Debate, and discuss, just dont Bore me.
Also Sprach Pat Robertson
Published on October 11, 2005 By Dr Guy In Current Events

Yea, that wascally wabbit that George Dubya Bush listens to religiously (that is why Robertson so loves Miers - NOT), has decided that the Tsunami last december, the 2 Hurricanes this year (what happened to poor florida and the 4 they got last year? AH!  That was just a warning shot that hit the bow!), and now the upcoming Bird Flu Pandemic (Oh yea!  We no longer can have an epidemic, it has to be a pandemic!)  signifies the end of the world!  As fortold in Leviticus.  Or was it Acts.  Galatians?

never mind.  He has his facts lined up and this is it!  This is the big one Elizabeth!

Let's see.  Hurricanes, Tsunami, Flu.

Oh yea!  The 7.6 Earthquake in Pakistan!  That too!

Ok, Hurricanes, Tsunamis, Flu, and Earthquakes.  Is that all?

According to "I prayed Gloria away" Robertson, yup!

But wait!  Breaking news! Fom NOAA:

The historical record shows no tropical cyclone ever making landfall on the iberian peninsula. Based on surface reports from Faro Portugal...the center passed just to the south of the coast of Portugal...before becoming the first tropical cyclone to make landfall in Spain.

Looks like some one missed the keystone event!  Of course it was not in all the papers.  But hey?  Why break up a great armageddon with trivial facts?

For the source (altho since it has made landfall, the page will probably be taken down, so click now or forever accept me as your source!  Bwuhahahaahaha):

Comments (Page 2)
2 Pages1 2 
on Oct 11, 2005
Can't remember who did it... but the line "...and I feel fine" is ringing through right after the first one.

That one's REM. I heard it on the radio today, hehe.
on Oct 12, 2005
That one's REM. I heard it on the radio today, hehe.

Thanks! Would have driven me nuts
on Oct 12, 2005

Hmmm.... *Chaos reaches into the cobwebs that currently make up his brain* Hmmm ... Wouldn't be "The Age of Aquarius", would it? Don't remember who it was by and too lazy to Google it right now.

Dr. Guy notes that Chaos is very tired!

on Oct 12, 2005

Can't remember who did it... but the line "...and I feel fine" is ringing through right after the first one.

REM.  And you are right.

on Oct 12, 2005

(for example, studying the Feasts of the Old Testament and realizing how Christ fulfilled some of them, and some are yet to be fulfilled - never realized the significance of those OT celebrations until the past couple of years). It fascinates me

I have seen that in some of yoru writing.  You appear to be a very devout person, but not blindly so.  I suspect your faith is stronger than most due to your research and questioning.

on Oct 12, 2005

That one's REM. I heard it on the radio today, hehe.

Ok, you get a cookie.  You said it first.  It is a great song tho.  Very fast and rhythmic.

on Oct 12, 2005

Thanks! Would have driven me nuts

There is always google as Chaos says.

on Oct 12, 2005
There is always google as Chaos says.

Ah yes... but I can be lazy.
on Oct 12, 2005

Ah yes... but I can be lazy.

Well, on JU you dont have to worry about being lazy.  Someone is always going to Google it!

on Oct 12, 2005
So the end of the world is here again. Kinda sounds like that family member that comes to visit once a year, that you don't really like, and doesn't seem to leave soon enough.

Let it come, I have faced worse. You should meet my mom.
on Oct 12, 2005

Kinda sounds like that family member that comes to visit once a year, that you don't really like, and doesn't seem to leave soon enough.

nah, this one leaves soon enough as the Earth abides, and we go on.

And then we make fun of them after they leave!

on Oct 12, 2005
So true.
2 Pages1 2