Debate, and discuss, just dont Bore me.
Time to adopt a new line
Published on June 19, 2005 By Dr Guy In Politics

Recently we had an article comparing Nazis to Bush.  That is nothing new.  This one was only new in that it was from a non-american (as in they are not of America, not that they were unpatriotic).

But it was the same old tripe and the only purpose it served was to cheapen the holocaust.  The quote he provided was so generic that I dare say that virtually every citizen of this planet that is trying to convince another of their viewpoint is guilty of it.

And so it was just another lame attempt to equate Nazism with the current leadership in America.

And it accomplished nothing.  Indeed, the only thing it did do was piss off some liberals who might have agreed with the poster had the poster not tried this hyperbole.  Instead it just got him some flames and some trolls.

The problem is the use of the analogy.  Analogy is fine to drive home a point.  But using extreme examples that are easily debunked does nothing.  And so he accomplished nothing.

Except one thing.  You see, in this country (since the barb was aimed at it), we have the extreme left (who likes to use 4 letter words like there is a clearance sale on them), the Extreme right (who cannot speak of any subject without invoking Religion), and the vast middle.

The middle is easily swayed one way or another as evidenced by Bill Clintons election and now George Bush's.  They are not on the extreme.  They are in the middle.  But they are not stupid either.  So when the Left uses Hitler, Stalin and Pol Pot to describe the opponents, they get kuzzaws from their extreme left, but no converts.  For the middle sees it as an anathema.  An aboration of what they dont want this country to become.

When the extreme right uses similar (altho no where near the hate filled images) to drive home a point, the leadership on the right repudiates them.  The leadership on the left never repudiates their extremes, they only seem to embrace them.

This latest post on JU is just an extension of the left embracing their extremist. instead of repudiating them.  I saw one thread where someone listed the KKK activities of Byrd (just listed).  Thje left, instead of repudiating it, cited Helms.  WHile an extreme conservative, he never had anything to do with the KKK so the poster lost before they hit the enter key.

And so it goes on and on and on.  Most of the posters on the "Bush is a nazi" thread were not arguing "yes he is or no he is not". For there was no need to.  They were calling the poster to task for a statemtent that could just as easily have been applied to the originator.

There are many on the left here on JU that do not attempt these tactics.  They argue policy and results.  And very well I might add.  But there are also some of their brethren that march in lock step to the mind numbed robots of the left leadership and no longer know how to argue issues and points.

Dont get me wrong, there are some on the right who do the same thing.  But how many on the rigth rush to their defense?  Few if any.

This is a wake up call for those on the left (not the rational left that post opposing viewpoints) that must defend everything left.  You earn no points, you only make sure that no one in the targeted middle will listen to you.

When will you learn?  If history is any indication, not in my lifetime.  you have demonstrated that already.

Comments (Page 5)
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on Jun 23, 2005
lest anyone conclude i'm suggesting limbaugh's 'feminazi' characterization was a result of his drug usage, from all indications he may have been meaner than normal when he was kicking, but i doubt theres been a drug invented capable of mellowing down his overly-hyberbolic ass.

So it is not that your tongue will fall off if you say his name, it is the fact you cannot debate his statements and ideas that bugs the hell out of you!

Hmm, guess I will have to listen to him and get some ideas.
on Jun 23, 2005
unlike the two of you, i clearly have lower standards and expect this kinda crap from both of yall. and judging from your latest collaboration, i've yet to underestimate you jointly or singly

But you have managed to be wrong on almost every occassion. There was no teaming up, but when the rest of the world says you are wrong, you can keep beating the dead horse, but I would then question my own biases to see why everyone else is coming to the same and opposite conclusion
on Jun 23, 2005
Perhaps you wont see one because that was not my topic and I have not commented on it.

so why don't you explain what your topic was...not what you wish it was now...and then explain why everyone else but limbaugh is wrong for gratuitously proclaiming those they don't like to be nazis?
on Jun 23, 2005
Why dont you write a blog (if you can actually stick to the facts, which is debateable) where you can say what you want on any subject you want. And then let others agree or disagree with you.

because you wrote a perfectly good one on the subject. until i brought up someone who did exactly what you're condemning. it aint got a thing to do with elected officials (i'm still not sure where you came up with that). it don't have to do with rush limbaugh except that he's the only one allowed to do the very thing you condemned.

