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Sheehan Lied or is Lying
Published on August 31, 2005 By Dr Guy In Current Events

Well, Cindy Sheehan finally came clean and admitted that it was not the intention of the circus to see President Bush.

"I look back on it, and I am very, very, very grateful he did not meet with me,because we have sparked and galvanized the peace movement," Sheehan told The Associated Press. "If he'd met with me, then I would have gone home, and it would have ended there."

So apparently the purpose was not to see Bush, but to 'galvanize' a peace movement.  And of course allow her to erroneously compare herself to Rosa Parks.

In all honesty, I will say that this is not the real Cindy Sheehan talking, but the Handled one.  And in so admitting, I will also say that she has probably the worst handlers in the history of any politically staged event.  They not only cant control her mouth, they give her the wrong lines to speak. 

Only Sheeple will follow someone so crass and self serving that she disses other Gold Star Moms for not agreeing with her, makes statements out of the KKK playbook, and cant put together 2 coherent statements in a live interview.

Her original stated goal was an admirable one that many people gave her respect for.  Now that it has been shown to be a lie, and she herself just a willing puppet of the loonies on the left, the movement is just a hollow shell.

Comments (Page 2)
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on Aug 31, 2005

You believe in some grand conspiracy for oil.

No, that is just being a Sheeple of the Micky Moorons

on Aug 31, 2005
Opinions are not proof. Therefore, I am not insane. At least, and certainly, not by your standards of measurement. All I'm asking you to do is abide by your own standards. You cannot, but that sure as shit doesn't stop you.

I think doggie is insane. Drmiler is insane. guy is insane. whipsy do can have a whole doctoral thesis done on her level of insanity. Yup, most of you conservtive, bush supporters are insane.

You see, I can say that, sans proof, because I believe it to be true and therefore can post it as fact. I posted an article describing some of the lunacy going on in the white wash, I mean house. that's what I derive my opinions upon. Bush is an insane megalomaniac who is depressed because his war effort is falling apart. He only has neocon supporters like you all to maintain. But, you are no longer a majority. Fact is, I don't know what took so long for some of the dubya supporters to realize what a failure he really is. I guess they are a bit quicker on the uptake than some of the insane ju jingos.

The fact that you think he's sane does not make it so.
on Aug 31, 2005
The nostalgia of the left for the Vietnam era is palpable

only in the sense that it feels so good when ya stop hitting yourself in the head with a hammer.

nostalgia for a war that damaged, in one way or another, every american born from 1945 thru 1955--and is still inflicting hurt and hatred even today?
on Aug 31, 2005
Dabe, were you around for the Viet Nam era? I was, very much so. There is nothing about this at home or in-country (Iraq) that even remotely resembles anything that happened during the Viet Nam era. That is just like the crowd trying to bash the current Admin, and I quote, "So typical of conservative pundits is to just make it up, spin it along, regardless of the truth". Just substitute Conservative with Liberal and you have the essence of your post that included that quote.

I think your side of the coin might do a little better at getting your concerns and points across if you used actual facts and kept opinions flowing from these facts as opposed to wild eyed statements meant to generate extreme emotion instead of conisdered thought. I could listen to a legitimate argument and consiider its points if I know it comes from facts.

Personally I resent the constant attempt to use a period in our history that resulted in painful growth and maturing for our country just to get people to hate Bush and Rumsfeld.
on Aug 31, 2005
Personally I resent the constant attempt to use a period in our history that resulted in painful growth

clearly you and i see the vietnam years in much the same way (or you wouldn't have described it as painful).

what you seem to be overlooking is this: dabe isn't calling for a return to the 60s. if anything, she's warning against it. the anti-war movement didn't come into existence then independently of events. it was a reaction to those events.

while our involvement in iraq is different from our involvement in vietnam in so many aspects, there is one very unfortunate similarity. i thought i'd never see a president whose cluelessness and arrogance could match lbj's when it came to prosecuting a war. but then i never thought i'd see the day when american cars rolled off assembly lines in mexico.
on Aug 31, 2005

I posted an article describing some of the lunacy going on in the white wash,

No. You posted an article with lies innuendos and half truths.  That is a fact.  Your mental health, at least by your writing is in question.  I dont see anyone else using potty mouth like you, or going so stark raving mad when another disagrees with you.

on Aug 31, 2005

nostalgia for a war that damaged, in one way or another, every american born from 1945 thru 1955--and is still inflicting hurt and hatred even today?

