Debate, and discuss, just dont Bore me.
And get up with their Fleas
Published on August 29, 2005 By Dr Guy In Politics

Cindy Sheehan, the voice of the left, has now attacked hundreds if not thousands of additional supporters.  I am sure she is going to welcome them with open arms as it was her racist diatribe that inspired them.  Yep, the fleas of David Duke are now Solidly on Sheehan's side.

"help put up a White Nationalist voice in the protest against Bush's War for Israel that was started by Cindy Sheehan."

It would be funny, but not surprising, if Al Sharpton and these new Nazis ran into each other.  How about Shirley Jackson Lee (Will the Mars Rover see the Flags that the Appolo Crews Planted on Mars?) or Maxine Waters?

Politics do indeed make strange bedfellows.  Who would have thought that white racists would be in bed with black leaders.

OOps!  I forgot about Sheets Byrd.

Comments (Page 2)
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on Sep 01, 2005

according to the nov 3 1980 edition of the jackson-clarion ledger, while speaking at a reagan rally, lott opined: if thurmond had been elected "30 years ago, we wouldn't be in the mess we are today."

You got a link to that?

on Sep 01, 2005
but having lost his leadership position, I would say that was repudiation.

Cindy is a disposed public figure and she has to be accountable for what she says. The whole world is watching. She is no better that the numerous senators and other politicians who routinely stick their foot in their mouths and held to task for doing so. Perhaps well intentioned, sometimes things spoken can be taken the wrong way, that’s life in the big leagues.
on Sep 02, 2005

She is no better that the numerous senators and other politicians who routinely stick their foot in their mouths and held to task for doing so.

Her problem developed when she strayed from her original message and tried to accomodate her handlers.  She was in and is in over her head.

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