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Idiocy from the heartland
Published on August 9, 2005 By Dr Guy In Current Events

In what can only be described as stupidity, the Denver public LIbrary has decided to make 7 branches 'Hables Espaniol'.  They are banishing english books to the back rooms and going with a spanish motif.

While this may seem like a 'feel good' policy, in actual fact it is just another attempt to keep a minority down.  It is stupidity at its worse.

There is nothing wrong with speaking spanish.  Indeed, I speak a very little and my wife is also fluent in it.  But if Spanish is the only thing you are going to speak, you are not going to get very far in the USA.  Mexico?  Sure!  You can become president there, but not in the USA.  By coddling spanish only speakers, these denizens of dunce have decided that apparently America does not have enough janitors and yard workers, so we must cultivate a permanent underclass.  One that will be happy with their low standard of living and never aspire to better themselves in this country.

For that is what they are doing. It is another example of a PCism that I am sure is being done for all the right reasons, but the effect is to create a permanent low income group of people.  And that is by far worse than any 'feel goodism' that can come of this idiotic attempt.

So chalk another one up for the ignoramuses that poo-poo the citizens trying to make the official language of the US, english (one of only a handful of countries in the world that does not have an official language by the way).  No, those who look to raise all the boats instead of lower the water are just a bunch of small minded jingoistic racists who would deny every culture their right to live in isolation and poverty in the richest country in the world.

Losers is now spelled Denver Public Libraries.

Comments (Page 1)
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on Aug 09, 2005

Proponents call the plan "cutting edge" and "revolutionary."

They sure know how to dish out the bull sh*t, dont they.

on Aug 09, 2005
You wanna see the REAL Tower of Babel? Come visit Israel... a country made up of immigrants...most still speaking their native languages... and NO ONE speaking Hebrew properly. A trip to any public place will allow you to hear every language known to man.
on Aug 09, 2005
another example of political correctness, that is slwoly destroying america.
on Aug 09, 2005

You wanna see the REAL Tower of Babel? Come visit Israel... a country made up of immigrants...most still speaking their native languages... and NO ONE speaking Hebrew properly. A trip to any public place will allow you to hear every language known to man.

Oh, we got that here too.  300m speaking english (none of them correctly according to the British), and half speaking another tongue as well.  But I dont think Israel or anyother land is trying so damn hard to make sure that not everyone speaks a common language as the dummitz's here.

on Aug 09, 2005

another example of political correctness, that is slwoly destroying america.

Another example of the liberals trying to institutionalize their voter base by keeping them down trodden.

on Aug 09, 2005
The whole concept of an "official" language seems asinine to me, simply because its plainly obvious that English is the official language. You don't need bureaucratic time wasted to establish it as such. If English was not the the official language, this plan would not be described as "revolutionary" or "cutting edge" or whatever other garbage they used to describe it.

That being said, this "plan" is about the stupidest thing I've heard about in a long time.
on Aug 09, 2005
They should offer free English classes for Spanish speaking people if they really want to create a 'feel good' plan.
on Aug 10, 2005
I think it is a good idea, in some respects because it is providing a service for a percentage of Denver's population, who also happen to be taxpayers and are probably forgotten about, for the most part.

it is just another attempt to keep a minority down

I hardly think providing a Spanish library is a good example of keeping a minority down. Not providing library services for them would be a good example but this idea, to me and my perverse sense of logic, seems a sound one. But the big question that occurred to me is why they need to do this at all? Surely they could simply allocate some space in existing libraries for Spanish volumes.

Just my two cents...


on Aug 10, 2005
no sense encouraging people to read or making the library more accessible to the community in which it's located. why try competing with telemundo and the other spanish language tv networks and risk not keep em squarely in front of the box.

haz lo menos que puedas y deja que lo hagan otros
on Aug 10, 2005

The whole concept of an "official" language seems asinine to me, simply because its plainly obvious that English is the official language. You don't need bureaucratic time wasted to establish it as such. If English was not the the official language, this plan would not be described as "revolutionary" or "cutting edge" or whatever other garbage they used to describe it.

That being said, this "plan" is about the stupidest thing I've heard about in a long time.

This plan is being done for the simple reason there is no official language.  If there was, it would be quashed and the hispanics of Phoenix given a tough love, but much better solution.  English is the 'unofficial' language.  At the rate of errosion, it will not even be that inside of 50 years.

on Aug 10, 2005

They should offer free English classes for Spanish speaking people if they really want to create a 'feel good' plan.

The stupid thing, is that those are offered by the school system (part of Title I).  Libraries could participate as well, and the feds pay for it, so money is not an issue here.

on Aug 10, 2005

hardly think providing a Spanish library is a good example of keeping a minority down.

Maso, by not forcing them to learn English, so they can completely function within society, they are keeping a minority down.  Champas just had an incinderary article decrying the fact that not knowing a language was keeping some very intelligent people down, in their own land.  With the resources there to teach them the language, this should not be an issue, but for some, it is.

on Aug 10, 2005

no sense encouraging people to read or making the library more accessible to the community in which it's located. why try competing with telemundo and the other spanish language tv networks and risk not keep em squarely in front of the box.

You apparently did not read the article.  Nowhere did it say that NO Spanish langauge books were available.  But hey!  Why encourage them to learn english.  They might want to get an education and compete for your job, and that would not be acceptable now would it?

on Aug 10, 2005
When my ancestors immigrated to Ohio from France in the 1830's - 1890's they did not, for the most part learn English. However, they didn't ask (demand) the local population learn French either. What they did do was to hire English speaking teachers to teach their kids English. Notice I said they hired. They didn't ask the State or Federal governments to pay for the teachers. They also paid for teachers to come over from France to teach their kids so they wouldn't forget where they came from. Right up to my dad's generation, each generation learned French and English. Pity they stopped the practice.

In all of the reseach I've done on my family I've never seen them call themselves anything other than American. Never French-American or American-French. They were proud to be here and wanted people to know it. I am an American. Beyond changing planes in Paris once, I've never been to France.

on Aug 10, 2005

When my ancestors immigrated to Ohio from France in the 1830's - 1890's they did not, for the most part learn English. However, they didn't ask (demand) the local population learn French either. What they did do was to hire English speaking teachers to teach their kids English. Notice I said they hired. They didn't ask the State or Federal governments to pay for the teachers. They also paid for teachers to come over from France to teach their kids so they wouldn't forget where they came from. Right up to my dad's generation, each generation learned French and English. Pity they stopped the practice.

Mine emigrated to New orleans, and while my Grandmother spoke French in her house growing up, they also learned english such that my Great Uncle was a famous Doctor and another is Max Faget, of NASA Fame.  They kept their mother tongue, but they also learned the native tongue.

Like you, I am an American.  I have been to France once on a visit. It was enough.

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