It only damaged those who were victims of the hate and vitriol that is now resurfacing.  That the movement thought they affected the policy of this nation is a calling that they cannot avoid and are trying to recreate.  Unfortunately for them, but fortunately for the sane majority of America, it is not taking hold like it did back then.  And you know why?

One Word.


on Aug 31, 2005

Personally I resent the constant attempt to use a period in our history that resulted in painful growth and maturing for our country just to get people to hate Bush and Rumsfeld.

It was their only perceived success, and so they are trying to recapture their youth.

on Aug 31, 2005

i thought i'd never see a president whose cluelessness and arrogance could match lbj's when it came to prosecuting a war.

If you think Bush's prosecution is anything like LBJs you are a poor student of history.

on Aug 31, 2005
Dabe, were you around for the Viet Nam era?

Yes, I sure was. It was a hidious time for this country, split down the middle with those who supported the war, those who came home in body bags or damaged, and those who used whatever their daddies could conjure up to keep them out of the battle, even though they said they supported the effort. In my mind, those were the worst kind of hypocrits. Clinton may have avoided the draft, but at least he did so honestly, and didn't make up excuses about "having better things to do."

thanks, Kingbee. You did a fine job of assessing my posts and my feelings about the comparison between vietnam and iraq, both being disturbing quagmires predicated on lies.

No. You posted an article with lies innuendos and half truths.

So you say, mr guy, without anything to back up your contention. Yet, you offer nothing else.
on Aug 31, 2005
Yeah, you were what, 8 or 9 years old when it was all over?

You are so clueless. You just make it up as you go along. No facts necessary. Just make these allegations, in the hopes that it would serve to discredit me. Well, you fail yet again, just like your contentions that I post from work, which was also stupid lying slanderous bullshit.

"Galvanized Peace Movement" my ASS.

Well, I don't think even your ass will be big enough. The movement in Crawford was only those who could make it there. The antiwar movement is just growing. March on DC, Sept. 24th, with hundreds of thousands expected to show, just like the vietnam demonstrations. the joke, for lack of a better term, is on you.
on Aug 31, 2005
5 by dabe
Wednesday, August 31, 2005

there is no nostalgia for the vietnam era. that's bullshit. What the problem is is that it's same shit, different day. A conservative president leading his sheeple into a quagmire of a war based on lies and deception

ummmmmmmm drab??? lbj escalated the war btw he was a democrap,, nixon the thief and liar was a republican and ended the war. get your facts straight lemonhead.
on Aug 31, 2005
Nixon ended it because he was thrown out of office for the watergate break-in, you know that lil scandal wherein he tried to get the democrat's playbook against him. OK, he wasn't thrown out. He retired in disgrace, because he would have been impeached.

It had nothing to do with his "ending" the war. As for LBJ, just because he was a democrat does not mean squat. I was against that war from the outset, regardless about who lied to whom to keep it going.
on Aug 31, 2005
minisculeman, get your facts straight, or at least your story.
on Aug 31, 2005
PURJURY about a blow job. I don't think there is a man out there who would not lie about this. In fact, there were a whole lot of liars and thieves in congress who had extramarrital affairs. Big deal. NO ONE DIED WHEN CLINTON LIED.

As for my age, in that you seem to be so obsessed with it, I am 54 years old. I graduated from high school in 1968. I was an adult when Vietnam and the antiwar movement was peaking. Now, go back to hubby for a beating and stop obsessing about me.
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