Debate, and discuss, just dont Bore me.
They have hit bottom and started to dig
Published on August 1, 2005 By Dr Guy In Current Events

In another show of callous disregard to the human race or anything approaching humanity, PETA has a new Ad Campaign against people.  Except this time they really have gone too far!  Instead of enobling their cause, which I am sure was their aim, they just demonstrate how callous and inhumane they are.

In the latest Ad campaign, they are equating selling breeding cattle and horses to the horror of the slave trade 200 years ago!  They are not enobling their cause, they are cheapening the plight of the blacks of that age!  And that is just plain sickening!

If there was any shred of humanity or compassion in those clowns before, it is apparent that they have none now.  It is too bad that they take what is arguably one of the most tragic times in American history and belittling it by comparing it to the selling of Cattle!

They are beneath contempt!  They do not deserve even the effort for spitting on them, for that would be to acknowledge them as contemptable, and that is too good for those creeps.

Comments (Page 1)
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on Aug 01, 2005
I am going to have a steak for dinner tonight!
on Aug 01, 2005
I plan on getting a hamburger for dinner now
on Aug 01, 2005
I'm eating some kind of meat tonight...if only for spite.

Or as Patton Oswalt so eloquently said:
"I love steak, more than I actually love steak out of my hatred for hippies."

on Aug 01, 2005
PETA lost it long ago...its kind of sad how some people still think that contempt will breed support for their cause.
on Aug 01, 2005

I plan on getting a hamburger for dinner now


on Aug 01, 2005

Or as Patton Oswalt so eloquently said:
"I love steak, more than I actually love steak out of my hatred for hippies."

PETA, the brain dead of yesteryear are now the pet euthanizers of today.

on Aug 01, 2005

PETA lost it long ago...its kind of sad how some people still think that contempt will breed support for their cause.

They had a billboard ad going here where they said feeding meat to your children was child abuse.  I thought that was bad, but this one takes the cake! for now.

on Aug 01, 2005
I just took a brief walk with my girlfriend after lunch and shared this bit of news with her.

She's black. I bet you can guess how she took that one. I think our dinner is going to involve cow tonight.
on Aug 01, 2005

She's black. I bet you can guess how she took that one. I think our dinner is going to involve cow tonight.

Tell her I'll pay the tip!  Make sure it is a prime cut too!

on Aug 01, 2005

LW, the link was posted in his article:

I wish that there were some sane animal rights activists out there.  I wish they would concentrate on ethics of treatment instead of trying to make it sound like humans are inferior to all the other animals.  Of course, I still think dogs are better than a lot of humans that I have met...but that's a different discussion......

on Aug 01, 2005
I've seen the argument made, if I recall the first time was back when I was in college when they made that big push against the dairy industry. I remember them calling it slavery then in ads. I was actually gullible enough at the time to order their imfo package, but not enough to join.

Haven't seen that for a while though. If they compare that to slavery, maybe someone should make a commercial comparing their practices with euthanizing pets to the holocaust...

No, that would take someone as crass and emotionless as them.
on Aug 01, 2005
If they compare that to slavery, maybe someone should make a commercial comparing their practices with euthanizing pets to the holocaust...

Ssshhh! Dont say that aloud, they will probably use it!

But yeah, steak for me too, yumma yumma!!
on Aug 01, 2005
"Ssshhh! Dont say that aloud, they will probably use it! "

No, they weren't thrilled at all about people finding out that 80+ percent of the pets entrusted to them ended up dead in dumpsters.
on Aug 03, 2005

I'm looking for the commercial on the internet, havent had much luck yet though.

Sorry the link did not work.  I was surfing and found it, and it just sickened me.

on Aug 03, 2005

Of course, I still think dogs are better than a lot of humans that I have met...but that's a different discussion......

My Prayer:  God, please make me as good as my dog thinks I am!

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