Debate, and discuss, just dont Bore me.

As Mark Twain so famously stated many years ago.  But this is not about Statistics.  Just plain lies.  And not even Subtle ones.

As some may or may not be aware of, the latest governor of Virginia is trying to outsource the IT Department. At first we were promised "n ojob l;oss" now we are just hearing "no mass layoffs".  But it gets even better.

Despite official assurances that their jobs will be secure through Virginia's information-technology outsourcing, state government IT employees cannot expect to remain in their jobs until retirement, officials now say.

"The whole concept of lifetime employment doesn't exist anymore," said Secretary of Technology Eugene J. Huang.

Ya gotta love this guy.  29 years old and he is an expert on employment.

But the whole key here is not about "normal" crap.  It is a given that most state employees earn a lot less than their private sector counterparts.  And they do so for 2 key reasons.  Retirement (it is a sweet deal) and Job Security (the States are not going anywhere).

What the clown in the Governor's mansion in this state, and the wet behind the ear political sycophant have done, I have seen done before, just not on such a massive scale.  They have destroyed the morale of thousands of people for something that will never materialize.  Cost savings.

The Commonwealth will recover from this.  But it will take a long time, and the expense that it will cause due to turnover and training will far exceed any meager cost savings that the governor can cook the books for.

Who should read this story?  Since he has presidential ambitions, I would say this is going to affect all of you unless you stop him.  He is gone from our state in 3 months, thank god.

Comments (Page 1)
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on Oct 18, 2005
Dang. Sounds like a lose-lose situation to me.
on Oct 18, 2005

Dang. Sounds like a lose-lose situation to me.

It is.  The difference between politicians and corporate executives is that Corp Execs do have some oversight (altho it fails at times), where as Politicians have no accountability at all except at the ballot box and that only works with non lame ducks.

I saw Spagnolo do it at the VDOE in 1991.  It took the agency about 3 years to recover.

on Oct 22, 2005
'It is a given that most state employees earn a lot less than their private sector counterparts. And they do so for 2 key reasons. Retirement (it is a sweet deal) and Job Security (the States are not going anywhere).'
In my experience, there is a third reason, which is very common among IT professionals - they work in the government sector in order to acquire the training, skills and experience they need to market themselves to private companies, within which they can subsequently earn much better money.

'As some may or may not be aware of, the latest governor of Virginia is trying to outsource the IT Department.'
But isn't this something that you right-wingers worship, Dr. Guy - the private sector, the free market, source of all that is effective and accountable, destroyer of inefficiency, waste and corruption?
on Oct 22, 2005

In my experience, there is a third reason, which is very common among IT professionals - they work in the government sector in order to acquire the training, skills and experience they need to market themselves to private companies, within which they can subsequently earn much better money.

That may be true in other states, but not in Virginia.  It actually works to our advantage, as the state must take the most qualified, regardless of other factors.  When I was laid off 2 years ago, I got a lot of good interviews, but the only offers I got were from the state.  Why?  My Age.

But isn't this something that you right-wingers worship, Dr. Guy - the private sector, the free market, source of all that is effective and accountable, destroyer of inefficiency, waste and corruption?

Ok, now reference what you quoted back to the title.  This is not about outsourcing per se.  It is about lying.

on Oct 22, 2005
'This is not about outsourcing per se. It is about lying.'

Maybe so. Nevertheless, your prediction for the the consequences of this move certainly doesn't tie in with your usual political philosophy:

'The Commonwealth will recover from this. But it will take a long time, and the expense that it will cause due to turnover and training will far exceed any meager cost savings that the governor can cook the books for.'

I'm just interested to know why, in this case alone, you believe the free market will produce a calamity from which the state will need to recover, rather than a new golden dawn of free enterprise.
on Oct 22, 2005
Since he has presidential ambitions, I would say this is going to affect all of you unless you stop him. He is gone from our state in 3 months, thank god.

This is Warner, right? I've seen Tim Kaine commercials and seen them both hard at work... blah blah blah.
on Oct 22, 2005

Maybe so. Nevertheless, your prediction for the the consequences of this move certainly doesn't tie in with your usual political philosophy:

How so?  I am not moaning about the outsourcing.  If you read that, you read wrong.  I am lamenting the lying.  I have been laid off twice now.  I do not fear it.  I do not like being lied to tho, and that is what is demoralizing most.  Not the act, the lying.  Best read it again.

on Oct 22, 2005

I'm just interested to know why, in this case alone, you believe the free market will produce a calamity from which the state will need to recover, rather than a new golden dawn of free enterprise.

As I said, I have seen it before.  I doubt you have.  But ask yourself this.  What happens when the entire (or near enough) knowledge base of an IT infrastructure (actually any infrastructure) evaporates?  Do you really expect business as usual?  Or more likely, a large learning curve!