at very least, you could be honest and admit the obvious: as far as you're concerned, it's a horrible thing to do unless rush does it.
on Jun 23, 2005
you cannot debate his statements and ideas that bugs the hell out of you!

there's nothing to debate. he called feminists 'nazis' which you--in your article--condemn as being the "same old tripe and the only purpose it served was to cheapen the holocaust". why don't you stop trying to wiggle around that?
on Jun 23, 2005

you cannot debate his statements and ideas that bugs the hell out of you!

there's nothing to debate. he called feminists 'nazis' which you--in your article--condemn as being the "same old tripe and the only purpose it served was to cheapen the holocaust". why don't you stop trying to wiggle around that?

Why don't you try getting back on topic? NOWHERE in his original post does drguy talk about Rush or the use of the word "feminazi". Grow up!
on Jun 23, 2005

so why don't you explain what your topic was...not what you wish it was now...and then explain why everyone else but limbaugh is wrong for gratuitously proclaiming those they don't like to be nazis?

Just for you, in baby talk.

Calling a Nazi a Nazi is one thing.  using the term for anyone you disagree with is hyperbole and gets old quickly.

Verstehen Sie?

on Jun 23, 2005

because you wrote a perfectly good one on the subject. until i brought up someone who did exactly what you're condemning. it aint got a thing to do with elected officials (i'm still not sure where you came up with that). it don't have to do with rush limbaugh except that he's the only one allowed to do the very thing you condemned.

Maybe because I was talking about bloggers and the leadership?  Did I say that everyone that uses the term? No.  Did I say the term was NEVER right to use? no.

When used correctly, it is appropriate.  When used as a slur against someone you do not agree with? Hyperbole. Get it now? Good.

on Jun 23, 2005

there's nothing to debate. he called feminists 'nazis'

No he did not!  Try listening to him.  There is a difference between Feminists and FemiNazis.  You ust read Al Franken and think you know what he said.  try reading his words.  I think you can get access to his entire archive on his web site.

You are right, you have nothing to debate.  You cant debate him.  Take it up with him.

on Jun 23, 2005

so why don't you explain what your topic was...not what you wish it was now...and then explain why everyone else but limbaugh is wrong for gratuitously proclaiming those they don't like to be nazis?

It does not really matter.  He missed the point of the article.  he can rail at Limbaugh all he wants.  That is just trying to divert the point.  Because he cannot argue the point.  Notice he has not argued the point at all yet?

on Jun 23, 2005
When used as a slur against someone you do not agree with? Hyperbole

right. and rush doesn't agree with feminists. thus feminazis.

There is a difference between Feminists and FemiNazis

eva braun was a feminist? no that can't be it. some feminists are feminazis? where is the feminist auschwitz dr guy? or is this just exactly the kinda hyperbole you condemn in your article?
on Jun 24, 2005

eva braun was a feminist? no that can't be it. some feminists are feminazis? where is the feminist auschwitz dr guy? or is this just exactly the kinda hyperbole you condemn in your article?

Before suffering from a terminal case of foot in mouth disease, try researching Andrea Dworkin, Barbara Jourdan, Marylin French, Robin Morgan, Susan Griffin, and Susan Brownmiller (to help you get a start) .  Then get back to me, k?

on Jun 24, 2005
Before suffering from a terminal case of foot in mouth disease,

Too late!
on Jun 24, 2005
Andrea Dworkin, Barbara Jourdan, Marylin French, Robin Morgan, Susan Griffin, and Susan Brownmiller (to help you get a start) . Then get back to me, k? just did exactly what you were whining about others doing.
on Jun 24, 2005
Enter kingbee, and what follows is dozens of posts about Rush Limbaugh and the term 'feminazi' which he coined when....back in the early 90s or something? Thats one person, kingbee, and one who's heyday has come and gone. It's one term. And no, I don't like it. Even if Rush uses it. Imagine that. But I also don't see anyone in the Republican Party using the term to publically describe women like Hillary Clinton or other prominent female lawmakers who lean towards the left.

despite your innacurate analysis of the situation, at least you were honest about limbaugh--something drguy's hypocrisy seemingly prevents him from doing.
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