Debate, and discuss, just dont Bore me.
Also Sprach Pat Robertson
Published on October 11, 2005 By Dr Guy In Current Events

Yea, that wascally wabbit that George Dubya Bush listens to religiously (that is why Robertson so loves Miers - NOT), has decided that the Tsunami last december, the 2 Hurricanes this year (what happened to poor florida and the 4 they got last year? AH!  That was just a warning shot that hit the bow!), and now the upcoming Bird Flu Pandemic (Oh yea!  We no longer can have an epidemic, it has to be a pandemic!)  signifies the end of the world!  As fortold in Leviticus.  Or was it Acts.  Galatians?

never mind.  He has his facts lined up and this is it!  This is the big one Elizabeth!

Let's see.  Hurricanes, Tsunami, Flu.

Oh yea!  The 7.6 Earthquake in Pakistan!  That too!

Ok, Hurricanes, Tsunamis, Flu, and Earthquakes.  Is that all?

According to "I prayed Gloria away" Robertson, yup!

But wait!  Breaking news! Fom NOAA:

The historical record shows no tropical cyclone ever making landfall on the iberian peninsula. Based on surface reports from Faro Portugal...the center passed just to the south of the coast of Portugal...before becoming the first tropical cyclone to make landfall in Spain.

Looks like some one missed the keystone event!  Of course it was not in all the papers.  But hey?  Why break up a great armageddon with trivial facts?

For the source (altho since it has made landfall, the page will probably be taken down, so click now or forever accept me as your source!  Bwuhahahaahaha):

Comments (Page 1)
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on Oct 11, 2005
It's always the end of the world as we know it. The world we know is changing constantly.
on Oct 11, 2005
Eh, Doc ... Channel 12's already taken it down.
on Oct 11, 2005

It's always the end of the world as we know it. The world we know is changing constantly.

yea, but I did say Armegeddon.  That is not an every day occurance.  Well, unless you listen to Rev Pat!

on Oct 11, 2005

Eh, Doc ... Channel 12's already taken it down.

I know!  As soon as I did the article, I clicked back, and it was gone!  Guess you have to trust me!  Or the Spanish.......

on Oct 11, 2005
Take a look back at what religious leaders were saying during the Black Plague, the Civil War, WW2, and on and on. The batting average for prophesy is pretty dismal.
on Oct 11, 2005
I always get a kick out of end times guru's. Do they not realize that EVERY generation has believed itself to be in "the last days"? I do believe the time is close... but heck. Time is relevant. I'm sure that during World War II there were people running around crying, "This is it! 'Wars and rumors of wars!'" Yeah, they believed it was close too. I'll give ya this much... it's closer than it was yesterday. Bottom line... no one knows the hour or the day. Period. I'd rather spend my time focusing on the things that God wants to change in me to make me more like Christ than worrying about Armageddon. Whatever happens, He'll see me through it. Of that much I'm sure.
on Oct 11, 2005
Makes life interesting and frustrating at the same time for us Disaster Junkies.. don't it!

End of the world? Wow, just think of the food for satire that would make for my blog!! ;~D
on Oct 11, 2005
MM runs around in circles crying: The shy is falling!! the sky is falling!! it hit me on the head!!

runnnnnnnnnn were all gonna dieeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!
on Oct 11, 2005

Take a look back at what religious leaders were saying during the Black Plague, the Civil War, WW2, and on and on. The batting average for prophesy is pretty dismal.

Party Pooper!  Cant a guy have some fun!  And no one even commented on my title!  Name that tune!

on Oct 11, 2005

Do they not realize that EVERY generation has believed itself to be in "the last days"?

I got to ask. DO you think it is just some kind of egotism?  If you live right, then you dont have to worry.  SO I dont. (But you gave me a great idea).

on Oct 11, 2005

End of the world? Wow, just think of the food for satire that would make for my blog!! ;~D

IN my feeble way, I tried to emulate you.  Forgive me for not living up to the master!

on Oct 11, 2005

The shy is falling!!

I am falling?  Acckkk!  I am afraid of heights!

on Oct 11, 2005
And no one even commented on my title! Name that tune!
--Dr. Guy

Hmmm.... *Chaos reaches into the cobwebs that currently make up his brain* Hmmm ... Wouldn't be "The Age of Aquarius", would it? Don't remember who it was by and too lazy to Google it right now.
on Oct 11, 2005
Can't remember who did it... but the line "...and I feel fine" is ringing through right after the first one.
on Oct 11, 2005
I got to ask. DO you think it is just some kind of egotism? If you live right, then you dont have to worry. SO I dont. (But you gave me a great idea).

I honestly think the answer to that varies from person to person. For some? Definitely. Others are merely curious and have a preoccupation with eschatology. I can imagine a case in which a person is so dissatisfied with their life here on earth that they LONG for that Day to arrive, just so they can get out of here.

Personally, I love it when the pieces of the Bible come together like a puzzle. I will have known something all my life... and then one day I discover something that I hadn't seen before, and the way it all fits together, and I'm intrigued by that (for example, studying the Feasts of the Old Testament and realizing how Christ fulfilled some of them, and some are yet to be fulfilled - never realized the significance of those OT celebrations until the past couple of years). It fascinates me. As I said before, though... I don't tend to dwell on end times speculation much. I'm not going to figure it out. I know that... and I'm ok with it. I'll just keep trusting and ride it out, come what may.

As for "living right," I guess I probably have a different slant on that than you do. I don't think I can do anything to get myself into Heaven. It's all in what He did. I still strive to become more and more like Christ, but I don't worry about trying to earn my way in. He's already paid for my ticket. Is this different from what you believe?
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