I know that MCSEs and CCNAs and CNEs are a dime a dozen.  YOu may be one.  Ok, so what is our directory structure?  What is our policy on Group Policies?  HOw are the OUs set up?  HOw about Border Routers?  HOw many trees in the forest?  HOw many Domains?

Come on!  YOu are certified!  I want these answers now, not tomorrow!  I dont care if you have not laid a finger on the tree!  I want the answers now!  Give them to me NOW!

Get the idea?

on Oct 22, 2005

This is Warner, right? I've seen Tim Kaine commercials and seen them both hard at work... blah blah blah.

Yea, Warner.  Kaine is not too bad, except I think he is going to try to be Warner II, and that does scare me.  Warner never had an elected office before this.  With any luck, he will be a one trick pony.

on Oct 23, 2005
'I am not moaning about the outsourcing. If you read that, you read wrong. I am lamenting the lying. I have been laid off twice now. I do not fear it. I do not like being lied to tho, and that is what is demoralizing most. Not the act, the lying. Best read it again.'
Okay then. 'The Commonwealth will recover from this. But it will take a long time, and the expense that it will cause due to turnover and training will far exceed any meager cost savings that the governor can cook the books for.' That sounds suspiciously like moaning about the outsourcing to me!

'As I said, I have seen it before. I doubt you have.'
Ah, but I have - several times.

'Get the idea?'
I certainly do, and I sympathise.

The difference is this - my political position doesn't champion the free market at the expense of government (and everything else). Rather, it opposes indiscriminate outsourcing such as this. Yours, on the other hand, usually welcomes private industry with trumpets blaring. I am simply curious as to how you reconcile your change of tack in this particular instance.
on Oct 23, 2005

Okay then. 'The Commonwealth will recover from this. But it will take a long time, and the expense that it will cause due to turnover and training will far exceed any meager cost savings that the governor can cook the books for.' That sounds suspiciously like moaning about the outsourcing to me!

If you cant discern the difference between an educated opinion of how to do things wrong, and moaning, you are in serious trouble.  Jsut because I am observing someone doing it wrong does not mean I am crying over spilt milk.  SO it is a moan when you note that the oil spill happened?

on Oct 23, 2005

'As I said, I have seen it before. I doubt you have.'
Ah, but I have - several times.

YOu have seen the complete demoralization of a state agency?  Well, more power to  you.  The ends were accomplished, but it took that agency 3 years to get back to where it was before the clown took over.  And all that did happen was about 80 employess let go, 300 demoralized, and nothing getting done while everyone was CYAing.

I see history repeating itself.  Why?  Because of being honest and up front with the employees, they have to hide and out right lie.  I have been a consultant for the last 15 years.  I do not fear it.  So  your insinuation seems to be a case of your misunderstanding,  not my moaning.

on Oct 23, 2005

The difference is this - my political position doesn't champion the free market at the expense of government (and everything else). Rather, it opposes indiscriminate outsourcing such as this. Yours, on the other hand, usually welcomes private industry with trumpets blaring. I am simply curious as to how you reconcile your change of tack in this particular instance.

I dont have to.  I dont object to the outsourcing as I have tried, in vain, to explain to you.  YOu just refuse to see it because of your own agenda.  That is fine with me, just stop putting words in my mouth.  I am griping, but about the lieing.  We have known this was coming for 2 years now.  So when did I start bitching?  When the story started changing, not when we learned of it.

on Oct 23, 2005
'YOu have seen the complete demoralization of a state agency?'
Doubt all you like. but yes. (Life does exist outside the USA, you know. )

'So your insinuation seems to be a case of your misunderstanding, not my moaning.'
No insinuation here, nor any misunderstanding. The passage which I quoted previously was quite explicitly your opinion on the outsourcing, NOT the lying.

'I dont have to.'
Er, who on earth said you HAD to? I simply said I was curious. If you're happy to entertain two conflicting political viewpoints simultaneously, good for you.
on Oct 23, 2005

'YOu have seen the complete demoralization of a state agency?'
Doubt all you like. but yes. (Life does exist outside the USA, you know. )

I did not mean to imply outside the US.  I was only questioning your experience.  As mine is really limited (I was a contractor when the first happened, so I could be objective as my job was not in danger). I did not think it was a common occurance.  That is my mis-assumption.

'So your insinuation seems to be a case of your misunderstanding, not my moaning.'
No insinuation here, nor any misunderstanding. The passage which I quoted previously was quite explicitly your opinion on the outsourcing, NOT the lying.

No, it was on the lying.  As it remains.  I have no idea on the outsourcing or anything that may occur from it.  It is not yet done so how could I?

'I dont have to.'
Er, who on earth said you HAD to? I simply said I was curious. If you're happy to entertain two conflicting political viewpoints simultaneously, good for you.

You implied, if you did not directly state it "my philosophy" and such.   This is not on outsourcing.  It is on telling the employees the truth, or keeping your yap shut!  But then that is just me, and my code of if you cant say something truthful, dont say anything at all.

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