Debate, and discuss, just dont Bore me.
Too Stupid to Breath
Published on May 6, 2010 By Dr Guy In Politics

The level of stupidity on the left in this country continues to amaze me.  The latest incident in their quest to subvert the laws, culture and citizens of the US comes to us from California, where 5 children were sent home from school.  Their crime?  They wore the American flag on outerwear.

That is it!  You can burn the flag, use it to wipe your behind with, stamp on it, spit on it or piss on it.  But in Left America, you cannot wear it.  At least not on a holiday created by an alcohol company!

You see the gotcha here was that they wore it on May 5, or as it is known south of the Border - Cinco de Mayo.  But those south of the border do not even celebrate the day as a holiday!  And contrary to ignorant liberals, it is not their independence day.

For sure it is a memorable day (akin to the US celebrating the Battle of New Orleans in 1814/5). A small band of militia defeated the French Army at the Battle of Puebla (but then who has not beat the French?).

So on this non-day (except for an excuse to drink alcohol - a good lesson to teach high school children, right?), these children were booted out of school for wearing the AMERICAN flag in AMERICA.  Thanks be to all liberal idiots.

I love to hoist a few cervezas now and then.  And I sure do like Corona (although many from south of the border will tell you that is not a good beer).  But I am not going to do it at a school, nor am I going to advocate doing it at a secondary school. But Liberals think you must.  At least to the exclusion of doing anything inflammatory like wearing an American flag.

I would love for the whole world to celebrate July 4th.  It is a special time for the world as America lead the way in creating a new type of government.  One that is prevalent today in most of the world.  And I have no problem celebrating September 16 in honor of my wife and relatives and the struggle they went through mere decades after America to gain their own independence.  It was a noble endeavor on our friends and neighbors to the south.  But I am not going to penalize some one in Mexico for wearing their flag on their shirt on July 4th.

But then I have never been accused of being a liberal.

Comments (Page 5)
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on May 10, 2010

Talk about the ignorance of the left, how can anyone, right or left, who believes that Obama canceled the National Day of Prayer claim to be intelligent?  He did not.  Incidentally, the National Day of Prayer has not traditionally been observed in the White House historically as per the implication of whoever it was who perpetrated the lie that Obama had canceed it; he just went back to tradition and set the observance someplace other than the White House!!!

Interesting observation.  I do not see how it relates, but thanks for stopping by.

on May 10, 2010

Oppressed, not lesser, you ignorant conservative. Your choice of words is telling. Who else is going to help them?

Dan Ackroyd - SNL Weekend Report.  Euphemisms work in politics, not in real life.  This is not animal Farm.


on May 10, 2010

But admiring something for the sheer brilliance of it does not mean acceptance or approval of it.

Oh, NO acceptance implied! 

on May 10, 2010

The left does have strong media allies and a base that laps up everything they say, take yourself for example.

Good rebuttal to the poster!  The fact that we do recognize what the left is trying to do means we are not being duped.  But the MSM is going along with the charade, and so many of the lemmings just naturally follow suit.  The breaking of the MSM monopoly on information in this country is exposing the Emperor with no Clothes


on May 10, 2010

[quote who="Infidel" reply="48" id="2614499"]At the federal or state level?[/quote]

I think his chart show clearly what he is referring to.  The masters of the over riding laws.

[quote who="Nitro Cruiser" reply="49" id="2614529"]The House has 435 seats alone, with another 100 in the Senate. That's enough knuckleheads for anyone to keep track of. [/quote]

And also more than any single state has as well.

on May 10, 2010

Don't get me wrong, bigotry exists. I see it from the left all the time. My race is hated and reviled and vilified by the left for being peaceful and successful (mostly for being peaceful). If we only had suicide bombers then they would refer to us as a "religion of peace"

Yes, funny how the left's nomenclature works.

on May 10, 2010

What I find interesting is that people (whether minority or not) who are on welfare don't really see it for what it is.  Yes, I know what and why welfare was designed but the reality is it is not being successful.  It's created quite the opposite of 'fighting against poverty.'  The reality of many of these programs, I would argue they are inflicting more harm than good. 

First many of them establish an 'entitlement' mentality.  That others are obligated to 'help' them.  This is also has resulted in a victim mentality.  Yet they are supposed to feel 'empowered' by these programs.  Complete opposite of intention (or is it?).

