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Idiocy from the heartland
Published on August 9, 2005 By Dr Guy In Current Events

In what can only be described as stupidity, the Denver public LIbrary has decided to make 7 branches 'Hables Espaniol'.  They are banishing english books to the back rooms and going with a spanish motif.

While this may seem like a 'feel good' policy, in actual fact it is just another attempt to keep a minority down.  It is stupidity at its worse.

There is nothing wrong with speaking spanish.  Indeed, I speak a very little and my wife is also fluent in it.  But if Spanish is the only thing you are going to speak, you are not going to get very far in the USA.  Mexico?  Sure!  You can become president there, but not in the USA.  By coddling spanish only speakers, these denizens of dunce have decided that apparently America does not have enough janitors and yard workers, so we must cultivate a permanent underclass.  One that will be happy with their low standard of living and never aspire to better themselves in this country.

For that is what they are doing. It is another example of a PCism that I am sure is being done for all the right reasons, but the effect is to create a permanent low income group of people.  And that is by far worse than any 'feel goodism' that can come of this idiotic attempt.

So chalk another one up for the ignoramuses that poo-poo the citizens trying to make the official language of the US, english (one of only a handful of countries in the world that does not have an official language by the way).  No, those who look to raise all the boats instead of lower the water are just a bunch of small minded jingoistic racists who would deny every culture their right to live in isolation and poverty in the richest country in the world.

Losers is now spelled Denver Public Libraries.

Comments (Page 3)
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on Aug 12, 2005

Surely they could simply allocate some space in existing libraries for Spanish volumes

although I still don't agree that providing specific language libraries is going to keep those people marginalised. But hey, we don't have to agree on everything.

They already do.  However, I base my opinion (keeping them marginalized) by observing what is happening in many areas of the US.  By of course well intentioned idiots.

on Aug 12, 2005

Hahahaha...I realize that...and offense intended...

Growing up with it, you probably cannot imagine what I have heard.

Hey, if you think it is funny and want to laugh at it! Great!  that is a lot nicer than some of the other comments I have gotten.

on Aug 12, 2005

i'd be willing to bet hard cash money i spend more time verifying my comments with authoritative sources than several of yall highly ranked posters do your entire articles.

Still avoiding the challenge I see. You talk the talk, you just refuse to walk the walk.

on Aug 12, 2005

nor put in the basement as you proclaim (did that come to you in a dream or did you just pull it outta your ass?).

You are the only one claiming they are going to be put in the basement, and last I checked, you have not crawled up my ass.  SO it must be yours you pulled it out of.

on Aug 12, 2005

dr,miler you ignorant slut..

kb, you are no Dan Akroyd.

on Aug 12, 2005
dr,miler you ignorant slut..

kb, you are no Dan Akroyd.

He's "partially" right. Even my wife says I'm a slut! As to the ignorant part, don't let him look in a mirror.
on Aug 13, 2005
Still avoiding the challenge

avoiding what challenge? in comment 27, i did exactly this...

i'm sure i coulda easily found one that wasn't totally biased against the idea and included ridiculous claims about locking all the english books in the basement (presumably where the spanish books are now)

You are the only one claiming they are going to be put in the basement

back room, basement...same concept. (i don't believe they have back rooms in libraries; you must be thinking of an adult book store or somethin like that). both you and the author of your article claim the english books are gonna be hidden away somewhere.

ya know i saw one of dabe's articles the other day in which she did something ive never seen you or drmiler do. she was informed the figure on which her post was based had been proven wrong. she re-checked it, discovered it was incorrect and admitted shed been mistaken.
on Aug 13, 2005
kb, you are no Dan Akroyd.

good thing too. i much prefer aykroyd.
on Aug 13, 2005
ya know i saw one of dabe's articles the other day in which she did something ive never seen you or drmiler do.

And you'd be so wrong on that. So wrong in fact that you would look downright dumb! Because I have. Most recent was an apology to LW for me being wrong. So go pound sand!
on Aug 14, 2005

He's "partially" right. Even my wife says I'm a slut! As to the ignorant part, don't let him look in a mirror.

Yea, well I dont go for the ignorant part either!

on Aug 14, 2005

back room, basement...same concept. (i don't believe they have back rooms in libraries; you must be thinking of an adult book store or somethin like that). both you and the author of your article claim the english books are gonna be hidden away somewhere.

No, it was you that said basement.  The library said backroom.  And you are still avoiding the challenge.  I dont blame you.  It is a losing cause.

on Aug 14, 2005

good thing too. i much prefer aykroyd.

Ok, you can correct my spelling all you want, but you are still no aykroyd!

on Aug 14, 2005

ya know i saw one of dabe's articles the other day in which she did something ive never seen you or drmiler do. she was informed the figure on which her post was based had been proven wrong. she re-checked it, discovered it was incorrect and admitted shed been mistaken.

Guess you dont read me that much do you?

on Aug 14, 2005

And you'd be so wrong on that. So wrong in fact that you would look downright dumb! Because I have. Most recent was an apology to LW for me being wrong. So go pound sand!

Funny how liberals forget our admissions of mistakes and glorify theirs.  Why?  cause their's are so few.

kingbee, you really stepped into this one.  All you have to do is check my blogs and the other Docs comments.  When we are wrong we admit it.  That Dabe did (and I did miss it altho I do read all of her postings as I like her) was the exception that just proved the rule.

on Aug 15, 2005
The library said backroom.

you won't mind providing that statement.
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