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Sheehan Lied or is Lying
Published on August 31, 2005 By Dr Guy In Current Events

Well, Cindy Sheehan finally came clean and admitted that it was not the intention of the circus to see President Bush.

"I look back on it, and I am very, very, very grateful he did not meet with me,because we have sparked and galvanized the peace movement," Sheehan told The Associated Press. "If he'd met with me, then I would have gone home, and it would have ended there."

So apparently the purpose was not to see Bush, but to 'galvanize' a peace movement.  And of course allow her to erroneously compare herself to Rosa Parks.

In all honesty, I will say that this is not the real Cindy Sheehan talking, but the Handled one.  And in so admitting, I will also say that she has probably the worst handlers in the history of any politically staged event.  They not only cant control her mouth, they give her the wrong lines to speak. 

Only Sheeple will follow someone so crass and self serving that she disses other Gold Star Moms for not agreeing with her, makes statements out of the KKK playbook, and cant put together 2 coherent statements in a live interview.

Her original stated goal was an admirable one that many people gave her respect for.  Now that it has been shown to be a lie, and she herself just a willing puppet of the loonies on the left, the movement is just a hollow shell.

Comments (Page 8)
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on Sep 03, 2005
Splain Lucy

I would like to. but, in deference to the JU administrators, I'll not do it right now. Suffice it to say, our lil cockroach puppy isn't all that wonderful and nice and above board. He's a devious lil dip. And, he's stupid, to boot.
on Sep 03, 2005

Dan, I don't know who you are, but my comment was not intended to be racist,

The road to hell is paved with intentions.  But you proved my point to Karma once again.  You are a racist.

on Sep 03, 2005
Dont get me involved with your squabble. I have not commented on this.

I apologize. That wasn't fair.
on Sep 03, 2005

Then do not participate.

Dan, I have tried to tell her that.  Waste of energy.

on Sep 03, 2005

You claim to be part of a movement that stands for equality and justice

Dan, Claim is the key word.  No results, just claims.

on Sep 03, 2005

Please dabe go ahead. I never used anything close to the profantiy you use here.

As long as it is not here, she can stay.  But, IKWYM

on Sep 03, 2005

So, dabe, how's it feel to be called a racist, hmm?

I did it first!

on Sep 03, 2005

Puppy, getting you blacklisted had nothing to do with foul lanquage. It's because I am totally convinced you are a full-blown idiot, and nothing you say is worthy of anything.

I have not BLed you.  And by that standard, you do qualify.

on Sep 03, 2005

If that's the case you should have been blacklisted from everybodies posts

No, we are not close minded!

on Sep 03, 2005

Dabe, I can understand you regret for your flippant remark, but there is no amount of excuses or trying to say, "The devil made me say it" that will change the fact that you said it. Take some responsibility for yourself and your mistakes and maybe you will grow from the experience. Remember, Dabe, you are the one who has been claiming to be part of the higher moral ground here by claiming association with a movement, the others have only been saying they have a conflicting opinion on the original subject.

Dan, are you a JU user?  If not, registration is free, and you are an asset!

on Sep 03, 2005
"Dan, are you a JU user? If not, registration is free, and you are an asset!"

Yes I am, my blog is the DanCave. In fact I was just informed that my blog of the month is a featured article. Still no offers from Fox or MSNBC to be guest expert for a phenomenol amount of money though, so I guess featured just means more people might read the thread.

That being said I may not be an asset, depending on where that comes from. I want to emphasize that my comments to Dabe were not meant to insult but for shock value to get her to think about what she is saying. Her intent is fine and her choice of side of the fence is fine and her right. I would love to see her make a better case because healthy debate on differing views is a good thing. Not everything she says is without value simply because some things are not thought out well before being said. By the same token many others completely left the issue at hand and turned it in to a personal slugfest as well. I just was not conversing with those people or engaging in a debate on something they said about the issue.

But, thanks. I appreciate the compliment
on Sep 03, 2005
Haven't the admins discussed it with you yet? Banishment for your deviousness would be appropriate, I would think. but I didn't request it. that's up to the admins.

Please explain yourself dabe because all you are doing now is making stuff up. Please explain to everyone how "deviousness" should be bannable.

Suffice it to say, our lil cockroach puppy isn't all that wonderful and nice and above board. He's a devious lil dip. And, he's stupid, to boot.

You have no class dabe. Look at you playing the innocent victim and you still can't stop your profanity or your attacks.
on Sep 04, 2005
~laughs @ all the mysterious threats and insinuations here..."Island Dog isnt who we think he is""something is going on behind the scenes,"....oooo, mystery..."i cant say what it is out of respect for admins" gag order...don't blow anyones cover, dabe!


Exactly. It seems I couldn't get blacklisted because I'm devious. I guess I have some power behind the scenes where I can prevent someone from blacklisting me. I guess I am now included in their conspiracy theories.
on Sep 04, 2005
my comments to Dabe were not meant to insult but for shock value to get her to think about what she is saying

Great. But I don't feel like biting. When it comes to the history of the vietnam war, my hat's off to you Dan. You obviously win, hands down.

But, at the same token, the only initial comparison I was making to the vietnam conflict was the galvanization of this country to end the conflict. Period. Somehow, I got sucked into your pompous game, and and now choose to not continue. Sorry to disappoint you in your attempts to ridicule and one up me.
on Sep 04, 2005
Stardock techies, have you dealth with the Island Dog issue internally, like you told me you would, or was your email just placation?
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