Debate, and discuss, just dont Bore me.
What was their last Proposal?
Published on August 16, 2005 By Dr Guy In Politics

Moderateman wrote an article basically accusing the left of trashing everything that the right proposes, and then not doing a diddly damn to fix the problems.  Indeed, several bloggers on this site fell into that very trap.  Complaining about a policy of Bush's, yet offering no proposals in opposition.

But you cannot blame them.  Why blame the soldiers when the leaders are doing it on record?  Yesterday on Face the nation, in addition to endorsing Saddam's torture, gassing, shooting and raping of Women, Howard Dean had the following exchange:

SCHIEFFER: ...I mean, saying we need a plan. I mean, sure, you need a plan, but do you have a plan? Is anybody working on a plan? What would you propose?

Dr. DEAN: Well, Bob, the president of the United States is commander in chief. It is up to him to come up for a plan. You can't expect a congressman and senators who don't have the same access to intelligence as the president does to come up with a plan to withdraw our troops from Iraq...... You can't expect a particular senator or particular congressman to have a plan. Only the president can do that.

Direct Question: Do you have a proposal.

Weasel Answer: Only the president can make a plan.

That in a nut shell is the problem with the democrats.  It is not that they dont have a plan or proposal, but that they REFUSE to come up with one.  They REFUSE to address the problems of today, instead just carping on the solutions being proposed.

That is why the left is laughed at and not taken for granted.  And what are they going to do in 08 when their one hole card, the hate for Bush, cant be used since he is not running?  Turn into 21st century McCarthyists and try to name any republican a 'bushie' (in the words of the ignorant left)?

You want to win some elections?  Get new leadership.  Or be satisfied to be a minority party for your life time.

Comments (Page 1)
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on Aug 16, 2005
For those wonder what the elipses eliminated, I linked the transcript.  It is just mindless rambling by howlin Howie
on Aug 16, 2005
You are correct the Moderates and the Democrats need to provide specific policy changes. The majority of Americans understand that what we are doing is not resolving the issues facing us. We need proposals that take a different approach that show some chance of success.

For Iraq- we give the Iraqi government a time line for our withdrawel ( Dec 2005) so they can begin planning for their people to defend their country. If they fail then it is on them.

The budget needs to be balanced by 2008 and begin developing a surplus by 2009 to begin repaying the debt. All options must be used-- spending cuts (start with the pork), better enforcement of existing laws and restoration of the tax rates to pre 2000 levels except for the increased child deduction, elimination of the marriage penality and the 10% bracket.

WE need to require ALL new cars sold in the US to get higher gas mileage, repeal the tax giveaway to big oil just passed and use it for tax credits to fund alternate energy and higher mileage cars, SUV's and trucks.

We need to increase the retirement age for Social Security and lift the cap of the wages taxed for Social Security. The added revenue from lifting the amount traxed shoud be invested in equities by the Social Security Trust fund the same way all state pension funds are today.

These are just a few new policies to begin SOLVING the issuies that face the US.
on Aug 16, 2005
I'm just curious why Dean couldn't have said, "Well, obviously I don't have access to the intel that the President does, but based on the information that I DO have, I think that A, B, C, and D would be a good start"?

Is he afraid to stick his neck out with something that might get criticized? And this man wanted to be President!
on Aug 16, 2005
Texas Wahnie-- GOOD QUESTION!

There is no doubt we need NEW policies!
on Aug 16, 2005
These are just a few new policies to begin SOLVING the issuies that face the US.

Now that’s the COL I like to see. Not once did you say the name Bush.

repeal the tax giveaway to big oil just passed and use it for tax credits to fund alternate energy and higher mileage cars, SUV's and trucks.

I'm not poking you on this; I'm just uneducated on what tax credits you’re talking about. The only ones added in this last Energy package pasted recently that I had seen was the tax write off for the purchase, building and sale of Bio-diesel & hydrogen. All the other tax breaks went to the Energy Companies (i.e. raising the amount of green energy required purchased). If you got a link to the list of tax credits to Big oil companies, I would be interested.

Thanks ahead of time when you can do that.
on Aug 16, 2005
I knew col would come with "raise the taxes" rhetoric.
on Aug 16, 2005
Weak leadership sits around talking about how it can't work. Strong leadership points out why it won't work, and makes suggestions about how it could work, or what would be a better plan altogether.

Each Senator and House Member represents their state and district, we have to look at our representation and ask ourselves, his he or she a strong leader, or a weak one...

From what we see from the House and Senate Democrats lately, they don't seem to remember that they represent anyone but their party or that they are leaders at all.
on Aug 16, 2005

Yes, the conservatives have a loyalty to their cause without reguard to how that impacts the majority of people they represent. The Democrats do the same thing but to a lesser extent. Most of the recent policies DO NOT benefit the majority of the people the members of Congress represent.

As to the energy bill, the bill appears to provide a great deal of the $14 Billion dollar cost to energy companies that are making profits which are off the scale. WHY? The size of the oil company profits should preclude adding to our deficit to further improve their bottom line! Every dollar of the $14 Billion dollar cost will be borrowed given our annual deficit.
on Aug 16, 2005

You are correct the Moderates and the Democrats need to provide specific policy changes. The majority of Americans understand that what we are doing is not resolving the issues facing us. We need proposals that take a different approach that show some chance of success.

Dang, for once I gotta agree with the Col. with the exception of the middle sentence.
on Aug 17, 2005

Reply By: COL Gene

That is exactly what the left needs to do.  Best response I have seen from you in a long time.

on Aug 17, 2005

I'm just curious why Dean couldn't have said, "Well, obviously I don't have access to the intel that the President does, but based on the information that I DO have, I think that A, B, C, and D would be a good start"?

Is he afraid to stick his neck out with something that might get criticized? And this man wanted to be President!

I think it goes beyond that.  For if they do take a position, then it can be debated and criticized.  By not taking a position, they can deny any accountability and just blame others.

on Aug 17, 2005

Now that’s the COL I like to see. Not once did you say the name Bush.

I think he is getting a fan club.

on Aug 17, 2005

I knew col would come with "raise the taxes" rhetoric.

But at least it is a position.  That is more than we can say for the left.  IN that, we can debate and discuss it.

on Aug 17, 2005

Weak leadership sits around talking about how it can't work. Strong leadership points out why it won't work, and makes suggestions about how it could work, or what would be a better plan altogether.

No truer words were ever spoken.

on Aug 17, 2005

Yes, the conservatives have a loyalty to their cause without reguard to how that impacts the majority of people they represent.

I disagree.  They have a regard to how that impacts the people, but they feel it is a good impact.  If they did as you say, they would not be in office very long.  That does not mean that it does not have a negative impact on the people, but that is what debate is for.  They beleive it helps the people.  So they took a stand.  The left beleives it has a negative impact, but refuse to take a stand other then to moan and groan.

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