Debate, and discuss, just dont Bore me.
Let's count
Published on October 6, 2005 By Dr Guy In Politics

Ok, how many charges, and or convictions has the Bush Administration had.  Numbers anyone?  Please list.

Now, how many charges and convictions did the Clinton Administration have.  Shall we compare notes?

Hmmm, seems that if there is a VRWC and a VLWC, the Right has more oomph and firepower!  And more facts! 

Garsh!  But then most intelligent people already knew that.

Comments (Page 1)
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on Oct 06, 2005
well ummm, errrrrrr ummmmmm, well, I ummm dunno/.
on Oct 06, 2005

well ummm, errrrrrr ummmmmm, well, I ummm dunno/.

How about 0 for Bush, and googles for Clinton?

on Oct 09, 2005
Bush is the biggest criminal ever, look what he has done to this country.

Wake up fool.
on Oct 09, 2005
Bush is the biggest criminal ever, look what he has done to this country.

Wake up fool.

Tell ya what we'll do. We'll wake up, when "you" go to sleep!
on Oct 09, 2005

Bush is the biggest criminal ever, look what he has done to this country.

Wake up fool.

You are the fool.  Name a crime.  Not a disagreement with what he has done, but a crime.  And dont give me lying.  Your fool is the biggest liar of any president.

You cant.  What a fool you are.

on Oct 09, 2005

Tell ya what we'll do. We'll wake up, when "you" go to sleep!

I guess that means we are awake, as they have been zombies for about 13 years now.

on Oct 16, 2005
The Clinton Administration? Was the Clinton administration charged with anything or was Clinton charged?
I think if we compare notes neither administration was charged with anything criminal.

Compare what the two administrations did for the country. When Clinton left office the US had the largest surplus
in its history. George Bush, thanks to his costly war in Iraq, turned the largest surplus into the largest defect, and for what?

It's not as though Iraq posed a threat to the United States. Iraq couldn't succesfully invade Iran when the US and Russa was supporting Iraq. There were no weapons of mass destruction found and there are no links between Saddam's regime
and Al Qieda. You'll notice now that instead of talking about wmd's, the purpose of the US in Iraq is to bring democracy to the Middle East. I can't help being sceptical about Washingtons claims when I look at US history in bringing democracy to other parts of the world, such as South America.
on Oct 16, 2005
I never understood why Clinton was classified as Left. He's a Right winger who talks the talk of the Left. So he bought a copy of a few Left-wing texts and then regurgitated them, that doesn't make him Left.
on Oct 16, 2005
I never understood why Clinton was classified as Left. He's a Right winger who talks the talk of the Left. So he bought a copy of a few Left-wing texts and then regurgitated them, that doesn't make him Left.

Looking south, I see two parties. The right wing, socially conservative capitalist party, and the Republicans.

But seriously, from the outside looking in, the sorry ass excuse for a left in America does seem to suck pretty bad.
on Oct 17, 2005
The Clinton Administration? Was the Clinton administration charged with anything or was Clinton charged?
I think if we compare notes neither administration was charged with anything criminal.

No the Clinton administration itself was never charged with anything. Clinton himself was charged with perjury. But then again neither has the Bush administration nor Bush himself been charged either.
on Oct 17, 2005

It's not as though Iraq posed a threat to the United States.

That is the most telling statement you make.  It shows you in the mindset of Neville Chamberlain.  By your definition, unless they are bombing the white house, no one is a threat.

on Oct 17, 2005

I never understood why Clinton was classified as Left. He's a Right winger who talks the talk of the Left. So he bought a copy of a few Left-wing texts and then regurgitated them, that doesn't make him Left.

He is very left, who tacked to the center to get elected and re-elected.  Socialized Medicine is not a right concept.

on Oct 17, 2005

But seriously, from the outside looking in, the sorry ass excuse for a left in America does seem to suck pretty bad.

Well, we do agree on one thing then.

on Oct 17, 2005

Clinton himself was charged with perjury.

And he has the distinction of being the only elected president to be impeached.

on Oct 17, 2005
By your definition, unless they are bombing the white house, no one is a threat.

Can you explain how Iraq was dangerous or posed a threat to the United States?
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