Debate, and discuss, just dont Bore me.
What was their last Proposal?
Published on August 16, 2005 By Dr Guy In Politics

Moderateman wrote an article basically accusing the left of trashing everything that the right proposes, and then not doing a diddly damn to fix the problems.  Indeed, several bloggers on this site fell into that very trap.  Complaining about a policy of Bush's, yet offering no proposals in opposition.

But you cannot blame them.  Why blame the soldiers when the leaders are doing it on record?  Yesterday on Face the nation, in addition to endorsing Saddam's torture, gassing, shooting and raping of Women, Howard Dean had the following exchange:

SCHIEFFER: ...I mean, saying we need a plan. I mean, sure, you need a plan, but do you have a plan? Is anybody working on a plan? What would you propose?

Dr. DEAN: Well, Bob, the president of the United States is commander in chief. It is up to him to come up for a plan. You can't expect a congressman and senators who don't have the same access to intelligence as the president does to come up with a plan to withdraw our troops from Iraq...... You can't expect a particular senator or particular congressman to have a plan. Only the president can do that.

Direct Question: Do you have a proposal.

Weasel Answer: Only the president can make a plan.

That in a nut shell is the problem with the democrats.  It is not that they dont have a plan or proposal, but that they REFUSE to come up with one.  They REFUSE to address the problems of today, instead just carping on the solutions being proposed.

That is why the left is laughed at and not taken for granted.  And what are they going to do in 08 when their one hole card, the hate for Bush, cant be used since he is not running?  Turn into 21st century McCarthyists and try to name any republican a 'bushie' (in the words of the ignorant left)?

You want to win some elections?  Get new leadership.  Or be satisfied to be a minority party for your life time.

Comments (Page 2)
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on Aug 17, 2005

Dang, for once I gotta agree with the Col. with the exception of the middle sentence.

But that is rhetoric and a point of debate.  Which cannot happen yet since the left wont propose anything, just trash everything.

on Aug 17, 2005
Dr Guy

We have ample data as to how the Bush policy changes have impactd our country. WE have data that shows who have been helped, who have not been helped and who has lost ground. I have said the conservative agenda HAS produced the intended short term results for one segment of our population. It has also had a negative impact for many others and will have a negative long term impact for almost everyone i.e the increase in the debt and the added interest the American Taxpayes will be required to pay EVERY YEAR until we repay that added debt! We can not begin repaying the debt while we are runnung a annual deficit! The Bush plan NEVER produces a balanced budget much less a surplus that would be needed to begin repaying the debt that he added.
on Aug 17, 2005

We have ample data as to how the Bush policy changes have impactd our country. WE have data that shows who have been helped, who have not been helped and who has lost ground. I

You see that is where we can have a debate, for the ones you claim have been hurt, I claim have not.  You say that middle class america have been hurt by the housing run up, yet they are the ones who own the additional wealth of a higher priced house.  It is not some face corporation, but the exact middle class that just got a boost in assets that you say were hurt.  We are most assuredly not being hurt.  This is a case of lifting all boats, and yet you still decry it.  Under your game plan, no one is safe until everyone can be reduced to poverty and government assistance.  Your very statistics show you that all boats are rising, yet you try to use anecdotal evidence to show most people suffering.  And you are wrong.  Your side was wrong in 1960s the 1980s and the 2ks.  With such a consistency of being wrong, I would expect you to come to expect it these days. 

on Aug 17, 2005
The news is full of information about how the middle income workers income is NOT keeping pace with increases in Health, energy and housing costs. For those people that own a home, it is true that the value of their homes has increased. However, that increase in value does not help then pay the higher costs in health, food, energy etc. For middle income workers that do not own a home, the increase in cost is making home ownership more difficult and that can be sceen by the new mortgages( which are dangerous) like interest only and 40 year loans. That is becauue the higher prices have made it impossible for many middle income workers to afford a home with conventional loans.

The low income workers are even worse off. They have not sceen even as much wage growth as the middle income workers and must pay the same higher costs. The policies we are following are only helping a small percent of ther middle income workers and NONE of the low income workers. Thus, the vast majority of American workers have not done well under the Bush economic policies!
on Aug 17, 2005
Col Gene:
Yes, the conservatives have a loyalty to their cause without reguard to how that impacts the majority of people they represent. The Democrats do the same thing but to a lesser extent. Most of the recent policies DO NOT benefit the majority of the people the members of Congress represent.

As to the energy bill, the bill appears to provide a great deal of the $14 Billion dollar cost to energy companies that are making profits which are off the scale. WHY? The size of the oil company profits should preclude adding to our deficit to further improve their bottom line! Every dollar of the $14 Billion dollar cost will be borrowed given our annual deficit.

