Debate, and discuss, just dont Bore me.
By Candice Jackson
Published on July 15, 2005 By Dr Guy In Current Events

The Publisher is offering a free chapter of this book for download.  I just finished reading it, and it is very scary.  The author did her homework as there are 80 footnotes documenting the sources for these allegations and 'coincidences' that occurred with the story of Jaunita Broderick.

It is very telling that in all their denials, the Clinton lackeys never truly denied the story, and only tried to smear her with the lame excuse that since she was having an affair, she must have 'wanted' it.  A charge that even Gloria Allred, not a friend of the right, finds especially distasteful. And a common defense of many date rapists when brought to the witness stand.

Except this was not even a date rape, as she had no intention of dating Clinton since both were married, and she was just working on his election campaign.

The chapter makes you wonder how low will the clintonistas go to protect Bill and Hillary from what can only be called a steady stream of accusers that he is not a gentleman at all, but a sexual predator that will do anything to satisfy his voracious appetite.  It is also saddening that NOW did so little to help these women while cruxifying men who only pinched fannies and gave out unsolicited hugs.

I can see why Hillary never wanted this book to see the light of day.

Comments (Page 2)
2 Pages1 2 
on Jul 27, 2005

Check out white house mambo screensaver playing nice music while 9 other famous ladies and men in Clintons life dance to mambo no. 5, but remove spyware first. Best Beatnik soundpack on
makes clock go "I lied to people" "Wait! - Wait,wait wait!" "I tried Marijuana when I was young,
and it did not taste good, I did not inhale" depending on whether its a quarter past, 3 quarters
to, or half (the) hour

Now that sounds like a screensaver!  Thanks for the tip.

on Jul 27, 2005

Who is to blame for a father sexually abusing his kids... the father or the mother who knows it's going on but not only does nothing to stop it, tells others that her kids make up stories (just to cover the abuse up)?

That is my point, and why it will be an issue in 08.  And you know who is going to bring it up?  Her Primary opponents.  The republicans may use it later, but they are going to paint her as an enemy of women first.  Just like Willie Horton.

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