Debate, and discuss, just dont Bore me.

That seems like a simple enough question.  I use to think it was open and shut.  Abstinence meant to Abstain.  As in Dont do it.  And while many people have an issue when it is the only form of Birth control taught, very few have a problem with it being taught as A method of Birth control.

Well, that is, except if you live in Maryland!  For it seems that Maryland has another view of Abstinence.  They are currently teaching 3 forms of abstinence:

No intercourse, withdrawal (ejaculation outside of the body) and rhythm (no intercourse during ovulation).

Now, when my parents and aunts and Uncles practiced the third method, they did not proclaim they were abstaining from sex! (Of course I did not really discuss it with them at the time, only later when I was an adult).  But according to the Montgomery County Schools, yep!  There are 3 forms of abstinence!

Needless to say, some parents are up in arms over it!  So the School system is 'rethinking' their teachings.  Rethinking?  This is one case where the baby better go out with the bath water!  On the one hand, you have the only 100% guaranteed method of Birth Control (it has only failed once in the history of mankind).  On the other, you have 2 of the most unreliable methods of birth control there is!

How could anyone, outside of an idiot, call all 3 abstinence?  This is just plain stupid!  And it just makes normal, sane, rational people question educators even the more for their intelligence level!

If you are going to teach Birth control, call it what it is and teach it!  Dont mislabel something so you can sneak it in under the radar screen!  You are lying to a bunch of very impressionable children who will then go to the local tree house (or shed) and say "My teacher says this is OK".  Yea, is that teacher then going to pay for the consequences of their stupidity?  Doubtful!  They are not smart enough to even understand their own stupidity!

You got to wonder if the teachers in that District have an IQ test.  Over a certain level and you are not qualified to teach!

Comments (Page 1)
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on Nov 28, 2005
I clicked on this because my husband & I just had a conversation on this topic. He had a girlfriend in high school who (brace yourself for TMI) would give and receive oral sex from him. Yet she boasted of her virgin status and proclaimed self-righteously that sex before marriage is "bad."


The only true definition of sexual abstinence is along this line: To be abstinent is to have a strong desire to be free from sexual persuasion so as to clear the mind and stay occupied with other activities. But once a thought enters...thoughts lead to actions. Such is nature, as well it should be.

Sex is not a bad thing, but don't claim to be abstinent if you're not!

on Nov 28, 2005

Yet she boasted of her virgin status and proclaimed self-righteously that sex before marriage is "bad."

!  That is a great one!

But you are right, Sex is not a bad thing.  But teaching children the wrong thing is a bad thing.

on Nov 28, 2005
Abstinence is for virgins. - This is a Tshirt I saw on another website. ha.

I personally think abstinence would mean abstaining from any sexual contact, period. As soon as you have any genital contact, you are not practicing abstinence. I can't believe they would teach withdrawal as a valid birth control choice. How reckless is this? I hope they reevaluate.
on Nov 28, 2005

No intercourse, withdrawal (ejaculation outside of the body) and rhythm (no intercourse during ovulation).

What???  That's just wrong.  So basically, I could go have sex outside of my marriage, and if the guy withdrew before ejaculation it wouldn't count?   Nah.  It doesn't work like that.  Just ask 'Slick Willie' Clinton.

How are these moronic people getting jobs that put them in a position to make decisions like this????

on Nov 28, 2005

I can't believe they would teach withdrawal as a valid birth control choice.

I can see them teaching that (as a Catholic, it is one of the accepted few ways according to the Church).  But not as a form of Abstinence!

on Nov 28, 2005

So basically, I could go have sex outside of my marriage, and if the guy withdrew before ejaculation it wouldn't count?

Hey!  I did not think of that!  Maybe I should pop over to Moderateman's DOM blog and suggest that as one of the By-laws?

Just kidding!  I am not going to get into a discussion with Bill Clinton on the meaning of any word since he still has not figured out the meaning of is yet.

on Nov 28, 2005
I agree, Dr.Guy.

The second two listed are not abstinence...they are (poor) forms of birth control. Teens DO NOT need to be taught that these things are abstinence, nor should these methods be taught as ways to avoid pregnancy and/or STDs.


PS - Withdrawal and the rhythm method are for committed couples who want to have a kid and be able to pretend like it was unplanned. Hehe.
on Nov 28, 2005
I always heard eatin' ain't cheatin' but I think that's one of those urban legend things....
on Nov 28, 2005
Perhaps they should have consulted the English teacher, or at the very least a dictionary.
on Nov 28, 2005
I always heard eatin' ain't cheatin' but I think that's one of those urban legend things....

Just cause it rhymes don't make it so! Hehe.
on Nov 28, 2005

PS - Withdrawal and the rhythm method are for committed couples who want to have a kid and be able to pretend like it was unplanned. Hehe.

In other words, a Catholic.

on Nov 28, 2005

I always heard eatin' ain't cheatin' but I think that's one of those urban legend things....

Right next to the Bill gates and $1000 bucks for the email forward!

on Nov 28, 2005

Perhaps they should have consulted the English teacher, or at the very least a dictionary.

The English Teacher.  I doubt they were smart enough to read a dictionary.

on Nov 28, 2005
Soon we'll have "Zen Abstinence" -- just think really hard about not wanting to get pregant.

on Nov 28, 2005
What's ironic is, we live in a day when we are encouraged to use "straight talk" when it comes to talking about sex with our kids. "Call it a penis or vagina, don't use euphamisms", "don't use stories about storks or cabbage patches"... Then when it fits their agenda, they will mince words like "abstinance" "virginity" and even "intercourse".
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