Debate, and discuss, just dont Bore me.
Late to the party again
Published on July 22, 2005 By Dr Guy In Current Events

A week ago, Bakerstreet reported, humorously, that Hillary Clinton got morals!

She was outraged and was demanding that we pass a law. Why?  Because a popular video game had a hack to it that would allow some very racy sexcapades!  Never mind the game itself is nothing but a gore fest designed to teach the player how to kill people and avoid arrest!  No, this mod would allow the end user to have cybersex on their game!  Shock!

Call in the gestapo!  Call in the thought police!  Stamp out Sex (but Keep Abortion the number one option for birth control!).

Well, before she could push one bill through the senate (Has she sponsored any bills yet?), guess what happened on the way to the Coliseum?  Yep!  The Gaming industry upped the rating of the game to M (for Mature) and SHOCK! Circuit City, the number 2 electronics retailer in the US, has pulled it from their shelves.

Why?  Because of a COMPANY policy that does not allow any M game to be sold.

What do you mean Josephine?  You mean the industry just policed itself?  You mean a major RETAILER just pulled it from their shelves?  You mean they did this in spite of no law being passed?  They did it on their OWN???????

Why I am mortified!  I am beyond words! How could they do this when the grand and benevolent government did not pass another stupid law to protect ourselves from ourselves?  This must be IMPOSSIBLE!

Sad but true.  Shrillary's faked indignation and outrage was for naught (but then when does she have any real emotions?).  The problem is no more.  The problem corrected itself.  And all without a single abusive law being passed.

Shrillary, go back to procuring concubines for Bill.  That was all you were ever good at anyway.


Comments (Page 1)
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on Jul 22, 2005
Hillary opens mouth and DOES NOT PUT FOOT IN!  World stunned.
on Jul 22, 2005
The funny part is it takes downloading a special patch, and knowing how to install it to see the adult content in this game. At the same time, my little girl could misspell a few URLs and end up with popups depicting the same damn thing, and Hillary says dick about it.

There are legions of child molestors in every state, so where's Hillary when kids are murdered and buried in shallow graves. We've had a child killing every month or so, THIS is what she gets up on her hind legs about?

Knee-jerk liberalism at its best.
on Jul 22, 2005

There are legions of child molestors in every state, so where's Hillary when kids are murdered and buried in shallow graves. We've had a child killing every month or so, THIS is what she gets up on her hind legs about?

Knee-jerk liberalism at its best.

her actions belie her claim of intelligence.  For you just hit on a very hot button issue that will play well to the populace - child molesters.  Yet she says squat about it.

on Jul 22, 2005
using the word sex and shrillery in the same paragraph gave me the cold sweats.

I would rather boink a male baboon that see shrillery the hippo crypt nekkid.
on Jul 22, 2005

I would rather boink a male baboon that see shrillery the hippo crypt nekkid.

on Jul 22, 2005
She and others did see a problem and tried to do something, and maybe it was the Senate shedding light on the game that caused the industry to revise the rating.

True it pales in comparison to child molestation, but she actions were effective.

on Jul 22, 2005
"True it pales in comparison to child molestation, but she actions were effective."

nope. Nothing she did had anything to do with the ESRB rating change, it was in the works before she opened her mouth. Granted, she might pass some asinine bill that punishes retailers for the sins of the game developers and the demand of the public, but that wouldn't be "effective" either.

It just highlights the fact that politicians don't address needs, they address whatever cements or tweaks their public image.
on Jul 22, 2005

She and others did see a problem and tried to do something, and maybe it was the Senate shedding light on the game that caused the industry to revise the rating.

True it pales in comparison to child molestation, but she actions were effective.

Her actions did nothing.  The rating system was already in place, and so was the company policy.  It was grandstanding to attract a part of the constituency that she will not win regardless, and belied her true beleifs as demonstrated in her other speeches. 

She is a poor man's Tipper Gore.

on Jul 22, 2005
The rating system was already in place, and so was the company policy.

But the rating system failed to some degree. If it was working properly the mod would never have been allowed in or the rating would have been what it is now.
on Jul 22, 2005

But the rating system failed to some degree. If it was working properly the mod would never have been allowed in or the rating would have been what it is now.

No, If you read the original article that Baker linked to, it was a secret one just recently published.  Once Published, the Game association upped the rating.  Once the rating was upped, Circuit city's policy went into effect.  There was no need for her grandstanding, and all it did was get her some press.  To the detriment of more serious problems that did not pass her lips, and hence did not make the 6 o'clock news.

on Jul 22, 2005
ANyway, the ESRB isn't a government organization. It is like movie ratings. They aren't under any authority of Hillary Clinton. They would have rated it AO from the beginning if the content hadn't been hidden and unaccessable without a mod.

Knee-jerk legislation is the only kind of thing people like Hillary can come up with. They're like bloggers who just reiterate news stories. They see that people are mad about something, and they make an irresponsible "quick fix" that always makes things worse.

We don't need to criminalize the videogame industry, and we most certainly don't need threaten legitimate businesses to prop up that bitch's approval rating. It sickens me that after weeks and months of discussion of child victimization, the one thing she feels strongly enough to propose legislation for is porn in video games. gah...
on Jul 22, 2005
Just think of the whiplash billary would suffer if, instead of a bit of cyersex, the makers of the game added footage of an abortion with a Nike like jingle telling players to "Just Do It"... She would probably want the game to be a required activity at all public schools!! ;~D
on Jul 22, 2005

We don't need to criminalize the videogame industry, and we most certainly don't need threaten legitimate businesses to prop up that bitch's approval rating. It sickens me that after weeks and months of discussion of child victimization, the one thing she feels strongly enough to propose legislation for is porn in video games. gah...

Having seen the game, the sad part is she even noticed the porn with all the violence.  The game really sickens me.  But if that is what someone wants to play, (and they are of age), that is their business.  Same with the Porn.  But the Industry corrected itself a lot faster than Shrillary could have.  Want to bet she will claim credit here as well?

on Jul 22, 2005

Just think of the whiplash billary would suffer if, instead of a bit of cyersex, the makers of the game added footage of an abortion with a Nike like jingle telling players to "Just Do It"... She would probably want the game to be a required activity at all public schools!! ;~D

Very Ironic, and probably oh so true!

on Jul 23, 2005
Doc, when I read the title of your article "Hillary,Mountain out of a molehill" the first thing that popped in my head was that she was getting a breast enlargement for Bill.

After reading your article and link all I can think of is 2 questions. One, Wouldn't Republicans love her in 2008? and two, Democrats, do you really think she can win in 2008?

BTW .. Tipper Gore wants an apology.
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