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Can I get a frogectomy?
Published on May 11, 2005 By Dr Guy In Current Events

My ancestors may have come over on the boat from France, and indeed, I am related to Napolean (so that is corsican I guess), but I am tired of their bool schid (as Moderateman says).

The latest?  Their idea of humor is to call Pope Benedict XVI "Adolph II" and that he is going to change the sign of the cross to "The Father, son and Third Reich".

Excuse me if I dont find that extremely in poor taste.  no, that is too mild. I find that extremely racist and bigoted!  And there is no taste about it! (for those on the far left that think a race is only black or brown; Gauls, Franks, Prussians, and Germans are all Disctinct RACES.)

I am so shocked and sickened for what passes as their version of humor, that I am seeking a renown doctor of ethnicity that can perform a gaulectomy on me!

I no longer want any french Blood coursing through my system.  It makes me sick to look at myself in the mirror.

Comments (Page 3)
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on May 11, 2005
will get back to you doc about this, you are AMERICAN not french american, not french heaven forbid, but an American, and all the good that entails.
on May 11, 2005
The earliest i can tell my family arrived with the [going way far back]plymouth colony, in the 1600's, then that same branch went to what is now known as pennsylvania,then on to least thats what i can tell....
on May 11, 2005
Ough the French Ladies are sooo beautiful
on May 11, 2005
Ough the French Ladies are sooo beautiful
on May 11, 2005
Ough the French Ladies are sooo beautiful
on May 11, 2005

ehh, some, just depends....[they'd have to be americanized first..........] J/K (Freedom Chicks?)
on May 11, 2005
Well some are really pretty: Laetitia Casta, Sophie Marceau, Catherine Deneuve...
on May 12, 2005
As was already pointed out, not only is it incredibly unfair to label the Pope "Adolph II", by the Vichyites no less, but why is it so damn acceptable to though around the Nazi label at everything someone doesn't agree with? I wish those morons could be placed in a "re-education camp"--was that the phrase for it?--to learn about the true horror that regime brought upon its victims, so they wouldn't cheapen the suffering of those under the boot of the Third Reich.
on May 12, 2005

while I agree with you that the remark is tasteless, I strongly think that it doesn't make sense to use it as an excuse to rant about 'the French'.
Similar remarks/'jokes' have been made in british newspapers and in germany itself.
In all cases, it's a few people who said this kind of stupid thinks, and not the whole nation. I guess a lot of french people are as upset about it as you are.

I mean.... come on... what would you say when someone ranted about 'the americans' because of the remarks of Savage or Moore or whomever you despise most?
on May 12, 2005

My great grandmother was German. So you see, i get all the nasty blood, mwahahahaharrr....

My Great Great Grandfather was from Bavaria, hence my German as well.  My Grandmother spoke french in the house growing up, but my grandfather did not.  He was 100% French, and she was but 75%.

on May 12, 2005

I do not blame the entire French Population for what some frenchmen are saying... I'm going to turn the other cheek so I'm not like them. Saying Damn the French for such a tasteless joke (and it is tasteless) is the same as the french saying all Americans are pigs because of bush...and the rest of the world choosing to castigate an entire nation (including the government) because of their dislike over one man.

You have to make so much damn sense!  Ok, point taken.  But it does not absolve them of their tastelessness.

on May 12, 2005

kinda cool....yep, Heinz 57 indeed

I would say that makes you about 100% American!  No hyphenation included!

on May 12, 2005

Pretty much just 3/4 Irish 1/4 Apache here so can't really make fun of anyone else's ancestry.

Actually you can.  But I would stay away from Simon.  He might want to put down your Irish part.

on May 12, 2005

My only real "Apache" features are the size/shape of my nose and the shape of my eyes (they have a slight Oriental shape to them) and of course being Irish/Apache I have no temper

That has got to be the biggest understatement of all time!  I know an Irish Lass.  Let's just say, I NEVER piss her off!

on May 12, 2005

Hey Lucas, that sounds like a pain. I found my own 'family records' by digging through the archives of Nouméa, New Caledonia (where my ancestors arrived in the early 1800's). I didnt have to pay for it, it should be a service at the disposal of the public.

It is in most places,but you have to travel there, and I think that is what is Lucas' problem. Fortunately, I have a cousin who did our family, so it saved me the time and expense.

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