Yes, in the 19th century, HG Wells wrote a very prophetic book.  About a race of man that had enslaved (willingly) another race of man.  The Morlocks and Eloi.  The same thing the democrats did in the latter half of the 20th century.  The Eloi did not know they were enslaved, they just blindly followed the commands of the Morlocks.

on May 10, 2010

Good rebuttal to the poster! The fact that we do recognize what the left is trying to do means we are not being duped. But the MSM is going along with the charade, and so many of the lemmings just naturally follow suit. The breaking of the MSM monopoly on information in this country is exposing the Emperor with no Clothes

It's kind of like we are watching a magician (the liberal MSM) preform a trick, that everyone knows how it's done, and the left is clapping in amazement anyway.

on May 10, 2010

This is why I personally can't buy any stories about who's being held down and who can't do things because of whatever. If a man who can't move can earn a PhD, then as far as I'm concerned, there are no excuses. For anything.

There are plenty of excuses (we hear them every day), but no real reasons for it.  Excuses are a dime a dozen, and the favorite endeavor of victims.  reasons are few and far between.

You misunderstand... its not the disabled whom are being discussed, its races.

No, he is using an apt analogy.  You can only agree with the "excuse" mentality if you buy into the concept that someone the color (or ethnicity) of one's skin is a handicap.  The liberals believe it.  As do the racists.

on May 10, 2010

Nitro Cruiser

But admiring something for the sheer brilliance of it does not mean acceptance or approval of it.
Oh, NO acceptance implied! 

I know, but others may infer (incorrectly) some type of approval from the fact that we can marvel at an insidious program.

Nitro Cruiser
It's kind of like we are watching a magician (the liberal MSM) preform a trick, that everyone knows how it's done, and the left is clapping in amazement anyway.

It is like the SOTU speech.  The party in power claps hoping the rest of us will not ask the question - why is the clown naked?

on May 10, 2010

[quote who="Infidel" reply="46" id="2614436"]And the right wasn't smart enough to see it back then? All of those stoned hippies outsmarted your side.  If the left ruins America, who's to blame for allowing it? Is the right too stupid, incompetent and impotent to stop it?[/quote]

You need to bone up on your history.  The stoned hippies did no such thing.  They were the first brain duped.  It was and is the Gore's of the Democrats that did.  And the change was subtle and slow.  The frog in boiling water analogy.

on May 10, 2010

I didn't know until now that Cinco de Mayo was actually a holiday started by an alcohol company... haha.  I wonder why I've always heard that it was such a major thing in Mexico?

And yeah, stuff like this recent incident really does make me question the intelligence of humanity.  Or rather, it makes me question it a little more.

on May 10, 2010

This is why I personally can't buy any stories about who's being held down and who can't do things because of whatever. If a man who can't move can earn a PhD, then as far as I'm concerned, there are no excuses. For anything.

Certainly but at the same time I have a friend is partially blind and from his brain tumors has lost much function of the left side of his body.  There isn't a whole lot he can do.  He does a little here and there with recording and copying for the church and stuff.  It is hard for him to do enough to make a living.  

But to your point though there is a gentleman at our local wally world who was messed up pretty bad in a motorcycle accident.  He has quite a few issues but he works there as a greeter.  Some may find this appalling but I applaud the young man (about 29) in doing what he can to still support himself.  In my opinion, he has more right to hold his head up than many out there!


on May 10, 2010

Yet, not only is this all a load of baloney. Even the disabled are capable of having gainful employment. (as you showed, using their brain rather then their body); much less able bodied individuals who are not WASP

Some people are content with having the Gov't pay their way and they don't see it as being slaves to the system either. My aunt lived off of the Gov't not because she couldn't provide for herself and 7 kids but because the Gov't was so willing to give her just about anything especially because she was single and because one of her kids was handi-cap. To this date all her kids are married and her handi-cap son passed away many years ago yet she still lives off the Gov't. She use to work at bars getting paid under the table. Now her kids give her money.

As has been said here before, the system just doesn't give an incentive to get off but instead it promotes staying on it. Some people are compelled to get off or avoid it all together (such as the man in Humbordt's post and me also) but some see it as easy money and easy living and are unaware or don't care about the damage this does to them and to our society, a damage we are living today a Europe is currently experiencing as well.

on May 10, 2010

I didn't know until now that Cinco de Mayo was actually a holiday started by an alcohol company... haha.  I wonder why I've always heard that it was such a major thing in Mexico?

Most AMERICANS do not know that as well.  But then most AMERICANS do not march down to city hall based upon their ignorance.  Mexicans just laugh at them (the marchers)

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