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I hate street signs too
Published on October 4, 2005 By Dr Guy In Current Events

So one of you got me tonight.  Or so you thought in your myopic drug induced state.  Excuse me you stupid clown, my addrress is 307 not 507!  So whoever left that flyer for a garage sale last Saturday (which I gather the owners did not take down as you did), is not only stupid, but a criminal!

Yes, you mentally challenged nematode!  It is illegal to put anything in ones mailbox if you are not the USPS!

Besides the fact you cant count, cant read, and have the IQ of swamp water, why dont you try something up your ally in the future.  Shoveling poop or emptying garbage cans comes to mind.  I doubt you are more qualified than that.

And for the record, while I have never littered the landscape with those inane posters before.  You bet your ass I will now.  With my correct address and your stupidity plastered all over them.

Sleep well in your self made garbage dump! Jack ass.

Comments (Page 2)
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on Oct 05, 2005

Dos' not the good Doctor protest just a little.

I get the feeling this was more then a G.S. poster. It was someone who figured out where he lived, and left him a love letter.

Love You Dr., Pam PhD

I seroiusly doubt it was a love letter.  Itg was just a computer generated Yard sale sign that was out of date.  And some moron who is probably a product of our education system that cant read or does not know their numbers very well.

on Oct 05, 2005

And how does he know the person is a liberal?

That is an assumption on my part.  As I assume it is some greenie.  And last I checked, there are no conservative greens.

on Oct 05, 2005
I second LW on this one... I was especially confused how the incident related to the article, and how either at all related to the topic.

A bit of misplaced agression there
on Oct 05, 2005
A bit of misplaced agression there

agression aimed at liberals is never misplaced... it is well thought out.
(I'm such a bs'er)
on Oct 05, 2005
Ahhh...FINALLY he explains.

a) someone had a garage sale and put flyers up.

someone else took those flyers down.

c) that person mistakenly thought YOU had put the flyers up, misreading the address.

d) that person picked up some dog poo with said flyer.

e) that person then deposited poo package in your mailbox.

Everything makes sense now...except for how the Doc assumes it was some liberal who did it...

...can I blame everything on some unknown conservative now?
on Oct 05, 2005
And last I checked, there are no conservative greens.

BS--ever hear of Bob Smith--check out his work as Chairman of EPW--he was pretty damn green.
on Oct 05, 2005
'And last I checked, there are no conservative greens.'
There's often a very close connection between conservation and conservatism.
on Oct 05, 2005
#25 by Furry Canary
Wednesday, October 05, 2005

'And last I checked, there are no conservative greens.'
There's often a very close connection between conservation and conservatism

agreed, I am fairly conservative and very much into conservation.
on Oct 06, 2005

Ok, Ok, NOW I know why you were so mad! But how the hell were we supposed to get that from your original article, Dr G? I had no freakin' clue what you were so steamed about, and it looks like no one else did, either, lol!

My Motto - Rant first, explain later.


on Oct 06, 2005

BS--ever hear of Bob Smith--check out his work as Chairman of EPW--he was pretty damn green.

I will check him out, but does not the exception prove the rule?

on Oct 06, 2005

'And last I checked, there are no conservative greens.'
There's often a very close connection between conservation and conservatism.

Perhaps down under.  And while conservatives, much to the chagrin of liberals, are not anti-environmentalist, neither are they jihadist for the cause.  Those, at least in the colonies, belong on the Nader left.

on Oct 06, 2005

agreed, I am fairly conservative and very much into conservation.

You also dont go around throwing blood on people or blowing up SUVs.

on Oct 06, 2005
Perhaps down under. And while conservatives, much to the chagrin of liberals, are not anti-environmentalist, neither are they jihadist for the cause. Those, at least in the colonies, belong on the Nader left

Starting with Teddy Roosevelt, there has been a movement, particularly among New England Republicans to link conservatism and conservationsim. Bob Smith was Chairman of the Senate Environment and Public Works committee starting in 1999 and you can see this link made in most of his speeches and correspondenct.
on Oct 06, 2005
Starting with Teddy Roosevelt, there has been a movement, particularly among New England Republicans to link conservatism and conservationsim. Bob Smith was Chairman of the Senate Environment and Public Works committee starting in 1999 and you can see this link made in most of his speeches and correspondenct.

I would not classify any of those as Jihadist. i.e. those willing to break any law to further their agenda.

My assumption has not changed.
on Oct 06, 2005
Your premise was that there are no conservative greens. You are wrong. I gave you a clear example of a hard-core conservative that was green. You can't change the definition after the fact.
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