Debate, and discuss, just dont Bore me.
I hate street signs too
Published on October 4, 2005 By Dr Guy In Current Events

So one of you got me tonight.  Or so you thought in your myopic drug induced state.  Excuse me you stupid clown, my addrress is 307 not 507!  So whoever left that flyer for a garage sale last Saturday (which I gather the owners did not take down as you did), is not only stupid, but a criminal!

Yes, you mentally challenged nematode!  It is illegal to put anything in ones mailbox if you are not the USPS!

Besides the fact you cant count, cant read, and have the IQ of swamp water, why dont you try something up your ally in the future.  Shoveling poop or emptying garbage cans comes to mind.  I doubt you are more qualified than that.

And for the record, while I have never littered the landscape with those inane posters before.  You bet your ass I will now.  With my correct address and your stupidity plastered all over them.

Sleep well in your self made garbage dump! Jack ass.

Comments (Page 1)
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on Oct 04, 2005

I am a peaceful person.  I doubt I will ever find out the moron who did this.

But if I do, I hope he has some preparation H.

on Oct 04, 2005
yikes doc who pissed in yer cereal?
on Oct 04, 2005

yikes doc who pissed in yer cereal?

The stupid lobotomized idiot that put the flyer in the wrong mail box!  does 307 look like 507 to you?

on Oct 04, 2005
You're this upset over a garage sale flyer?

Hmmm...methinks the Doc doth protest too much.......something on your mind, by any chance?
on Oct 04, 2005
The title caught my eye, but the story confused me. #1, I dislike people who hate liberals/conservatives for no reason other than they belong to that group. #2, I am not sure what the point of the story was, possibly that he has Freudian nightmares of garage sales, and that the garage sale poster set his unconcious simmer into a boil. #3, If I were a doctor and I were this pissed off, I would hit up the opiates from my supply.

on Oct 04, 2005
I see doc, is there something more going on? usually when something simple sets ME OFF, there is a lot of crap that preceeded my fuse getting lit.
on Oct 05, 2005
May be a mistake was made. Why fly off the deep end over that.
on Oct 05, 2005
If you're that upset, why not get the address from the garage sale flyer? Then maybe you could pay a visit and get some frustration out of your system, or at least tell them whoever is leaving the flyers in the mailbox is breaking the law.

But again maybe they even got the garage sale's address wrong.
on Oct 05, 2005
Dos' not the good Doctor protest just a little.

I get the feeling this was more then a G.S. poster. It was someone who figured out where he lived, and left him a love letter.

Love You Dr., Pam PhD
on Oct 05, 2005

You're this upset over a garage sale flyer?

Covered in excrement, in my mail box with my mail?  Hell yes!

on Oct 05, 2005

Hmmm...methinks the Doc doth protest too much.......something on your mind, by any chance?

I dont tolerate idiots well.

on Oct 05, 2005

If I were a doctor and I were this pissed off, I would hit up the opiates from my supply.

And you would not be a doctor long.

on Oct 05, 2005

I see doc, is there something more going on? usually when something simple sets ME OFF, there is a lot of crap that preceeded my fuse getting lit.

Why?  Why do we have to tolerate stupid do gooders that think they are teaching people lessons, and even then they get it wrong?  Sorry, this is another example of someone whose intentions were good.  Well, tough shit!  Their intentions were not good, just criminal, stupid, and ignorant.

on Oct 05, 2005

May be a mistake was made. Why fly off the deep end over that.

Why fly off the deep end over anything?  Let Saddam back in power and rape and murder and kill, just like they do in Sudan.  Why care about anything?

on Oct 05, 2005

If you're that upset, why not get the address from the garage sale flyer? Then maybe you could pay a visit and get some frustration out of your system, or at least tell them whoever is leaving the flyers in the mailbox is breaking the law.

You misunderstand.  The people who posted the flyer had the sale last saturday.  Someone took it upon themselves to clean up the telephone post 3 days later (and their yard no doubt) and could not tell the difference between a 3 and a 5.  so they stuck it in my mailbox.

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