You can call the terrorist in Iraq Bacteria as one here does. You can call them Freedom Fighters, misguided, evil, insurgents, jack asses, dip wads, murders, baby killers, and just about anything else you want to. But you would be a fool to call them stupid.
Part of that infamous 13 page letter from al-Zawahiri to al-Zarqari, al-Zawahiri says they must be ready to fill the void when the Americans cut and run. Note he is not saying if. Just indicating when.
So was North Vietnam emboldened to continue a war long after it was apparent they could not win, and did win in the press with the help of the likes of Jane Fonda and John Kerry. Now we have the DNC Leadership, Jane, Cindy and of course the MainStream Media - MSM - (John is so wishy washy that he does not even know what he is voting for or how he is voting).
Of course now, they even have more loons on their side. White Racists, Homophobes (, anti-Semites (Sheehan), and a host of hate mongers whose sole purpose is the acquisition and consolidation of their meager power. The Troops be damned (as well as the Iraqis - they are not real people anyway).
All of this does not surprise me in the least. The fact that even the enemies recognize the complicity of the MSM, something the MSM still tries to deny is showing how astute they are and how totally clueless the MSM is!
"More than half of this battle is taking place in the battlefield of the media," he wrote. "We are in a media battle in a race for the hearts and minds of our umma," or community of Muslims, he (al-Zawahiri) wrote.
No, none of this really surprises me. What does surprise me is that anyone with even a modicum of intelligence falls for this crap, and tries to not only get more American Troops killed by emboldening our enemies, but thinks they are actual doing something noble and good! The last I checked, helping to kill a person was being an accessory, and it was a crime.
But not to these morons.
Perhaps the flaw in my logic was to think that any of them have a modicum of intelligence. That would explain things rather well.