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Can I get a frogectomy?
Published on May 11, 2005 By Dr Guy In Current Events

My ancestors may have come over on the boat from France, and indeed, I am related to Napolean (so that is corsican I guess), but I am tired of their bool schid (as Moderateman says).

The latest?  Their idea of humor is to call Pope Benedict XVI "Adolph II" and that he is going to change the sign of the cross to "The Father, son and Third Reich".

Excuse me if I dont find that extremely in poor taste.  no, that is too mild. I find that extremely racist and bigoted!  And there is no taste about it! (for those on the far left that think a race is only black or brown; Gauls, Franks, Prussians, and Germans are all Disctinct RACES.)

I am so shocked and sickened for what passes as their version of humor, that I am seeking a renown doctor of ethnicity that can perform a gaulectomy on me!

I no longer want any french Blood coursing through my system.  It makes me sick to look at myself in the mirror.

Comments (Page 2)
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on May 11, 2005
And DrGuy you can choose your friends but you cant choose your relatives. So if you're background is french (like me) there isnt much you can do about it... Just remember they make great cheese and wine, it could make you feel better about yourself

I know IG! And thanks. Thankfully, all mine (for the last 3 generations) have lived in the US. So while I still have some distant cousins over there, we are not close (an aunt has been doing geneology, so I know we about napolean and most of them come from the Nice area).

I hope I did not offend you. Like me, your ancestors got out of there. That is why we are so smart! The best did, n'est pas?
on May 11, 2005
#13 by island_gurl12
Wednesday, May 11, 2005

What area of France are your ancestors from? If I find out we are cousins.........I am going to have to take that pin up down that I put up of you!
on May 11, 2005
The “guignols de l’information” always do stuff like that. They’ve done much worse things over the years. If only you knew what they say about Bush (and what they make his puppet do)...

JE, I know about their antics. And indeed, some of it is funny. I dont find their Bush stuff to be of this level as I know they hate him. C'est la Vie. But this just goes beyond everything. Sorry if an "I'm sorry" does not cut it this time.
on May 11, 2005
Simon would like to take this opportunity, (since we all know that Brits despise the French more than anyone else--except the Welsh, and they don't count anyway) to invite you over for a free bleeding.

As for the gaulectomy, well...we've never done that before but we're always open to experimentation.

Bring your own bucket.

you tell Simon, that I will check in with my Welsh Doctor on it. Thanks for the offer, but VMBS has a better deal. At least my Blood will go for those in need!

And The Welsh will perservere! Your next king is the Prince of Wales! hehehehehehe
on May 11, 2005
I hope I did not offend you. Like me, your ancestors got out of there. That is why we are so smart! The best did, n'est pas?

haha! No you didnt offend me! I found the idea pretty funny (frogectomy!!heehee!) Yup my great great grand father was from Bretagne and my great great grand mother was from Alsace. My great grandmother was German. So you see, i get all the nasty blood, mwahahahaharrr....
on May 11, 2005
You know what i'm gonna write an articel about it soon...
on May 11, 2005
speaking of ancestory, my family nickname is heinz 57 [cause it originally had so many ingredients in it] I am French[from alsace-lorrain region btw], English[Manchester], Cherokee, Norwegian,Swedish[previous two from dads side,northern most regions], Irish[dublin area], Prussian[ related to baron Von Struben {could never get his name correct..},Dutch,German[hamburgh,also related to Baron Von Lange' ], Russian.....and some others that i can't even begin to spell........I found out that part of my family were prominent shippers/sailors in manchester and through out england....kinda cool....yep, Heinz 57 indeed
on May 11, 2005
Pretty much just 3/4 Irish 1/4 Apache here so can't really make fun of anyone else's ancestry.
on May 11, 2005
haha! No you didnt offend me! I found the idea pretty funny (frogectomy!!heehee!) Yup my great great grand father was from Bretagne and my great great grand mother was from Alsace. My great grandmother was German. So you see, i get all the nasty blood, mwahahahaharrr....

--What was her name, did she know any one by the name of Hauser or Stadtfeld? [BTW,does anyone know where i could get biographical,hopefully detailed, on Alexander Stadfeld who composed "TO HAMLET" ? [I am related to him through one line, about 4 generations or so back]

on May 11, 2005

--Interesting, [no offense intended] kinda like i've wondered what a person who is part italian,latin, and african american[from where ever...] would look like...?
on May 11, 2005
--What was her name, did she know any one by the name of Hauser or Stadtfeld?

I presume you're asking the name of my german great grand mother. It was Schmidt i believe.
on May 11, 2005
Lucas: depends on their genetic disposition. I pretty much look Irish: brown hair, blue eyes, lots of facial and body hair. My younger brother pretty much looks Apache: straight black hair, dark eyes, very little facial or body hair.

My only real "Apache" features are the size/shape of my nose and the shape of my eyes (they have a slight Oriental shape to them) and of course being Irish/Apache I have no temper .
on May 11, 2005

My brother is about 45% Cherokee and he definantly looks it, Tall[6'9] Long hair and is Frickin strong[although that doesn't really have to do with genetics that much] and he works in construction....

Ironically, out of my whole family, their are 3 above 6',me, my bro, and his wife. everyone else is at least 5'5 or shorter,although my niece is about 5'3 and isn't finished growing yet, wouldn't doubt it if she ended up 6'6" or so....


Yes i was, i've been looking and looking around for traces of my family in that area, and other areas and have not found anything, the one thing that boils my frogs [figure of speech] is having to pay a ridiculous amount of money to find records [] i don't have the time or money to travel and look....
on May 11, 2005
Hey Lucas, that sounds like a pain. I found my own 'family records' by digging through the archives of Nouméa, New Caledonia (where my ancestors arrived in the early 1800's). I didnt have to pay for it, it should be a service at the disposal of the public.
on May 11, 2005
Family histories can be pretty educational. Ours includes assorted horse theives and bank robbers, as well as 2 past US presidents, a famous poet, and a few assorted "odd" charactors.
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