Debate, and discuss, just dont Bore me.
What was their last Proposal?
Published on August 16, 2005 By Dr Guy In Politics

Moderateman wrote an article basically accusing the left of trashing everything that the right proposes, and then not doing a diddly damn to fix the problems.  Indeed, several bloggers on this site fell into that very trap.  Complaining about a policy of Bush's, yet offering no proposals in opposition.

But you cannot blame them.  Why blame the soldiers when the leaders are doing it on record?  Yesterday on Face the nation, in addition to endorsing Saddam's torture, gassing, shooting and raping of Women, Howard Dean had the following exchange:

SCHIEFFER: ...I mean, saying we need a plan. I mean, sure, you need a plan, but do you have a plan? Is anybody working on a plan? What would you propose?

Dr. DEAN: Well, Bob, the president of the United States is commander in chief. It is up to him to come up for a plan. You can't expect a congressman and senators who don't have the same access to intelligence as the president does to come up with a plan to withdraw our troops from Iraq...... You can't expect a particular senator or particular congressman to have a plan. Only the president can do that.

Direct Question: Do you have a proposal.

Weasel Answer: Only the president can make a plan.

That in a nut shell is the problem with the democrats.  It is not that they dont have a plan or proposal, but that they REFUSE to come up with one.  They REFUSE to address the problems of today, instead just carping on the solutions being proposed.

That is why the left is laughed at and not taken for granted.  And what are they going to do in 08 when their one hole card, the hate for Bush, cant be used since he is not running?  Turn into 21st century McCarthyists and try to name any republican a 'bushie' (in the words of the ignorant left)?

You want to win some elections?  Get new leadership.  Or be satisfied to be a minority party for your life time.

Comments (Page 3)
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on Aug 18, 2005

You "still" have not addressed the point I made. "If" GW's policies are so bad, then why have none of the democrats filibustered any of them? So don't lay this all on the GOP. It only takes ONE dem to start a filibuster.

They have threatened to filibuster SS and anything else that migh help solve a problem.  Dont sell them short.  They are obstructionist with a one word mantra. NO.

on Aug 18, 2005

The use of the filibuster will not enact policies that will solve our problems but will bring the government to a hault!

Notice that the interviewer did not ask for what actions Dean would take, but what plans.  You dont have to have a majority to propose solutions.  That is just the lamest cop out I have ever heard, and entirely stupid to boot.

on Aug 18, 2005

Col, do you realize that democrats keep losing on these issues?

And those were Clinton solutions! He is the last democrat to have any!

on Aug 18, 2005

When was the last time you heard of a Democrat House or Senate member thinking for themselves and defying the Democrat leadership?

Zell Miller. Many many moons ago.

on Aug 18, 2005

The deficit, trade, Social Sceurity, Medicare, Medicade, loss of American jobs, Border security, Iraq, Energy to mention some of the issues. Not one of these issues has Bush improved. In fact EVERY ONE has become MUCH worse since Jan 2001.

He has proposals for some that the democrats are filibustering.  He has enacted solutions to others that  are starting to pay off and improve the situations.  IN all cases things are better off, and it is getting harder and harder for you to find instances (red herrings really) that bolster your point while denigrating the truth.  IN time, you will not be able to find any, as in every case, you have been shown to be wrong.

You are consistent in that regard.  A perfect 0 for everything.

on Aug 18, 2005
Yep Things are better.. We are over $8 Trillion in debt. Iraq is getting worse by the day. Energy prices are better (for the oil suppliers). We are moving to a NEW $60 Billion entitlement - prescription drugs with NO money to pay for it. The trade deficit is over $600 Billion. The number of illegels comming across our borders in increasing. We are NO where on the Social Sceurity, Medicare and Medicade funding. If things get any better we will all be bankrupt!
on Aug 19, 2005

Yep Things are better.. We are over $8 Trillion in debt. Iraq is getting worse by the day. Energy prices are better (for the oil suppliers). We are moving to a NEW $60 Billion entitlement - prescription drugs with NO money to pay for it. The trade deficit is over $600 Billion. The number of illegels comming across our borders in increasing. We are NO where on the Social Sceurity, Medicare and Medicade funding. If things get any better we will all be bankrupt!

Funny, the only people who believe Iraq is getting worse are the MSM and you, since the GIs on the ground and the Iraqis dont.  And I wouldlike you to show me where bush ran up 8trillion in debt?  And you are the one bitching that we dont have universal health care and the drug program was a step towards that! (One that I do not agree with either).

So, is your mouth double jointed?  Is that how you talk out of both sides of it?

on Aug 19, 2005
typical leftspeak going on here again, they take a position HUGE DEFICIT, then bemoan we need to spend more money on UNIVERSAL HEATHCARE.

the left can really argue both sides of an issue 180 degrees apart with equal fervor.
on Aug 19, 2005

typical leftspeak going on here again, they take a position HUGE DEFICIT, then bemoan we need to spend more money on UNIVERSAL HEATHCARE.

No, they actually have an answer for that.  Raise Taxes.  And the American people rejected that as well.

on Aug 19, 2005
Dr Guy

What country do you live in? 28% of Americans believe the War has made us safer and 35% approve of the way Bush is handling Iraq. Sounds like a lot more people agree with me than you!

$8 Trillion is about $$28,000 for EVERY MAN, WOMEN AND CHILD IN AMERICA. Yes it is a BIG DEAL. The interest will soon be $ 500 Billion every year or about 1/5 of the total federal budget to pay interest that buys NOTHING. It pays for the past when we spent more then we taxed! In addition, the debt continues to grow under the Bush policy of CHARGE AND SPEND! I am a MODRATE that says we balance the budget even if that means increasing taxes!
on Aug 19, 2005

Dr Guy

What country do you live in? 28% of Americans believe the War has made us safer and 35% approve of the way Bush is handling Iraq. Sounds like a lot more people agree with me than you!

I don't know where your getting your info on this col, but it's only "partially" right. Only 35% approve of the way GW is handling the war is the correct part. The part your missing is that 68% think we should just go in and kick butt and forget about taking names (more agressive approach). So it sounds like your agreement squad just got a "whole" lot smaller!
on Aug 19, 2005
don't know where your getting your info on this col, but it's only "partially" right. Only 35% approve of the way GW is handling the war is the correct part. The part your missing is that 68% think we should just go in and kick butt and forget about taking names (more agressive approach). So it sounds like your agreement squad just got a "whole" lot smaller!

He's reverted to his one trick pony status, so I am just going to ignore him. Facts dont matter to the chosen few.
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