Debate, and discuss, just dont Bore me.

As Mark Twain so famously stated many years ago.  But this is not about Statistics.  Just plain lies.  And not even Subtle ones.

As some may or may not be aware of, the latest governor of Virginia is trying to outsource the IT Department. At first we were promised "n ojob l;oss" now we are just hearing "no mass layoffs".  But it gets even better.

Despite official assurances that their jobs will be secure through Virginia's information-technology outsourcing, state government IT employees cannot expect to remain in their jobs until retirement, officials now say.

"The whole concept of lifetime employment doesn't exist anymore," said Secretary of Technology Eugene J. Huang.

Ya gotta love this guy.  29 years old and he is an expert on employment.

But the whole key here is not about "normal" crap.  It is a given that most state employees earn a lot less than their private sector counterparts.  And they do so for 2 key reasons.  Retirement (it is a sweet deal) and Job Security (the States are not going anywhere).

What the clown in the Governor's mansion in this state, and the wet behind the ear political sycophant have done, I have seen done before, just not on such a massive scale.  They have destroyed the morale of thousands of people for something that will never materialize.  Cost savings.

The Commonwealth will recover from this.  But it will take a long time, and the expense that it will cause due to turnover and training will far exceed any meager cost savings that the governor can cook the books for.

Who should read this story?  Since he has presidential ambitions, I would say this is going to affect all of you unless you stop him.  He is gone from our state in 3 months, thank god.

Comments (Page 2)
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on Oct 24, 2005
'The Commonwealth will recover from this. But it will take a long time, and the expense that it will cause due to turnover and training will far exceed any meager cost savings that the governor can cook the books for.'
Perhaps I'm being dense here, but can you please explain how this is about LYING, and not about outsourcing?

'Er, who on earth said you HAD to?'
'You implied, if you did not directly state it "my philosophy" and such.'
No I didn't! I said I was 'interested' and 'curious'. You're sounding unnecessarily defensive.
on Nov 06, 2005

Perhaps I'm being dense here, but can you please explain how this is about LYING, and not about outsourcing?

Simple.  The employees were told that no one would lose their job in this.  NOw, if you read the bolded parts of the article, the implication is clearly there that there will be some blood letting.

You may want to read my followup that I posted about a week ago.

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