Debate, and discuss, just dont Bore me.
They have hit bottom and started to dig
Published on August 1, 2005 By Dr Guy In Current Events

In another show of callous disregard to the human race or anything approaching humanity, PETA has a new Ad Campaign against people.  Except this time they really have gone too far!  Instead of enobling their cause, which I am sure was their aim, they just demonstrate how callous and inhumane they are.

In the latest Ad campaign, they are equating selling breeding cattle and horses to the horror of the slave trade 200 years ago!  They are not enobling their cause, they are cheapening the plight of the blacks of that age!  And that is just plain sickening!

If there was any shred of humanity or compassion in those clowns before, it is apparent that they have none now.  It is too bad that they take what is arguably one of the most tragic times in American history and belittling it by comparing it to the selling of Cattle!

They are beneath contempt!  They do not deserve even the effort for spitting on them, for that would be to acknowledge them as contemptable, and that is too good for those creeps.

Comments (Page 4)
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on Aug 08, 2005
Like it was my freedom of speech when Champus accused me of mocking people who believe plants have souls? Did I refer to them by name? That is your criterea, isn't it? Who not champion my right to generalization, or is that just for people you agree with? LOL...

Champas' claim was that I was disrespecting people's religious beliefs by stating my own. Frankly, you might call accusing people of 'murder' respectful, but I don't. Wouldn't it also be my freedom of speech to express that? Or do you get to universally define 'respectful?'

I thought you established in our last discussion that you didn't need anyone to defend you, but since you seem to want me to come to your rescue, fine. Unfortunately, the Champ's comments were not directed at you stating your religious beliefs. So far as I can tell, the Champ was referring to this:

Some people believe that plants have souls, too. What do you suggest we eat, dirt?

Now, if your religious beliefs consist of stating what others believe, and then facetiously asking them if we should consume soil to sustain ourselves, I suggest you adopt a new doctrine.

Nice of you to champion PETA's freedom of speech, though.

Kind of like it was nice of you to champion the AFA when I posted about their boycotts. For someone who loves to throw the word "hypocrite" around, you must not have any mirrors.
on Aug 08, 2005
PETA isn't actually against killing animals. They promote vegetarianism, but they stand for: People for the ETHICAL Treatment of Animals.

If that was all they were about, then I would be 100% behind them. However, it has been demonstrated here and elsewhere that that is not their agenda. And that is the root of the problem.

By your example, we could claim that KKKers are effective since their tactics get talked about as well. But do they win converts with them? I dont think so, and neither will PETA. It is self defeating when they go to such disgusting lengths.
on Aug 08, 2005

I dont think so, and neither will PETA. It is self defeating when they go to such disgusting lengths.

You need to lean really far to the left.  Once you do, you will find the PETA crowd.  Trust me- their ads do gain followings.  Have you ever seen some of their celebrity ads?  I'm waiting for TOm Cruise to be next.......

on Aug 08, 2005

Kind of like it was nice of you to champion the AFA when I posted about their boycotts. For someone who loves to throw the word "hypocrite" around, you must not have any mirrors.

Philo, you are one person that I have never seen use profanity. But you get your zingers in!  Now, Baker, Philo, can we get back to the subject at hand?  PETA's stupidity? So far some "well free speech" and some "got your attention", but no one seems to be defending them in this instance.

on Aug 08, 2005

You need to lean really far to the left. Once you do, you will find the PETA crowd. Trust me- their ads do gain followings. Have you ever seen some of their celebrity ads? I'm waiting for TOm Cruise to be next.......

But aren't they just then preaching to the congregation?

on Aug 08, 2005
I was on topic. Champus decided that I was degrading other people's religions and Philo decided that I was somehow trying to say PETA didn't have the right to say what they say.

Both are strawman arguments, since I didn't say there was anything wrong with people not wanting to kill plants, I only meant that if we tried to adhere to everyone's standards we would starve.

As for Philo, I never had a problem with PETA's freedom of speech. The whole "mocking" thing was directed at me by Champas. I just pointed out that to lambast my "mocking" and ignore PETA's is pretty hypocritical. He tells me that I am somehow dissing PETA's freedom of speech for pointing out to Champas that they are doing the same thing I am. IMHO, he's just being a brat because of another blog.

I'll leave you to discuss it with them, though, since I seem to be a distraction.
on Aug 09, 2005
It has nothing to do with the other blog BS, I've never thought much of what you have to say on any forum because you take the JU Award for being least able to walk in another's shoes. Even LW, Draginol and hey drmiler can walk a couple of metres in someone else's shoes.

