Debate, and discuss, just dont Bore me.
I am going to make him an offer he cant refuse
Published on June 22, 2005 By Dr Guy In Current Events

Ah yes!  The AFI (American Film Institute) listed the top 100 quotes from movies since the talkies started.  I find it hard to argue with number 1, and number 2 is a strong one as well.

Some of the others are not so easy.  And some people are clamoring that there was too many left off the list.

I am curious as to what your top 10 lines of all time would be.  Do you agree with the AFI list, or have your own?

Inquiring minds want to know!

Comments (Page 3)
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on Jun 22, 2005
There are 6 quotes from Casablanca and 3 Bogie movies (Casablanca, Maltese Falcon and To Have and Have Not) I found that interesting.
on Jun 22, 2005
Streetcar Beebes -- it starred Marlon Brando and Vivien Leigh (Gone with the Wind)
on Jun 23, 2005
Boo! I dont know, i've never had a favourite quote, only cheesy ones i liked to pop out for fun (I'll be back )
on Jun 23, 2005

OK, here's another one (and more points for you!):

"I'm going to punch you in the ovaries!"

and from the same movie:

"I burned my tongue."

Anchorman!  I hate Will Ferrell.

on Jun 23, 2005

As long as we're doing Fight Club, I have to throw my favorite in my opinion the greatest movie line ever...

"I haven't been f*cked like that since grade school."

We each have our own I see.

on Jun 23, 2005

" STELLA"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Ah, a lover of the classics!  I love that scene too.

on Jun 23, 2005

Holy blues balls, Dickman!!!

The Adventures of Dickman & Throbbin' (1986)

You actually saw that movie?  I would never go to see a movie like THAT!

But I did see Deep Throat, and Debbie does Dallas!

on Jun 23, 2005

Isn't that a play? I didn't know they made "A Boxcar Named Desire" a movie... interesting.

A movie too.  Marlon Brando played him.

on Jun 23, 2005

There are 6 quotes from Casablanca and 3 Bogie movies (Casablanca, Maltese Falcon and To Have and Have Not) I found that interesting.

What kind of shocked me was that Brando got 2 of the top 3.  He was/is a versatile actor.

on Jun 23, 2005

Boo! I dont know, i've never had a favourite quote, only cheesy ones i liked to pop out for fun (I'll be back

That is what makes a line a great one.  That we remember it and use it in every day conversation.

NO line is cheesy if you remember it and use it.

on Jun 23, 2005
Have you killed anyone today?

Nope. But the day ain't over yet!

Name that movie.
on Jun 23, 2005

Hey boys, lookee what we'uns got over here.
on Jun 23, 2005
Have you killed anyone today?

Nope. But the day ain't over yet!

Name that movie.

City Slickers. Great comedy.
on Jun 23, 2005
Have you killed anyone today?

Nope. But the day ain't over yet!

Name that movie.

City Slickers. Great comedy.

Correctomundo! Billy Crystal talking to Jack Palance. The second one comes from "Blazing Saddles". And is said by Gene Wilder.
on Jun 23, 2005
One of my all time favourites that didn't make the list
It's 106 miles to Chicago, we've got a full tank of gas, half a pack of cigarettes, it's dark and we're wearing sunglasses.

Anybody want a peanut?

10 things I hate about you (modern taming of the shrew) has a line similar (to that of City Slickers)
"Hello Katerina made anyone cry today?"
"Sadly no, but it's only 4:30"
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