My ancestors may have come over on the boat from France, and indeed, I am related to Napolean (so that is corsican I guess), but I am tired of their bool schid (as Moderateman says).
The latest? Their idea of humor is to call Pope Benedict XVI "Adolph II" and that he is going to change the sign of the cross to "The Father, son and Third Reich".
Excuse me if I dont find that extremely in poor taste. no, that is too mild. I find that extremely racist and bigoted! And there is no taste about it! (for those on the far left that think a race is only black or brown; Gauls, Franks, Prussians, and Germans are all Disctinct RACES.)
I am so shocked and sickened for what passes as their version of humor, that I am seeking a renown doctor of ethnicity that can perform a gaulectomy on me!
I no longer want any french Blood coursing through my system. It makes me sick to look at myself in the mirror.