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Can I get a frogectomy?
Published on May 11, 2005 By Dr Guy In Current Events

My ancestors may have come over on the boat from France, and indeed, I am related to Napolean (so that is corsican I guess), but I am tired of their bool schid (as Moderateman says).

The latest?  Their idea of humor is to call Pope Benedict XVI "Adolph II" and that he is going to change the sign of the cross to "The Father, son and Third Reich".

Excuse me if I dont find that extremely in poor taste.  no, that is too mild. I find that extremely racist and bigoted!  And there is no taste about it! (for those on the far left that think a race is only black or brown; Gauls, Franks, Prussians, and Germans are all Disctinct RACES.)

I am so shocked and sickened for what passes as their version of humor, that I am seeking a renown doctor of ethnicity that can perform a gaulectomy on me!

I no longer want any french Blood coursing through my system.  It makes me sick to look at myself in the mirror.

Comments (Page 4)
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on May 12, 2005

will get back to you doc about this, you are AMERICAN not french american, not french heaven forbid, but an American, and all the good that entails.

Thank god I dont have a hyphen in that American part!

on May 12, 2005

The earliest i can tell my family arrived with the [going way far back]plymouth colony, in the 1600's, then that same branch went to what is now known as pennsylvania,then on to least thats what i can tell....

Mine came in the early 19th century.  My Grandfather's family were Arcadians that got booted  out of Canada and settled in Louisianna.  My Grandmother's family migrated from Santo Domingo. I only mention half my parentage as my father left us when I was 4, and I only saw him once after that.  So I dont know squat about him, and really dont care to.

on May 12, 2005

to learn about the true horror that regime brought upon its victims, so they wouldn't cheapen the suffering of those under the boot of the Third Reich.

I agree 100%!  That is an excellant post.  Thank you.

on May 12, 2005

I mean.... come on... what would you say when someone ranted about 'the americans' because of the remarks of Savage or Moore or whomever you despise most?

Yellow Sign, Helix made the same point, and I agree with both of you.  I just went off when I read the story.  Guess I should have put a warning on this saying 'rant ahead'.  YOu are correct, I do not blame all the French.

on May 12, 2005
People got here before me - dammit!

I was about to make the same point as Yellow and Helix. One thing they didn't mention which should be held in the defence of the French is that their broadcasting agency deemed this joke tasteless enough to put the whole channel on probation. That should speak more for the French people, as it is part of their legislation and they have tried to do something to rectify the situation, than some comedic cowboy using shock tactics to provoke a response.

(And what a response he got - look how crazy he/she made you )

Good post Dr!

Suz xxx
on May 12, 2005

That should speak more for the French people, as it is part of their legislation and they have tried to do something to rectify the situation, than some comedic cowboy using shock tactics to provoke a response.

Late, but always welcome.  You get a cookie too!  As I said to Yellow sign, I guess I just went off on a rant.  You make a good point.  I guess I will give my family another chance!

on May 12, 2005

the last 10% is SUPPOSEDLY native america/mystery meat.

Your are 10% School Lunches?

on May 12, 2005
#56 by Dr. Guy
Thursday, May 12, 2005

the last 10% is SUPPOSEDLY native america/mystery meat.

Your are 10% School Lunches?

I guess it's true, "you are what you eat".

I suppose that makes me fast, cheap, and easy.
on May 12, 2005
As I said to Yellow sign, I guess I just went off on a rant.

Completely understandable at that! It's awfully nice to see something about both religion and the french being discussed in a level headed manner on this here site as well. Not something you expect to see very often.

Rant on, my man!

Suz xxx
on May 12, 2005

I guess it's true, "you are what you eat".

Guess that is why my mother made us pack our lunches!

on May 12, 2005

Completely understandable at that! It's awfully nice to see something about both religion and the french being discussed in a level headed manner on this here site as well. Not something you expect to see very often.

I guess the shock wore off over night and I can be thankful that the jerks got the boot by the Authorities.  Guess I wil retain my frogginess.

on May 12, 2005

Lunch food Close enough. Best I can say is mountain man.. (nobody knows)...

At least hedid not claim to be Apple Brown Betty!

on May 12, 2005
I would say that makes you about 100% American! No hyphenation included!

--Enough to make any office worker looking at the race box on an application to freak out. [that is if they required descent/heritage,etc....]

It is in most places,but you have to travel there, and I think that is what is Lucas' problem. Fortunately, I have a cousin who did our family, so it saved me the time and expense.

--Yep, that would pretty much be my problem, cause i lack the money [paying for food, etc...] and the time lately [college]. though i have put a little money back...

Mine came in the early 19th century. My Grandfather's family were Arcadians that got booted out of Canada and settled in Louisianna. My Grandmother's family migrated from Santo Domingo. I only mention half my parentage as my father left us when I was 4, and I only saw him once after that. So I dont know squat about him, and really dont care to.

--Interesting, yep, my dad left also, about a week after i was born, then later [about 1 year later] tried to get custody...i found out later, that he was a con artist, and recently i found out that as of july 2001, he lived in stockton california, but haven't found anything since then,possibly in jail...bu oh well, in the past...

Reply By: MasonM

--Never understood why they created mystery meat (aka school lunches) they were always nasty....would rather eat liver and onions.....

on May 12, 2005

--Interesting, yep, my dad left also, about a week after i was born, then later [about 1 year later] tried to get custody...i found out later, that he was a con artist, and recently i found out that as of july 2001, he lived in stockton california, but haven't found anything since then,possibly in jail...bu oh well, in the past...

Well, I do know where mine is now.  My Aunt called me 4 years ago to let me know he had died.

on May 12, 2005
So they got kicked in the butt for their nasty joke?? That's good, doesnt happen very often though, but at least this time it did.
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