Stating "meat is murder" certainly is inflammatory. It doesn't suit their purpose I agree. I don't even support them saying it in such an open forum, because, just like anti-abortionists who describe abortion as murder, it could lead to some people taking it too far to make their point. But they are not making fun of anyone's religion. You were. You are free to not become a fruitarian, but when you start ridiculing them (and they are quite separate to PETA, so don't try lumping them in together), that is sinking to new lows.
on Aug 09, 2005
" But they are not making fun of anyone's religion. You were."

That's a lie. I was simply saying that if we took PETA's feelings into account, and the people who believe plants have souls into account, we'd starve. You are either hyper-sensitive or trying to make a stink where there isn't one:

" Some people believe that plants have souls, too. What do you suggest we eat, dirt? Oh, wait, don't some people believe in the Earth as an entity, too? Frankly, when respect for beliefs gets in the way of me doing something important as, oh, feeding myself, my respect ends."

There it is. Make that into slighting other people's religion if you want, but I never said a single harsh word about them, I simply said that if we catered to every belief on the planet we wouldn't last long.

PETA doesn't just insist we allow THEM to be what they are, they expect, nay PROTEST that we adopt their ways, too. WE are not allowed to kill animals for food, and WE are not allowed to kill animals for leather and fur. They are the ones running roughshod over other people's way of life.

The part about the other blog was directed at Philomedy, not you, btw. Don't accuse me of ridiculing someone when I didn't. If I did you sure as hell wouldn't have to wonder if I did or not. You and Philomedy seem to have a bug up your butt about me, and that's okay, I can live with it. Don't impose things on me I didn't say to satisfy it, though.
on Aug 09, 2005
I'm sorry I just have to sit back and get my head around the idea that I have been accused of ridiculing the frutarians. Ye gods, what next...

...and to think I thought there wasn't anything new people could toss at me after all these years...
on Aug 09, 2005

I was on topic. Champus decided that I was degrading other people's religions and Philo decided that I was somehow trying to say PETA didn't have the right to say what they say.

I know.  I said get back to, as you were straying.  Back to implies that you were on topic.

I was not chastising anyone, just asking.  I do not demand.

on Aug 09, 2005

I'm sorry I just have to sit back and get my head around the idea that I have been accused of ridiculing the frutarians. Ye gods, what next...

Fruit salad?  Sorry, Champas, I have to agree with Baker.  He was not ridiculing any religion, unless the zealousness of PETA can be described as one (it has all the ear markings of one).

on Aug 09, 2005
I think PETA's problem is that their approach tends to alienate the people they wish to convert.

Thus, their ads end up saying, "if you already agree with us, then, well... you already agree with us. And if you don't already agree with us, please respectfully consider our total disregard for your cherished values and personal beliefs. We think you are stupid and wrong, and your concerns are irrelevant, and we pretty much hate you for not seeing things the way we do. Please convert to our beliefs immediately!"
on Aug 09, 2005
Nothing to add from me...Whip and Stutefish said it quite eloquently!

do feel that food animals should be raised and slaughtered decently and not be subjected to needless suffering in the name of efficiency. I dont mind paying a few cents more for 'dolphin safe' tuna, and I wouldnt mind paying a few cents more for my steaks or chicken legs, either.

That being said, PETA actually causes more harm than good towards that end, because their extreme stances alienate people like me, who might actually be on their side if they weren't so militantly damning of those who do choose eat meat and use animal products. (like myself.)

think PETA's problem is that their approach tends to alienate the people they wish to convert.

Thus, their ads end up saying, "if you already agree with us, then, well... you already agree with us. And if you don't already agree with us, please respectfully consider our total disregard for your cherished values and personal beliefs. We think you are stupid and wrong, and your concerns are irrelevant, and we pretty much hate you for not seeing things the way we do. Please convert to our beliefs immediately!"
on Aug 09, 2005
As a never say die "CARNIVORIAN" I say eat meat, more meat, any kind of meat, the operative word here is meat, yummy good, we are the SINGLE greatest predator on the planet, the apex of all predators, and why? CAUSE we eat meat, meat, meat.

I wonder how a nice PETA member would taste. uhhh hnmmmmmmmm

singing now...

ohhhhhhhh peta members on an open fireeeeeeeee, screaming ringing in my ears, cooked many ways many timessssssss, happy eatingggggg to meeeeeee.
on Aug 09, 2005
It is my goal to rise to the very pinnacle of the food pyramid: I dream of the day when I consume nothing but sentient beings who consume other sentient beings.

As soon as dolphin-eating becomes fashionable, I'm gonna get my cannibalism on.
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