Debate, and discuss, just dont Bore me.
Time to adopt a new line
Published on June 19, 2005 By Dr Guy In Politics

Recently we had an article comparing Nazis to Bush.  That is nothing new.  This one was only new in that it was from a non-american (as in they are not of America, not that they were unpatriotic).

But it was the same old tripe and the only purpose it served was to cheapen the holocaust.  The quote he provided was so generic that I dare say that virtually every citizen of this planet that is trying to convince another of their viewpoint is guilty of it.

And so it was just another lame attempt to equate Nazism with the current leadership in America.

And it accomplished nothing.  Indeed, the only thing it did do was piss off some liberals who might have agreed with the poster had the poster not tried this hyperbole.  Instead it just got him some flames and some trolls.

The problem is the use of the analogy.  Analogy is fine to drive home a point.  But using extreme examples that are easily debunked does nothing.  And so he accomplished nothing.

Except one thing.  You see, in this country (since the barb was aimed at it), we have the extreme left (who likes to use 4 letter words like there is a clearance sale on them), the Extreme right (who cannot speak of any subject without invoking Religion), and the vast middle.

The middle is easily swayed one way or another as evidenced by Bill Clintons election and now George Bush's.  They are not on the extreme.  They are in the middle.  But they are not stupid either.  So when the Left uses Hitler, Stalin and Pol Pot to describe the opponents, they get kuzzaws from their extreme left, but no converts.  For the middle sees it as an anathema.  An aboration of what they dont want this country to become.

When the extreme right uses similar (altho no where near the hate filled images) to drive home a point, the leadership on the right repudiates them.  The leadership on the left never repudiates their extremes, they only seem to embrace them.

This latest post on JU is just an extension of the left embracing their extremist. instead of repudiating them.  I saw one thread where someone listed the KKK activities of Byrd (just listed).  Thje left, instead of repudiating it, cited Helms.  WHile an extreme conservative, he never had anything to do with the KKK so the poster lost before they hit the enter key.

And so it goes on and on and on.  Most of the posters on the "Bush is a nazi" thread were not arguing "yes he is or no he is not". For there was no need to.  They were calling the poster to task for a statemtent that could just as easily have been applied to the originator.

There are many on the left here on JU that do not attempt these tactics.  They argue policy and results.  And very well I might add.  But there are also some of their brethren that march in lock step to the mind numbed robots of the left leadership and no longer know how to argue issues and points.

Dont get me wrong, there are some on the right who do the same thing.  But how many on the rigth rush to their defense?  Few if any.

This is a wake up call for those on the left (not the rational left that post opposing viewpoints) that must defend everything left.  You earn no points, you only make sure that no one in the targeted middle will listen to you.

When will you learn?  If history is any indication, not in my lifetime.  you have demonstrated that already.

Comments (Page 2)
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on Jun 20, 2005

I've decided the left have no clue as to the meaning of words anymore.

I am beginning to beleive you are right.

on Jun 20, 2005
which drug-addled right-wing talkshow hero was it who popularized the term 'feminazi'?
on Jun 20, 2005

which drug-addled right-wing talkshow hero was it who popularized the term 'feminazi'?

Are you saying you are offended by being called one?  Sorry, I pegged you for male. 

on Jun 20, 2005
Are you saying that word has no meaning?

And the casual low blow ("drug-addled") is to be expected, I guess, but that's a whole different discussion.

on Jun 21, 2005

~notices zinka showed up just as dabe was being grounded...hmmm~

He is a whacko, but much for civilized than Dabe. If they are related, he got the couth genes.

on Jun 21, 2005

And the casual low blow ("drug-addled") is to be expected, I guess, but that's a whole different discussion.

When one cannot debate the ideas, they must impugn the character.  I actually expected more from kb, but to each his own.

on Jun 22, 2005
Sorry, I pegged you for male

who's trivializing the holocause and the ss now?
on Jun 22, 2005
the casual low blow ("drug-addled") is to be expected, I guess, but that's a whole different discussion.

When one cannot debate the ideas, they must impugn the character

i wanted to be sure we were all on the same page and it seemed like the easiest way to ensure yall knew which loudmouth talkshow host i was singling out. yall must not yet have experienced oxycontin or you'd know it only has two speeds: addled and unconscious.
on Jun 22, 2005
who's trivializing the holocause and the ss now?

Is this a trivia contest? Is the answer YOU?
on Jun 22, 2005
i wanted to be sure we were all on the same page and it seemed like the easiest way to ensure yall knew which loudmouth talkshow host i was singling out. yall must not yet have experienced oxycontin or you'd know it only has two speeds: addled and unconscious.

So when you filched that pack of gum in the second grade, that made you a thief for life? Ok, if you want to be a driminal all your life for a misdeed done 20+ years ago, that is your choice, but as you cant seem to stay on topic, sorry, I guess I wont worry about your non-posts now.
on Jun 22, 2005
Or the source.

That was your blog. Maybe we should link the 2.
on Jun 22, 2005

kingbees argument style: Rush Limbaugh had a drug problem, therefore everything he ever said is bullshit.

Actually, I found his drug reference to be highly specious. I doubt if he mentions Limbaugh's name he is going to turn to stone, but he must think so.

I admire his attempt to discredit articles, but once the source is cited, it is time to admit that you are wrong and move on.  Contrary to his contention, I try to do the same, but when I find that I am wrong, I admit it and move on.  I don't keep beating a dead horse.

on Jun 22, 2005
youre both ignoring his use of feminazi as hyperbole...not to mention distorting what i said on lw's post. but just keep jackin each other off...
on Jun 22, 2005
it must be bullshit. (He pulled this one on RW not long ago. He never argued the facts of the issue, but expended major effort on exposing THE TRUE AUTHOR!) But since RW attributed it to the wrong author, it must be bullshit.

you clearly are unable to read. i said it was bullshit because the author made it up. but don't worry...the best defense is a good offense.
on Jun 22, 2005
Ok, if you want to be a driminal all your life for a misdeed done 20+ years ago, that is your choice, but as you cant seem to stay on topic, sorry, I guess I wont worry about your non-posts now.

if rush had done drugs as a child or 20+ years ago, you'd have an analogy...and he wouldnt be fighting the release of his medical records. but if you're trying to say his use of the term 'feminazi' isn't the exact same thing as you're whining about here, then i guess calling someone a bushnazi is no problem either?
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