What Congress are you watching? The House and Senate Democrats are walking in lockstep with their leadership and the DNC like mindless robots. Name one that has broken ranks! We often hear of Republicans disagreeing with the majority leaders and Prs. Bush but rarely do we hear of Democrats disagreeing with the minority leaders.

Let's see, the recent policies have ushered in an economy that is stronger than a blind bat like you refuse to accept. You apparently completely ignore everything that anyone does that doesn't fit in your myopic little peabrain. Open your eyes sometime, you might like what you see... but that would be a tragedy wouldn't it.
on Aug 17, 2005
The Republicans control the House, Senate and White House. The policies Bush has proposed have been passed into law by the Republican controlled Congress. Therefore the failure to solve our problems is the result of the GOP policies not the Democrats. I wish the GOP became moderate and the conservative operatives were defeated. The policies we are following are helping boost corporate profits but only a select few are being helped by the increased profits. Tax cuts are non existant for the low income workers and for the middle income American to benefit from the Bush tax cuts you must have both parties working( Marriage penality) or have dependent children ( higher tax credit). The reduction in tax on dividends and the new 10% bracket are of limited help. The BIG tax cuts went to the high income Americans.
on Aug 17, 2005

The Republicans control the House, Senate and White House. The policies Bush has proposed have been passed into law by the Republican controlled Congress. Therefore the failure to solve our problems is the result of the GOP policies not the Democrats.

You "still" have not addressed the point I made. "If" GW's policies are so bad, then why have none of the democrats filibustered any of them? So don't lay this all on the GOP. It only takes ONE dem to start a filibuster.
on Aug 18, 2005

Listen to what you are saying-- To stop to destructive policies of the conservatives that control Congress and the White House the Democrats must STOP any action in the Senate, which is the only house that can use the filibuter. The use of the filibuster will not enact policies that will solve our problems but will bring the government to a hault! The policies we have are the conservative Republican ideas that only benefit a small segment of our population in the short run and harm everyone in the long term (i.e. the increased national debt and the higher interest that must be paid)

The solution is to enact policies that benefit the MAJORITY in the LONG TERM which requires either a change in control in Congress and/or the White House or a change in the objectives of the conservatives who are currently in control!
on Aug 18, 2005
Listen to what you are saying-- To stop to destructive policies of the conservatives that control Congress and the White House the Democrats must STOP any action in the Senate, which is the only house that can use the filibuter. The use of the filibuster will not enact policies that will solve our problems but will bring the government to a halt!

Well if the policies are as bad as you continue to say they are, maybe that's what's needed.
on Aug 18, 2005
The solution is to enact policies that benefit the MAJORITY in the LONG TERM which requires either a change in control in Congress and/or the White House or a change in the objectives of the conservatives who are currently in control!

What is it col? Raise taxes, socialist healthcare maybe?

Col, do you realize that democrats keep losing on these issues?
on Aug 18, 2005
Colon Gene farts again.

Yes, the House, Senate and the White House are all Republican controlled, but you, yourself love to point out the instances when a few Republican Senators or House members break ranks with their party.

When was the last time you heard of a Democrat House or Senate member thinking for themselves and defying the Democrat leadership?

Your a cyclops. A myopic oaf who thinks only in terms of "Bush bad". You seem to want one of two things to happen. The country you lie about loving to go down the crapper (just so you can childishly blame Bush)... or... I take that back, there isn't a 2nd option for your wormy little brain.
on Aug 18, 2005
The policies we are following are moving us on the road to MAJOR problems-- The deficit, trade, Social Sceurity, Medicare, Medicade, loss of American jobs, Border security, Iraq, Energy to mention some of the issues. Not one of these issues has Bush improved. In fact EVERY ONE has become MUCH worse since Jan 2001. Since he has gotten HIS policies through Congress, you can not pin their failure on the Dems.
on Aug 18, 2005

The news is full of information about how the middle income workers income is NOT keeping pace with increases in Health, energy and housing costs.

The news is full of the opposite as well, depending upon if it is a left wing source or an unbiased one.  But that is not the point of this article, and you can continue to rail about bad bush all you want to.  Let's try to stick somewhat to the topic and leave that one to your blog where you blew it there as well.

on Aug 18, 2005

Let's see, the recent policies have ushered in an economy that is stronger than a blind bat like you refuse to accept. You apparently completely ignore everything that anyone does that doesn't fit in your myopic little peabrain. Open your eyes sometime, you might like what you see... but that would be a tragedy wouldn't it.

He is just a Dabe without the fowl language.

on Aug 18, 2005

Therefore the failure to solve our problems is the result of the GOP policies not the Democrats

No, they are not failures.  SOme are works in progress.  Others are being stonewalled by the very democrats you claim to love so much.  those are the FACTS.  And it is pure stonewalling as they do not attempt to fix the problem with alternative suggestions, they are just like a 2 year old.  Their only word is NO!

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