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We Report, you Decide
Published on June 23, 2005 By Dr Guy In Politics

"Liberals saw the savagery of the 9/11 attacks and wanted to prepare indictments and offer therapy and understanding for our attackers, Conservatives saw the savagery of 9/11 and the attacks and prepared for war."

"Conservatives saw what happened to us on 9/11 and said we will defeat our enemies. Liberals saw what happened to us and said we must understand our enemies."

Both quotes are from the same source.  A biased one at that, but even biased people can speak the truth.

Comments (Page 1)
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on Jun 23, 2005
Even though they represent opposite ends of the spectrum... The last line is correct on both points. We must both work to defeat our enemy, and to understand them so we can better fight them in the future. You can't fight something you don't understand.
on Jun 23, 2005
Of course one of the best ways to study something is to dissect it...
on Jun 23, 2005
The quotes are another reason our national security cannot be trusted to liberals.
on Jun 23, 2005

Even though they represent opposite ends of the spectrum... The last line is correct on both points. We must both work to defeat our enemy, and to understand them so we can better fight them in the future. You can't fight something you don't understand.

Your take on it is a good one, but not what the author had in mind.  In the context of his speech, he was claiming that liberals think we should be more sympathetic to why they attacked us, not to understand their modus operandi.

on Jun 23, 2005

Of course one of the best ways to study something is to dissect it...

Hmmmmm......A good way to get rid of the Gitmo problem?

on Jun 23, 2005

The quotes are another reason our national security cannot be trusted to liberals.

Long before these quotes were uttered, JOhn Kerry told us that with his lying Senate testimony.

on Jun 23, 2005
I think the liberals are right. If we would just have sent them flowers and a box of chocolates they wouldn't have attacked us.
on Jun 23, 2005

I think the liberals are right. If we would just have sent them flowers and a box of chocolates they wouldn't have attacked us.

How about a nice smithfield ham from Hickory Farms?

on Jun 23, 2005
To understand the enemy is to know how best to defeat them. The savagery of 9/11 crossed political lines and I think there was more of a concensus from both political camps to be decisive about it. If being decisive meant striking out at the next opportune target with short-term gains or choosing our targets for long-term gains - this is what polarized the camps apart.
You're right about the bias on those quotes, whose slant favor the conservatives. But lest we forget, we have one common enemy. As far as I know the real fight is aginst them and not amongst us.
on Jun 23, 2005

You're right about the bias on those quotes, whose slant favor the conservatives. But lest we forget, we have one common enemy. As far as I know the real fight is aginst them and not amongst us.

Would it be that the Deans and Durbins knew that as well.

on Jun 23, 2005
You're right about the bias on those quotes, whose slant favor the conservatives. But lest we forget, we have one common enemy. As far as I know the real fight is aginst them and not amongst us.

I don't think one side considers them an enemy. They consider them victims of U.S. "oppression".
on Jun 23, 2005
soon I am sure some liberal group will have a memorial to "the brave men that gave thier lives to fight united states oppression, I can see it now a memorial to the brave 19 that layed there lives down.
on Jun 23, 2005

I don't think one side considers them an enemy. They consider them victims of U.S. "oppression".

I wont tar and feather the whole left with that statement, but i would say it does apply to many in the leadership of the left.

on Jun 23, 2005

soon I am sure some liberal group will have a memorial to "the brave men that gave thier lives to fight united states oppression, I can see it now a memorial to the brave 19 that layed there lives down.

They are trying to incorporate that one in with the 9-11 memorial.  Check it out.  The loony left at it again.

on Jun 23, 2005
soon I am sure some liberal group will have a memorial to "the brave men that gave thier lives to fight united states oppression, I can see it now a memorial to the brave 19 that layed there lives down.

Yes, but, as soon as it was dedicated and the crowd (what crowd there might be) cleared, it would be defaced with graffitti and vandalized.
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