, but in both cases, as I have stated before, it is wrong.

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